One Bay Area Preferred Land Use Scenario Now Available
The controversial One Bay Area effort by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), to fulfill the mandates the 2008 state legislation (SB375) to develop a Sustainable Communities Strategy, has published its Draft Preferred Land Use Scenario for review.
Antioch has two areas designated as PDA’s – Planned Development Areas, which are included in the plan. They include the 400 acres around and near the proposed Hillcrest eBART Station and downtown Antioch.
Following is the press release from MTC on the Preferred Land Use Plan:
This winter, MTC and the Associated Bay Area Governments (ABAG) solicited input from Bay Area residents on various land use and transportation investment strategies. Nine public workshops were held, one in each of the Bay Area counties, that drew some 1,100 participants, along with a companion virtual workshop with 1,300 responses. In addition, 10 focus groups were conducted with community-based organizations to assist with public involvement in low-income communities and communities of color, and a statistically valid telephone survey involved some 1,600 residents. And finally, four focus group sessions, with a mix of urban, suburban and rural Bay Area residents recruited from the poll, were held in San Francisco, Walnut Creek and Novato.
The resulting draft preferred land use scenario, titled Making the Jobs-Housing Connection, seeks to demonstrate how the Bay Area’s diversity of communities and natural resource areas can retain and enhance their unique qualities and characteristics supported by a strong, globally competitive economy with housing opportunities located near job centers and transit services. It provides an overview of past and projected trends: how the region grew over the past thirty years and expected economic and demographic trends; housing access and production challenges; and the relationship of housing, employment centers and transportation infrastructure. The scenario includes projected jobs, population and housing distribution by 2040 for the region, counties, cities and priority development areas.
Coming in April is a draft preferred transportation scenario and investment strategy that, together with the draft land use scenario, will be considered by MTC and ABAG in May. A draft Plan Bay Area is slated for release in late 2012, and MTC and ABAG are expected to approve a final plan by spring 2013.
Read more about the interagency Plan Bay Area effort here.
I went to these so called public visioning meetings. They were rigged. The people there were overwhelmingly against this plan. None of the 5 scenarios were presented to the public so how can they say they have any public buy-in? This whole process is a sham. They used trained meeting facilitators to herd the people in these meetings towards a predetermined outcome! Those that did not allow themselves to be herded were ridiculed and marginalized. The paid shills and stakeholders who seek to benefit by forcing this plan down our throats all voted to support the plan. When the meetings were over they hired a professional organization to cook the books and present fake results to the MTC and ABAG boards stating that 85% of the participants want this plan! That is a lie! The public knows this is a lie! This is all about money and control! The MTC and ABAG execs are going to be in control of over $256 billion and they will dole it out to ONLY those cities that agree to implement High Density Stack and Pack housing in their communities! The developers of these communities will ALL get GHG (Green House Gas) waivers so there is no benefit to the environment! This is a joke! Say NO To ONE BAY AREA and the takeover of private property rights! Do not allow regional unelected bureaucrats to dictate how and where you will live in the future!!!
Dear Editor,
The link for “Read more about the interagency Plan Bay Area effort” is not working!
Looking forward to specific and more information on this issue
dowhatsright – Their site must be down. We corrected the link but it still says there’s a problem loading. But, then I checked their website directly and it still won’t come up. Please check back later.
Allen Payton