Archive for October, 2014

Congressman McNerney announces grant for Antioch to hire five more police officers

Thursday, October 9th, 2014

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Jerry McNerney (CA-09) announced today that the Antioch police department would receive a federal grant to allow the department to hire at least five additional officers.

Rep. McNerney wrote to the Justice Department encouraging officials to consider Antioch for the funding, which will allow the city to continue to deter gang violence and related crimes. The police department will also place an emphasis on hiring veterans with the new money.

The men and women of Antioch PD are working hard to keep their community safe,” said Rep. McNerney, “and I am glad to support their efforts by helping bring home federal money to let them put more officers on the street.”

The estimated amount of federal funds to be awarded over the three-year grant period is $625,000, which will be distributed though the Department of Justice’s Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program.

Congressman McNerney is a strong supporter of the COPS program. Over the summer he wrote an amendment that was passed by the House of Representatives allocating additional money to the COPS program for law enforcement agencies to purchase needed technology. He also wrote a bill that would encourage more hiring of veterans as police officers through the COPS program, building on the success Antioch has had hiring former service members.

Antioch hires three new police officers

Thursday, October 9th, 2014

New Antioch Police Officers

Antioch Police announced on Facebook, this week, the hiring of three new police officers who were sworn to the force.

Please say hello to the three newest members of the Antioch Police Department family. Chief Cantando (second from right) stands with Officer Mike Perez, Officer Ken Krein, and Officer Scott Duggar. We welcome you with open arms!” the post stated.

Understanding the legal aspect of foreclosures

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

By Pat Forte, Attorney

A foreclosure is a legal process by which the lender tries to recover the balance of a loan by selling the asset used as collateral for the loan. If the lender is a mortgage company and that asset is your home, you need to take care of the problem right away.

There are various ways of dealing with foreclosures, and you need an attorney who knows the options available and will help you choose the most a suitable solution.

Once a foreclosure sale takes place, it is too late to do anything. The home is lost. Make sure you act before it is too late. The filing of a bankruptcy case will stop the foreclosure of your real estate.

– A Chapter 7 bankruptcy may only postpone the foreclosure temporarily.

– A Chapter 13 will stop the foreclosure indefinitely as long as you start fresh by making payments to the mortgage company and payments to the Chapter 13 trustee.

– The Chapter 13 plan payment will allow you to bring current all mortgage arrearages over a three- to five-year period.

Pat Forte is an attorney in Antioch. Contact him at (925) 757-3328.

Professional Address opens in Antioch, partners with City

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014
Professional Address CEO and Founder Joshua Samuel cuts the ribbon as Antioch Mayor Pro Tem Mary Rocha, left, Josh's wife and baby, and Councilman Tony Tiscareno assist.

Professional Address CEO and Founder Joshua Samuel cuts the ribbon as Antioch Mayor Pro Tem Mary Rocha, left, Josh’s wife and baby, and Councilman Tony Tiscareno assist. Photo by Theresa Galusha

A new business has opened in Antioch with great expectations to take the business and education worlds by storm.

Professional Address Inc. (P@) was formed to help enrich the community, improve employment rates, and provide a safe online environment for young people. As a result, City of Antioch officials have partners with the company.

Community and business leaders were on hand when P@ celebrated their grand opening with a business fair, on Thursday, September 18,

The vision of CEO and Founder Joshua Samuel, P@ provides people with a professional online presence that is designed to help them attain success; providing students, parents, schools, and employers with a single, unified platform where they can come together to achieve their common goals.

The leadership team also includes President and COO, Timothy Negrete and Ashley Ondek, Director of Education.

P@ is a state of the art social networking platform that allows their users to present themselves professionally, and communicate in a professional environment. On the P@ website, users can quickly and easily create a professional resume, portfolio, and interview video that they can then send anywhere, electronically. As a site that their users can grow with, people of all ages can benefit from what P@ has to offer.

