Kurt Derita of TRAK Band Plays Humphrey’s Thursday Nights

Kurt Derita will entertain with his singing and accoustic guitar at Humphrey's on the Delta this Thursday
Local singer and guitar player, Kurt Derita, the K in the local and popular TRAK band will entertain at Humphrey’s on the Delta this Thursday night, November 10 beginning at 8:30 p.m. Enjoy drink and appetizer specials as you listen to the wide variety of music performed by this local legend. You’ll laugh, you’ll hum, you’ll sing along! So bring a friend and have some fun while watching the Raiders vs. Chargers game on the widescreen in the lounge. Stop by before the music starts for a delicious dinner. Humphrey’s is located at 1 Marina Plaza, at the foot of L Street, overlooking the river, in Antioch’s historic downtown Rivertown.
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I’m there
hey kurt this is david perry from park jr high how the heck are you remember ricos pizza i shared chips and refriend beans and salami with you and went to spankys pizza any way i live in seattle washington now you used to live by delta hospital on lonetree way i am playing music myself these days!