Garridos Sentenced to Prison – Phillip for Life, Nancy for 36 Years to Life

Kidnapping and Rape of Jaycee Dugard, Just Outside Antioch

According to ABC News Channel 7 in San Francisco, “Phillip Garrido was given the maximum possible sentence of 431 years to life in the kidnapping of Jaycee Dugard” and “Nancy Garrido was sentenced to 36 years to life.”

See the complete Associated Press story and ABC News video, by clicking here.

The Garridos kidnapped Jayce Dugard when she was 11 years old and they held her captive for 18 years. Phillip Garrido raped Dugard and fathered two daughters by her. They lived in the unincorporated area on the northeast side of Antioch, in the neighborhood between E. 18th Street and Wilbur Avenue along Viera Avenue.

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