Archive for the ‘Growth & Development’ Category

Antioch staff recommends Planning Commission table Sand Creek Specific Plan update at Wed. night meeting

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017

Sand Creek Focus Area Specific Plan Update proposed land use map.

Would allow projects to move forward under existing General Plan

By Allen Payton

In the staff report to the Antioch Planning Commission for their meeting tonight, Wednesday, August 2, Community Development Director Forrest Ebbs is recommending the General Plan Land Use Element Update for the Sand Creek Focus Area Specific Plan be tabled “indefinitely.” That was in response to letters from attorneys for the East Bay Regional Parks District, as well as Save Mt. Diablo and Greenbelt Alliance, stating that the Amended Environmental Impact Report (EIR) which was recently completed, is insufficient and that a more complete Supplemental EIR is needed.

That, however will take more time to complete and it’s already been over a year of review by the commission and direction from the city council. If the commissioners follow Ebbs’ recommendation, then the original Specific Plan and 2003 General Plan EIR, approved by the city council at that time, allowing for approximately 4,000 homes, will remain in effect.

Under the current plan two new developments in the Sand Creek area that include 1,174 homes, were already approved by the city council in 2016. According to the staff report on the matter, “the largest development project in the Sand Creek Focus Area, The Ranch, has already been submitted, was determined to be a complete application, and could be considered under the current General Plan.”

“The development capacity of 4,000 units for the entire plan would not change under the update,” Ebbs said. “All we have been doing is shifting where those units would be built.”

The Ranch project, which has as many as 1,307 homes if the plan is approved with an active, senior adult community element, and any other projects could be delayed if the city pursues the Supplemental EIR. However, under the current plan, if they want to make changes proposed in the update, each developer will have to submit a General Plan Amendment of their own.

The Planning Commission meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 200 H Street in Antioch’s historic, downtown Rivertown.


Public meetings and input sought for Plan Bay Area 2040

Saturday, July 8th, 2017

Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy Final Environmental Impact Report

The Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR) (SCH# 2016052041) for Plan Bay Area (PBA) 2040, the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP)/Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) (proposed Plan) for the San Francisco Bay Area is available for review as of July 10, 2017. Additional information and notice of public meetings is provided below.

The proposed Plan is a regional strategy for accommodating household and employment growth projected to occur in the Bay Area region through 2040, and a transportation strategy for the region based on expected revenues. The primary objective of the proposed Plan is to achieve mandated reductions of greenhouse (GHG) emissions and to provide adequate housing for the projected 2040 regional population level pursuant to The Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act of 2008 (Senate Bill (SB) 375, Statutes of 2008). The proposed Plan sets forth a transportation and land use blueprint for how the Bay Area can address transportation mobility and accessibility needs, regional housing responsibilities, economic conditions and forecasts, environmental concerns, and GHG emissions reduction requirements through the year 2040.

The region includes nine counties (Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma) totaling approximately 4.4 million acres (7,000 square miles). In 2015, the region had 4.01 million jobs, 2.76 million households, and 7.57 million people. The proposed Plan would accommodate projected growth for an additional 688,000 jobs, 666,000 households, and 2.06 million people by 2040 with a transportation investment strategy of $303 billion. MTC is required under State and Federal law to update the RTP/SCS every four years.

The Final EIR includes the Draft EIR, a copy of each comment on the Draft EIR received by MTC/ABAG during the public comment period, responses to comments on environmental issues raised in those comments, and corrections and clarifications to the Draft EIR.

The Final EIR is now available for public review online at the web link listed below or a free electronic copy may be obtained by contacting MTC at the contact information provided below.

MTC Public Information
375 Beale Street, Suite 800
San Francisco, CA, 94105
415.778.6757 office / 415.536.9800 fax

The document will also be available for public review in at least one library in each of the nine member counties. A list of library locations is available at the website listed below:

MTC/ABAG will be conducting two public meetings to consider certification of the Final EIR and adoption of the proposed Plan. All interested agencies, organizations, and individuals are welcome to participate in these public meetings for the Final EIR. Oral comments will be accepted during these meetings.

