Peace Pole Dedicated at City Hall Next Month
By Walter Ruehlig
Member, Interfaith Peace Project
We at the Interfaith Peace Project and the Contra Costa County Interfaith Coalition thank the Antioch City Council for allowing us to present the Far East County community a Peace Pole.
The Pole is eight-feet high and made out of treated cedar. It proclaims “May Peace Prevail on Earth” ingrained in twelve languages that we have chosen as common to this locale.
It is stirring to think similar poles stand at the Great Pyramid, Hiroshima, Mt. Everest and the Pentagon, and that this is part of a world-wide movement with 200,000 standing Peace Poles. We will be dedicating this Pole at noon on Monday, September 12th in front of City Hall for all available to partake in the simple but elegant ceremony.
We are starting our own unique celebration, called 11 Days of Peace, on the anniversary of 9-11 and ending on the U.N.- sponsored International Day of Peace on September 21st. Each day a different faith group, including Buddhist, Catholic, Episcopalian, First Congregational, Hindu, Islamic, Latter Day Saint, Methodist, Presbyterian, Seventh Day Adventist, Sikh and Sufi organizations sponsors an activity at their place of worship commemorating the theme of peace and universal brotherhood. Other groups are encouraged to add an activity to keep the cohesive momentum.
Blood drives, chants, concerts, garden dedications, open houses, poetry readings, prayer events, sing-alongs and special religious services dedicated to peace will be held throughout the 11 days.
We are inviting the interfaith community, town leaders, media and community at large to the dedication and to participate in any of the sponsored events, which will be featured on the U.N. website.
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Thank you to everyone at the Interfaith Peace Project/Coalition for choosing us, The Original Peace Pole Makers USA, every year to spread the word of peace. We are very honored and humbled to be a part of this project and will continue to do so as long as it takes!
Dave & Mary Kay