BART Seeks Public Input on Redistricting
The Board of Directors of the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) invites you to attend a public meeting to provide input and comments regarding the redistricting of the BART Election District on Wednesday, October 5th from noon – 1:30 pm in the Pittsburg Senior Center, 300 Presidio Lane.
Following each federal census, the BART Board of Directors is required to adjust the boundaries of the election districts so the districts shall be as equal in population as practicable. Attend a public meeting to view maps of the current election districts, learn where population changes have occurred, and let BART know what you think!
For questions you may contact the Board of Directors by email at or by phone at 510.464.6095. Translation services available if requested 3 days (72 hours) before the meeting by calling BART Language Assistance Services at 510-464-6752.