July 14, 2017       

Joint MTC Planning Committee with the ABAG Administrative Committee (9:30 a.m.) at the Bay Area Metro Center – Board Room, First Floor, 375 Beale Street, San Francisco, CA 94105. At this meeting, the decision-makers will make a recommendation to the MTC Commission/ABAG Executive Board regarding certification of the Final EIR and adoption of the proposed Plan.

July 26, 2017       

MTC Commission/ABAG Executive Board (7:00 p.m.) at the Bay Area Metro Center – Board Room, First Floor, 375 Beale Street, San Francisco, CA 94105. At this meeting, a final action will be taken regarding certification of the Final EIR and adoption of the proposed Plan.

The following statement is required to be included in this notice: Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15087(c)(6), the nine county Bay Area region contains hazardous waste sites as enumerated under California Government Code Section 65962.5.

Do you need an interpreter or any other assistance in order to participate? Please call us at 415.778.6757. We require three days’ notice in order to provide reasonable accommodation.


¿Necesitas un intérprete o cualquier otra asistencia para participar? Comunícate al 415.778.6757. Necesitamos aviso con tres días de anticipación para proporcionar asistencia razonable.

Antioch Council joins Oakley, Brentwood in endorsing cheaper, innovative rail line

Thursday, April 13th, 2017

Rendering of a proposed CyberTran transit station. Courtesy CyberTran International, Inc.

Moves Sand Creek new home area forward; approves cameras for high-crime area of E. 18th Street and Cavallo Road

By Dave Roberts

The Antioch City Council on Tuesday joined the city councils in Oakley and Brentwood in endorsing an innovative rail transit system that could extend the East County eBART line through far East County at significantly less cost.

The ultra-light rail transit (ULRT) system by a private company, CyberTran International (whose investors include a company partially owned by Antioch Herald publisher Allen Payton), is seeking funding to demonstrate the viability of the system on a track in Richmond, and then to roll out the above ground line possibly in East County connecting the Hillcrest eBART Station to stations in Oakley, Brentwood, Discovery Bay and the Byron Airport.

The eBART line now under construction from the Bay Point BART Station with stations at Railroad Avenue in Pittsburg and Hillcrest in Antioch costs $56 million per mile, CyberTran President Dexter Vizinau told the council. His ULRT system would cost about $30 million per mile and have the advantages of providing more stations, perhaps at shopping centers, and provide cars that would go nonstop from any station along the line.

“The problem is that [traditional] transit is too costly to build, operate and maintain,” Vizinau said. “There is a $78 billion backlog in transit maintenance in the country. The only way to pay is to raise taxes. Something has to change and it has to be innovative. We believe we solve that problem.”

Vizinau cited the support of U.C. Berkeley, and the three national labs, in the development of the CyberTran system. He also held up a letter from the U.S. Department of Transportation stating the system was further along technologically than any other innovative transit system in the country.

Mayor Sean Wright noted that few Antioch residents are likely to use the system. “It doesn’t affect Antioch – we’re done and through,” he said. But it does have the potential of reducing traffic from far East County residents on Highway 4 through Antioch, which pleased Council Member Lori Ogorchock. “Anything to reduce traffic and congestion,” she said.

Vizinau said his company has been working on the project for 23 years and is ready to break ground. The main challenge is finding the funding. A 10-mile ULRT line from Hillcrest Station to Brentwood would cost about $300 million.

The company was set to receive $42.9 million from the county’s Measure X half-cent sales tax hike that fell three percentage points short of passing in November, he said. Another tax-hike attempt could be made in two years, he said.

The council unanimously voted to support the project and the company’s efforts to obtain funding, which was a bit of déjà vu as the Antioch Council passed a similar resolution of support seven years ago for the project. That effort was successful in obtaining $15 million in federal funds for innovative transit in the U.S. But, President Obama failed to release the funds before he left office in January, Vizinau said.

Sand Creek Focus Area

In other action, the council listened to concerns from residents opposed to the proposed Sand Creek Focus Area, which updates the city’s General Plan to accommodate as many as 4,000 homes on 2,781 acres surrounding Sand Creek in south Antioch. The area is bordered by homes on the north, Black Diamond Mines park on the west, the city limits on the south and Brentwood on the east.

