JFK University Institute of Entrepreneurial Leadership Information Session webinar Tuesday
Earn your Certificate in Entrepreneurship – Advanced Ventures
Institute of Entrepreneurial Leadership Information Session webinar – December
- December 4, 2012
- 4:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Join Dr. Raul Deju, Director of Institute of Entrepreneurial Leadership (IEL), and Dina Finta, IEL Assistant Director, for this information session delivered iin a webinar format to learn about the Institute’s Certificate program that can help propel your business forward.
The IEL’s successful Certificate in Entrepreneurship-Advanced Ventures covers two academic quarters. The first 11-week quarter includes classroom sessions on key topics essential to business success, one-on-one mentoring , office space and access to resources at its newly-opened Business Accelerator Center in Concord, CA.
The second quarter includes additional mentoring, office space, and access to resources and entrepreneurial special events. The next classes for the Certificate Program begin in January and April 2013. Participants in the information session will receive an application fee waiver. Financial aid and scholarship information will also be presented.
After registering you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing information about joining the Webinar.
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