Students, even as young as elementary school, can have a P@ profile. Their site is controlled and monitored by their parents who make the final determination on what their minor child posts, and what they can access. All students can build portfolios, an archive of their achievements that showcases the inception of their talents.

In high school, students expand on their portfolios, begin building their resume, and start filming interview videos for college and career. Beyond K-12, P@ is a relevant professional tool for adults seeking to gain and/or maintain success in college, career, and life.

So, visit their website at, today to register for your own P@.

At El Campanil Theatre in October

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

Spelling Bee

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

Saturday October 11, 2014 8:00 pm

Sunday October 12, 2014 2:00 pm

The Vagabond Players present this Tony award-winning musical comedy by William Finn and Rachel Sheinkin celebrates the mania of competition as six funny, eccentric misfits compete for the Spelling Bee title in this witty Broadway hit.

Jim Curry tribute to John Denver

Jim Curry tribute to John Denver

Tribute To The Music Of John Denver starring Jim Curry

Sunday October 19, 2014 3:00 pm matinee

The music of the late John Denver is like an old friend, outlasting trends and standing the test of time. Join acclaimed performer Jim Curry for this tribute to the music of one of the most beloved singer/songwriters ever to grace the stage.

House of Floyd

House of Floyd – The Music of Pink Floyd

Saturday October 25, 2014 8:00 pm

House of Floyd is San Francisco’s premiere Pink Floyd tribute band.

Tickets may be purchased in advance at the Ticket Office 604 W. Second Street (next door to the theatre) Monday through Friday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. and one hour before showtime, by phone 757-9500 or online at

Ruehlig responds to letter supporting Belle

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

Strong words are but noise if not verified.

Responding to an October Letter to the Editor [published in the Antioch Herald] by Rev. Austin Miles, a supporter of my opponent Jeff Belle, on criticism of a decision I made as Area 5 Trustee for the CCC Board of Education, here are the facts.

Contra Costa is a Class 2 county office of education (COE) serving 171k students.  Of the 10 Class 2 COEs in California, Contra Costa has the 4th highest cost of living; yet has the lowest compensated county superintendent.  In comparison, there are district superintendents in Contra Costa and Class 3 county superintendents in California with higher salaries/benefits than our own Class 2 county superintendent.

Yes, I voted to give a modest 2% salary increase for the county superintendent, similar to the salary increase provided to all other COE employees to adjust to cost of living changes.  Where does Rev. Miles get his information of a $40k salary increase?

Contra Costa COE is financially healthy with a positive certification and a 6+% reserve.  Although 7 employees were given layoff notices in March 2014; two voluntarily transferred with their career tech programs to the local district while the creative move to offer the Supplemental Early Retirement Program (SERP) allowed the agency to retain the other five.  SERP prompted voluntary retirement of 51 top-step salaried employees, replacing them with 46 lower-step salaried employees.  This reorganization will bring 1.3 million in savings over the next 3 years.  Rev. Miles is misinformed in claiming “38 school staff had to be laid off due to lack of funds”.

Education is a non-partisan issue.  From school, college and county board trustee, to county and state superintendent, no elected position in education is party affiliated.  I dismiss Rev. Miles’ reference to a political party for its divisiveness. 

Common Core is a serious issue and deserves serious consideration.  Mr. Miles‘ use of political rhetoric that Common Core “is so important to the Communists that a 500 million bribe was given to Tennessee to push it in” is delirious.  Irrational criticism of a system in its infancy exploits the situation for personal and political gain.  Mr. Miles does not offer solutions; only chatter that adds to the many challenges of implementing a new standard.  There are many intelligent questions that need to be asked about Common Core.  Why resort to silly?

Focus on policies, not politics.  Passing Prop 30 in 2012 guaranteed funding.  Adopting the Local Control Funding Formula in 2014 simplified financing.  Implementing the Local Control Accountability Plan decentralized goal setting and defined ten priorities to measure success.  California is at a crux.  To create the best comprehensive educational program for our children, we need the collaborative effort of stakeholders. Let’s stick to just the facts.

