Watchdog Columnist Explains Planning Commission Agenda Change
By Barbara Zivica
As readers know, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on 3/7 in which I thought they would discuss issues and options for the 2007-2014 housing element implementation (ABAG mandates) which were presented to the Planning Commission in February. They did not. The only item under discussion was amending the existing Residential Development Allocation Ordinance sunset date to 2013.
I contacted Tina Wehrmeister, the city’s Community Development Director who advises me that currently ABAG is working on the Sustainable Communities Strategy (planning to 2040) and the Regional Housing Needs Allocation for the next housing element period of 2014-2022. Key dates and document releases coming soon.
On Friday, March 9th, the joint MTC/ABAG Planning Committee will release the preferred Sustainable Community Strategy scenario for public comment and on 3/15 the ABAG Executive Board will release the draft Regional Housing Needs Allocation for public comment. Both items will be brought before a future Council for discussion and direction to staff.
To all of you who showed up for the 3/7 council meeting to comment on ABAG’s mandates, my apologies. Know, however, you made an decided impact even though the Planning Commission did not discuss the staff report presented to them in February. City hall has been put on notice that residents are concerned about the quantity of low and very low income housing ABAG feels our city should accommodate.