Residents and environmental groups told the council that the proposal contains too many homes, not enough open space, that it will further burden local schools, roads and police services, and that there hasn’t been enough community input into the proposal.

Council members noted that the plan focuses on land use zoning, and that its approval is not equivalent to approval of actual residential development, which would have to be done separately. Over 1,200 homes have already been approved in the area.

The next step in the proposal is conducting environmental impact studies in the coming months, which would then be reviewed during a public hearing by the Planning Commission.

18th Street at Cavallo Road Cameras

The council also approved $156,412 to place police surveillance cameras at the intersection of East 18th Street and Cavallo Road, which has been the scene of a recent shooting.

Interim Police Chief Tammany Brooks said that installation of cameras in another high-crime area, the Sycamore corridor, in November have been effective. Council Member Tony Tiscareno, who lives near Sycamore, agreed that police sirens have become less frequent in recent months.

A resident who lives near Cavallo and 18th teared up as she thanked the council for putting in the cameras, saying she’s seen drug activity on that corner and that her husband witnessed a drive-by shooting.

Water Upgrade

The council members voted to spend nearly $3.3 million to eliminate use of ammonia and chlorine in the city’s water treatment plant. Those chemicals have been deemed hazardous and highly corrosive, according to Project Manager Scott Buenting.

Affordable  Housing Progress Report

The council also approved the filing of a state-mandated housing progress report. The state has mandated that it provide over the next six years an additional 1,448 housing units with 349 of them for very low-income households, 205 low-income units, 214 moderate-income units and 680 units for above moderate-income households.

Last year 42 building permits were issued – 41 of them for above moderate-income single-family homes and one for multifamily apartments providing 84 extremely low-income units. Ogorchock noted, “We’re not reaching the goals we’re supposed to be reaching.” The developer of a proposed 126-unit affordable housing project on Wilbur Avenue complained that city fees have made it too expensive for the project to go forward.

Mayor Wright, Mayor Pro Tem Thorpe to host Listening Forum on new development area, Saturday morning

Friday, March 17th, 2017

LISTENING FORUM #2: If you couldn’t make Thursday night’s Forum, join Antioch Mayor Sean Wright and Mayor Pro Tem Lamar Thorpe Saturday, March 18th at 10am for a cup of coffee and presentation. They want to hear from you about potential housing, open-space and job growth.

Lone Tree Elementary School, 1931 Mokelumne Drive, Antioch

Op-Ed: Antioch residents invited to speak up about development at two community forums

Monday, March 6th, 2017

The Moderate Growth proposed land use map for the Sand Creek Focus Area.

Information to clear up confusion on details of Sand Creek Focus Area Specific Plan Update

By Mayor Pro Tem Lamar Thorpe

I understand that as a city government, we have horrible track record of not meaningfully engaging residents in determining our future. This has fueled a lot of uncertainty and misunderstanding in recent weeks about potential housing developments, particularly in the area south of Lone Tree Drive. Many residents have asked me, “Why is the Antioch City Council approving a 4,000 unit housing development within the Sand Creek area?!” The short answer—we’re not. However, a proper answer requires more explanation.

First, I want to reiterate what I said during my campaign. I’m still a huge proponent of fair and equitable smart-growth policies, preserving open-space and land-locking Antioch to place pressure on developers to reinvest in the city’s older communities. We’re already seeing this happen. Right now, the city is reviewing two mixed-use development projects near BART, Highway 4 and Delta Fair Blvd – an area that desperately needs reinvestment.

That being said, the last major portion of developable land in Antioch is what we in City Hall call the Sand Creek Focus Area (SCFA). According to our general plan (the city’s blueprint for development, mandated by state law), the SCFA is a large-scale planned community that balances housing and employment opportunities. Below is an image of the SCFA, which extends from the Brentwood border to East Bay Regional Parks. This is about the distance between Lowe’s and the Contra Loma Regional Park entrance.

Right now, there’s a lot of talk about what will happen in the SCFA, but the area itself has been a focus of the city for decades. In 2003, the city council then determined that up to 4,000 housing units would be allowed within the SCFA. They also determined that 280 acres of the SCFA would be dedicated for job generating uses, such as business parks, mixed-use medical facilities, and commercial space. The construction of Kaiser Hospital and Dozier Libbey Medical High fulfilled a portion of this goal. For those of us concerned with over-development, the 4,000 number was actually an improvement. Before 2003, the city envisioned 8,000 new housing units for the area.

