It’s not over! County still has 95,000 ballots left to be counted

By Allen Payton

According to the Contra Costa County Elections Office, as of 1:30 p.m., today, there were still 95,000 ballots left to be counted in the county. Those could affect the outcomes of close races, like Measure O, which is leading by just 180 votes and the County Board of Education race in Area 5, where Jeff Belle leads Cynthia Ruehlig by just 464 votes, or 2.59%.

In response to learning the news, Belle said by email “As far as I’m concerned, it’s done. No more comments.”

The uncounted ballots might also affect the outcome of the Antioch City Council race, where Lori Ogorchock, who is in first place, is leading appointed Councilmember Tony Tiscareno by just 267 votes or 1.59%, and he is leading current third-place finisher, Antioch School Board Member Diane Gibson-Gray by just 229 votes or 1.37%.

A total of 158,443 ballots have been counted and those are the ones reflected in the unofficial results posted on the County Elections website. That figure does not include the additional uncounted ballots. So only 62.5% of the total 253,443 ballots cast in the election have been counted, so far. With 37.5% of the ballots left to be counted, it could change the results of the close elections.

Of the uncounted ballots, 82,000 are vote-by-mail ballots that were turned in at drop boxes throughout the county since Saturday, November 1st or delivered to the polling places.

The other 13,000 are what are known as provisional ballots, which include those by voters who voted in a different polling place than where they are registered to vote, and by vote-by-mail voters who misplaced their ballots.

The next update from the Elections Office will not be until this Friday, November 7 at 5:00 p.m. So those in the close races will have to sit on pins and needles until then. But, all the remaining ballots may not be counted by then. The County Elections Office has 28 days to certify the election.

For all the election results in the county, visit

2 Comments to “It’s not over! County still has 95,000 ballots left to be counted”

  1. Eric A. says:

    I spoke too soon. Plot twist!

  2. Julio says:

    Allen, I want you down there helping!

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