Take Back Antioch to host Mayor and Council Candidates Forum October 20
Take Back Antioch (TBA) is hosting a non-partisan forum on Saturday, October 20, 2012 to allow citizens to meet and learn about the candidates running for mayor and city council of Antioch. The forum will be held from 9:00 am to 11:30 am at the El Campanil Theatre, located at 602 W. Second Street, in the Rivertown area of Antioch. .
Questions will be determined in advance, based on the most popular questions submitted on TBA’s Facebook page (www.facebook.com/TakeBackAntioch), and will cover a variety of topics, including:
·Crime and police staffing
·Blight and graffiti
·Downtown/waterfront revitalization
·Economic development
Questions with the most “likes” on TBA’s Facebook page will be asked by a panel of volunteers, and each candidate will be allowed to answer the questions within a preset time limit. If time allows, candidates will be able to answer questions directly from the public.
For further information, or to find out how you can help, please visit the Take Back Antioch Facebook page: www.facebook.com/TakeBackAntioch or email TBA at info@takebackantioch.com.
while i think it’s great that people come together to better and turn our city around. take back antioch does not allow everybody to post on their face back site, and submit questions.
myself and others are simply censored out/ off that page. no comments/ questions possible.