Peace Poles to Be Installed in Pittsburg and Antioch

Father Tom Bonacci, founder, and Walter Ruehlig, Advisory Board Member of the Interfaith Peace Project with the Peace Pole in front of Antioch City Hall, September, 2011.
On Friday, September 21st, the official U.N. International Day of Peace, a cedar, six-sided peace pole inscribed in twelve languages with the words, “May Peace Prevail on Earth:, will be dedicated in the courtyard of East County Shared Ministry Community Presbyterian of Pittsburg and First Congregational Church. After the dedication a Peace Concert follows in the historic Stoneman Chapel with music from multiple congregations including ensembles, bands, anthems and sing-alongs.
At 7 p.m. on September 22nd at the Seventh-Day Adventist Sanctuary at 2200 Country Hills Drive another peace pole will be dedicated followed by a free Youth Interfaith Peace Festival.
Enjoy performances by the Sufism-Reoriented inspired Meher School Children’s Chorus out of Walnut Creek; Sikh representatives, Jaspreet Rasia and ensemble, playing Indian classical music; the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints youth choir from Antioch, Brentwood, Oakley and Pittsburg; the We Mime from Grace Bible Fellowship of Antioch; the four East County Idol trophy winners, Idara Akpakpa, Andie Paredes, Raina Viscarra and Nicholas Crossen; the Antioch Seventh-Day Adventist Church/Hilltop Christian School Treble Choir and Hand Bell Ringers; and the Divine Voices from Deer Valley High.
For more information call Walter Ruehlig at (925) 756-7628 or e-mail