New Councilmen to Be Seated Tuesday Night
New members sworn in at 6 p.m.
Budget Study Session begins at 7:30 p.m.
By Allen Payton
The Antioch City Council will say farewell to outgoing Council Members Reggie Moore and Martha Parsons and give the Oath of Office to newly elected Council Members Wade Harper and Gary Agopian, during a special council meeting this Tuesday, Nov. 30.
The council will first certify the election results from the County Clerk. In addition, as the top vote-getter in the election, earlier this month, Harper will be voted in as Mayor Pro Tem for the next two years. He will replace Councilwoman Mary Rocha in the role, although she will remain on the council.
The meeting will start one hour earlier than normal, at 6:00 p.m., to accommodate the ceremonies, followed by a closed session conference the city’s labor negotiator and the various employee groups.
At 7:30 p.m. the regular meeting will begin with only one agenda item, a study session on the city budget, allowing the new councilmen to hear from city staff and the public, and participate in the decisions of what cuts to make to balance the budget for the next two years.
According to Councilman Brian Kalinowski, the city only has to cover an approximate $2.2 million shortfall, as almost $1.6 million in additional revenues and savings were realized by the city as of the end of the last fiscal year, which ended in June.
The staff report by City Finance Director Dawn Merchant states: “The City realized more fund balance than projected at June 30, 2010 due to several factors:
· Approximately $200,000 more in sales tax revenue than projected
· Approximately $150,000 more in miscellaneous revenues than projected
· Approximately $230,000 in Police Department salary, overtime and part time help savings
· Approximately $650,000 in Public Works salary and contractual services savings
· Approximately $338,000 in Legislative & Administrative salary and contractual services savings
The additional fund balance has boosted the June 30, 2011 projected fund balance above 10% and helped eliminate the negative fund balance projected for June 30, 2012 presented in the adopted budget.”
However, in order to fill some or all of the current 22 vacant sworn police officer positions, the council will have to find other savings and make other cuts to the budget and/or consider another tax increase, such as the temporary parcel tax proposed by a citizens’ group known as the Friday Morning Breakfast Club, during a possible special election next spring.
To view or download a copy of the City Council meeting agenda, visit:
The staff report on the budget can be found under item 7 or at: and
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