Election update – ballots still being counted, could change outcome of second place finisher
By Allen Payton
According to the elections offices in both Contra Costa and Alameda Counties, there are still approximately 13,432 ballots left to be counted in Tuesday’s special 7th State Senate District election, which could affect who faces Steve Glazer in the May 19 General Election.
Only 2,249 votes separated Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla and former Assemblywoman Joan Buchanan, with Bonilla ahead, as of last night at 11:25 p.m.
There are approximately 10,000 ballots still being counted in Contra Costa County and 3,432 in Alameda County. An update on 8,000 of the ballots in Contra Costa is expected by tomorrow or Friday and the remainder by next Wednesday, March 25. There are approximately 3,200 Vote By Mail ballots and about 232 Provisional ballots still being counted in Alameda County.
The elections offices have 28 days to certify the election.
Check back for updates and the final vote count.