Winner’s Circle Western Wear Closing After 37 Years in Antioch

The Pedersen family – Fred, Jr., Tiffany Deal, Patrick, Sue and Fred – waves good-bye to the customers of their Winners Circle Western Wear, which will be closing soon.
By Allen Payton, Publisher
Due to health, the economy and other issues, the Pedersens are closing Winner’s Circle Western Wear that was opened in Antioch in 1975.
Although owned by Patrick Pedersen, Sue Pedersen has been the backbone of the business. She has been ill this past year, then was injured in an accident, this year.
It was the place in East County to buy a cowboy hat, big, shiny, custom belt buckle, cowboy boots and Wrangler western jeans.
They served the shrinking farming, ranching and equestrian communities, including 4H, as well as bikers who sought them out for their leather vests.
The Pedersens have been big supporters of community activities, like 4H, rodeos and equestrian events.
“People are coming in and thanking us for being here and involved in the community,” Sue Pedersen said. “I’m not going to stop being involved in the community, because it’s my passion. But I’m retiring.”
Originally opened on 18th and A Streets, they moved to 2nd Street, then finally to West 10thStreet to a 13,000 square feet building in June, 2009.
“The family members have all worked there and helped out, Pedersen stated.” “It’s been a real family business.”
But with the changes in East County from an agrarian to a more suburban community, plus some competition from other stores and the general downturn in the economy, plus Sue’s health, things changed for Winners Circle.
So, Sue, Fred, Fred, Jr., Patrick and Tiffany are closing the family business in which they’ve worked together. They will be open until everything is sold – including their famous hat bar
People are calling telling them they’ll be missed.
“We appreciate all our loyal customers from throughout the years,” she said. “We will miss them.”
(Please see their ad in the October issue of the Herald)
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Dear Editor:
I read your paper as I enjoy the local news. I am a life-long resident of Antioch.
I was reading through the current edition and saw your story on Winner’s Circle closing the store. I was shocked to see that the Pedersen’s were taking credit for the store’s opening and business over the years. They are NOT the original founders of the business, nor did they provide the bulk of service to the community over the years.
Not only do I personally know the founders, Jim and Cathy Blackburn, but I worked there from 1994-1998. Jim and Cathy put a lot of love and pride into that business and I remember going there with my father when I was a kid. They retired and sold the business a couple years after I left.
I would correct the facts in your story. I think that credit is due to the Blackburns, not the Pedersens. The business was never the same after they bought it.
Avona Laudenslayer
Ms. Laudenslayer,
The mistake was not the Pedersens’. It was mine.
I took notes during a phone conversation about Winners Circle and wrote the article without allowing them to review it before publishing.
Instead of using the term “was” I wrote “they” in the first sentence, which made it appear the Pedersens were claiming they opened the store, in the print version of the article in our September issue of the Herald.
You are correct, the Blackburns opened the business, which the Pedersens fully recognize and have no quarrel with, when I asked them after reading your email.
As you can see, it’s been corrected for the online version of the article.
Thank you for your understanding and adding your knowledge and information about the store.
I haven’t lived in town as long as you and didn’t think to ask them if they opened the store.
Please accept my apologies for the mistake and pass them on to the Blackburns, if you’re still in touch with them.
Allen Payton
What a shame…..I was stationed in Concord Naval Weapons Station Marine Corps Security Forces in 1993-1994. I bought the best fitting hat I’ve ever owned from them. I enjoyed shopping there and I’m not much of a shopper…they treated me really nice and I’ll never forget their hat bar and having a hat made custom for me. Years later I lost my hat…I’ve never had another hat of any kind that fit me….except my Drill Instructor Smokey. I’m retired now…and I wish I could go back and visit them. I’ve been to many country n western shops…none were like Winners Circle. They are still missed! Semper Fi! Daniel
I trained at the Antioch store and then helped open the Store in Mantica or Modesto, wow I’m getting old. Loved everything about it the Blackburns were great loved Cathy. Sorry they are gone.