Ruehlig, Vinson to become Antioch School Board Trustees Wednesday afternoon, then re-enact ceremony later that evening

By Allen Payton

The winners in the November election for the Antioch School Board, Walter Ruehlig and Debra Vinson, will take their seats in a late afternoon oath of office ceremony on Wednesday, December 10, 2014. It will be held at 4:45 p.m. so they can participate in a Work Study Session at 5:15 p.m. and a brief closed session meeting at 6:15 p.m., before the regular meeting at 7 p.m.

However, at 6:30 p.m., they’ll do it again, as a re-enactment for the public who can’t attend the 4:45 p.m. real ceremony, followed by a brief reception before the regular board meeting begins.

According to Nancy Belleci, Superintendent Don Gill’s Senior Executive Assistant, who responded on his behalf in an email, on Tuesday, “The same format has been used for December meetings…[for]…almost eight years.”

Both ceremonies and the regular meeting, will be held in the School Services Building, at 510 G Street in downtown Antioch. But, you must attend in person to watch them, because unlike the Antioch City Council meetings, the school board meetings are neither televised nor live streamed online, yet.

For a copy of the complete meeting agenda, please click here.

4 Comments to “Ruehlig, Vinson to become Antioch School Board Trustees Wednesday afternoon, then re-enact ceremony later that evening”

  1. Karl dietzel says:

    I wonder if there is some information about the rush long complain
    / belle complain with the da available.?

    What is the latest?

    • Julio says:

      Karl, that doesn’t have anything to do with the Antioch School District but I can tell you they are waiting results of his finger prints if he has in fact had his finger prints done. If they show up something we will know!

    • Publisher says:

      In speaking, on Monday, with the Deputy District Attorney who handles political corruption cases, he said he could neither confirm nor deny that the District Attorney’s office is investigating the issue of Jeff Belle lying on his ballot statement. So, we wait to find out, when they’re ready to make an announcement. In the meantime, Belle will take the oath of office and his seat on the County School Board, today.
      Allen Payton, Publisher

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