Elections might be certified by Monday, December 3
By Allen Payton, Publisher
Ballots are still being counted by Contra Costa County Elections workers, as of Friday, November 30, 2012, putting off the final tally until next Monday.
In an email received by this newspaper, at 3:36 p.m., today, Assistant County Registrar of Voters, Candy Lopez wrote “We will not be able to complete the canvass today but are fairly close. We anticipate being able to Certify the Election in the mid-afternoon on Monday, Dec. 3rd.”
The county has 28 days following the election to certify it, which gives them until next Tuesday, December 4 at 5:00 p.m.
As of the day following the November 6 election, there were approximately 106,000 ballots left to be counted. That number included 82,271 vote by mail ballots and 23,692 provisional ballots.
The final numbers could change the outcome of one race in Antioch, the second City Council seat. Currently Monica Wilson is leading Mayor Jim Davis by 458 votes.
The final vote count for all races in the county may be viewed at www.CoCoVote.us.