Art exhibit at Umpqua Bank in Antioch, February and March

Artwork by Richard Meyer

Artwork by Richard Meyer

The Arts & Cultural Foundation of Antioch is pleased to announce the latest exhibit at Antioch’s Umpqua Bank for local artists to showcase their work. The exhibit changes every two months and features five to six artists per exhibit. The latest exhibit begins February 1st and continues through March 28th, from 9 AM – 5 PM (excluding bank holidays). This is the 4th exhibit for the ongoing display. Featured artists for the February – March exhibit are: Clyde Cox, Doug Hampton, Mayette Ignacio, Beverly Martinez, Richard Meyer, Paul Schorr and Wiley Walker.

The exhibit is free and open to the public from February 1st – March 28th, 2014 from Monday – Friday, 9 AM – 5 PM (excluding bank holidays). The bank is located at 3700 Lone Tree Way, in the Raley’s shopping center. The free artist reception will be held on Thursday, February 6th, 5-7 PM. For more information about this exhibit, click here.

ACFA is currently seeking artists for the ongoing exhibit. The next exhibit window is April-May, which will feature the artworks from students from Antioch Senior High School. The Umpqua exhibit changes every two months.

If you are interested in participating, please email Executive Director Diane Gibson-Gray or call her at (925) 325-9897. Click here for more information.


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Artwork by Richard Meyer

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