Taxed Enough Yet?

Feeling taxed enough? It’s just the beginning of the latter part of a year in which voters will be asked to approve a growing number of tax measures. Regrettably, there are a number of tax increases in the works in which we won’t get to have a say e.g. increases by PG&E to recoup costs from the San Bruno disaster which they want to pass on to ratepayers rather than stockholders, water and sewer rate fees increases by the City of Antioch and a increase in residential sewer charges by Delta Diablo Sanitation District.

City of Antioch water and sewer rate fee increases for fiscal years 2010 through 2015 were previously approved by Council in 2010 at which time Council requested a rate review be conducted after two years, The findings are as follows:

Due to decreased consumption levels for all customer classes, offset by decreased purchased water costs compared to projections, the city was able to delay the need to issue a planned $10 million bond for capital improvement projects. However, if the city implements the remainder of the proposed rate increases from the 2010 Study there will be sufficient funds to cash finance the 5 year capital improvement program, meet the 60 day minimum working capital balance and start to fund a modest level of Repair and Replacement reserve for future capital needs.

For the Sewer fund, delayed execution of some capital projects over the past 2 years has resulted in a temporary fund balance greater than anticipated but, without an increase in rates, the city will be unable to complete a sewer capital improvement program or address future capital needs.

Both rate increases sound like a done deal!

As for Delta Diablo, in 2010 they approved a 4.8% rate increase and last year they approved a 7.5% increase in fees – 4.8% for costs of treatment, capital improvements etc. and 2.7% to begin funding a dedicated reserve fund to pay for advanced wastewater treatment facilities to meet new regulatory requirements. Now they want more.

I’m tapped out. How about you?

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