Cynthia Ruehlig


Writer says Jeff Belle will fight Common Core

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

Governor Jerry Brown (D-CA), grabbed $1.6 billion from state funds to bring Common Core education to California. This money came from funds that the governor says are not there for assistance to homeless veterans, street repair, more police officers and firefighters.

Hundreds of classic textbooks have been thrown away and replaced with Common Core printed material. Now when facing a math problem, the student is told to figure out…now get this…“the most friendly answer.” How’s that again?

Common Core, pushed by Bill Ayers and Obama, has removed traditional history and literature, replacing it with, “information finding.” Their purpose is to dumb down our children. This is so important to the Communists that a $500 million bribe was given in Tennessee to push it in.

Fortunately, a California man, Jeff Belle, has hopped into the fray to put a stop to the madness and bring sanity back to the U.S. School system. He is running for the County School Board of the 5th District of Northern California, which includes, Bay Point, Antioch, Oakley, Brentwood and Discovery Bay. He is determined to see Common Core hit the floor and to restore sensible education.

Mr. Belle said that he is committed to “restoring academic pride for students and their futures.” He feels that no matter what neighborhood a student comes from, with the proper teachers, that student can succeed.

What happens in California is usually picked up throughout the nation. One man can trigger this very positive chain-reaction which is sorely needed at this point to get our schools back to the classical education it was in the beginning. It is to be noted that the school system in America was started by the church.

A combination teacher/philosopher, Mr. Belle, in a personal interview, stated firmly that “A child’s future should not be determined by their zip code.” He says the teachers must set an example with this thought: “If you can’t see it—you’ll never be it.” That is a valid challenge for all of us, to be a positive example. As for teachers, he cautions, “Caring must precede teaching.”

Jeff Belle has solid experiences to back him up. He worked in D.C. for a Republican Senator and a Congressman. After Washington, he worked as city manager, coordinating five towns in Oklahoma, then, served as a registered lobbyist in D.C. and Oklahoma for tribal governments, universities and banks.

He currently serves on the County Transportation Authority Advisory Council, County Emergency Medical Care Board and, the County Tobacco Prevention Coalition, as well as being active in his church.

Mr. Belle’s opponent, Cynthia Ruehlig, whom I love and her husband, Walter, has made some moves that has cost her this vote. For example, an outgoing school superintendent whose salary was – and pension will be – $220,000 a year, voted to give this superintendent an extra $40,000 a year boosting that pension, while at the same time, 38 school staff members had to be laid off due to lack of funds. This was not clear thinking.

Candidate Jeff Belle thinks much differently. We need him. California needs him. The nation, who will follow this California example, needs him.

Rev. Austin Miles


Participate in Master Artist Frank Covino’s Classical Academic Oil Painting Workshop

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

Painting 1Rare Opportunity!

Frank Covino, Master Artist, will be in “Your Own Backyard”

Bringing Techniques Of The Old Masters Back to Life

Do you have the desire to paint portraits? But think “I could never do that”? Then this is for you! The Renaissance portraiture process is teachable and you are invited! In this workshop you will discover…

  • A step-by-step approach to accurate portrait rendering.
  • An inspirational and almost fail-proof process to artistic success.
  • That No previous art instructions are required.
  • How to pack a punch of “Wow Power” to your art skills and sense of accomplishment.

Don’t miss this very inspiring opportunity to be mentored by an incredible Italian-American artist who has dedicated his life to uncovering the mysteries of Renaissance art through science, math, and history.

Come and join the fun! Sign Up Today!

Will be held in Concord CA, October 20-24th, 2014 from 9:00am-7:00pm for instructions, with a 4 hour window to work intently on our projects, implementing the skills Frank teaches us.

Painting 2Total investment is $730

Class-size is limited save your seat with $300 non-refundable deposit

For more information and registration contact Melody Chapman, at 925-584-4898 or email at