Letter John Dodson

Parsons is good for Antioch

Dear citizens of Antioch and our city council,

As a resident of Antioch for 13 years and of Rivertown, Antioch for nearly half that time (yes, we have a river) I have learned to care for my town like a wayward teenager – she has so much potential, but has not had the right kind of influences and not enough care.

In an era of do-little city councils and underwhelming leadership, one of our council members and current city council candidates stands out: Martha Parsons. In addition to her being an exemplar of responsive city government (that’s how it is supposed to be), she understands that she, and the city she helps direct, works for us, the citizens. When our neighborhood has an issue, she will not only look into the problem, but she will also help solve the problem, even if it means she does it herself.

Martha Parsons gets her hands dirty. Of the many formal and informal city clean ups, Martha is there. Martha Parsons is good for Antioch. Martha has done what no one else on the council has done, which is to get and keep the interest of the Water Emergency Transportation Authority, and to secure state funds in hopes of obtaining a ferry boat station for Antioch; a project that could help revive downtown (Rivertown) Antioch.

If you want someone who will actually get things done for our city and who genuinely cares for our city and will work for us, vote for Martha Parsons, Antioch council, she has already worked hard to earn my vote.

John Dodson

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