Of those 4,000 new housing units, the previous city council, (under former mayor Wade Harper), already approved about 1,200 units for two developments east (going towards Brentwood) of Deer Valley Road: Vineyards at Sand Creek, is a 641-unit, upscale, gated community that will be serviced by Brentwood Union School District; and Aviano Farms, a single-family market rate community of 533 residential units to be served by Antioch Unified School District. Aviano Farms was initially approved in 2005 (yes, 12 years ago) as an adult community, but the previous city council re-designated the project. For the record, I didn’t like this change. We need senior housing in Antioch to balance our youth population—plus senior housing has less impact on traffic, schools and police services.

Together, these projects constitute 1,174 new residential housing units, or roughly 30 percent of the 4,000 allowable housing units in the SCFA. Keep in mind, both these communities will be either adjacent or very close to the Brentwood border. It is estimated that 75 percent of sales taxes paid by future Vineyards residents will go to the City of Brentwood because of its proximity to Sand Creek Road, which includes popular attractions like the Streets of Brentwood.

That means there’s only about 2,800 allowable units left in the SCFA, not 4,000. Which brings me to present day and what the Antioch City Council is considering.

The council is not being asked to approve a project. On February 14, we only reviewed recommendations by city staff to update the general plan, so we could specifically deal with the remaining 2,800 housing units. This update also includes the percentage of open space, preservation of hillsides and hilltops, and how to fairly distribute the remaining housing units. Please understand, updating a city’s general plan happens every five years or so. Antioch’s general plan has not seen any major changes since 2003.

At the Feb. 14 meeting, the council directed staff to bring back this matter at a later date so that we could have time to hear from the community.

Following the meeting, Save Mt. Diablo and other environmental groups held a February 23 event at Prewett Community Park to address projects that have been proposed but have not yet been approved for the SCFA. I attended this event and listened to the concerns of residents. I was impressed with how many turned out to this event.

However, there seems to be some confusion, which is why I wrote this article and invite you to attend my listening forums so that I can get feedback from you about the proposed Sand Creek Focus Area updates. In addition, I’ll be posting the presentation by our Community Development Director, Forrest Ebbs, on my Facebook page so that you can see his presentation and offer me feedback using social media starting on March 16th.

Thursday, March 16th, 7-8:30pm

Saturday, March 18th at 10-11:30am

Lone Tree Elementary School, 1931 Mokelumne Drive, Antioch

I look forward to hearing from you.

Mayor Wright: Sand Creek new development area plan “90-95% done”

Thursday, February 23rd, 2017

Map of the Moderate Growth plan for the Sand Creek Focus Area General Plan Land Use Update.

Ebbs: “An opportunity for the city to do something remarkable.” Council members advised to not attend community forum. About 2,800 more homes planned.

By Allen Payton

At their meeting on Tuesday, February 14 the Antioch City Council received a report on and discussed the General Plan Land Use Update for the Sand Creek Focus Area, where Antioch’s long-planned and debated new home developments will be located. Mayor Sean Wright concluded that the plan is “90-95% done.” However, Antioch Community Development Director Forrest Ebbs told the council, Nothing is set in stone, tonight.”

He provided the presentation including some history on the planning area, stating, “This has been on the radar for decades… since the 1990’s if not the 80’s.”

“Every five years we are to update the plan and address current conditions,” Ebbs explained. “This is part of the regular maintenance of the General Plan and frankly it’s overdue.”

The update includes the Land Use Element portion for the area in the city’s General Plan. Two projects have already been approved, the Promenade at Sand Creek and the Aviano project, which include about 1,200 new housing units. Those are located north of the actual Sand Creek and the planned Sand Creek Road extension, and east of the Kaiser hospital on Deer Valley Road.

“Each of those projects required multiple amendments to the 2003 General Plan,” Ebbs stated. “Even though they were the right projects at the time, no one was comfortable with the amount of amendments. So, we decided to break off this area for discussion. No other areas have as much controversy.”

“The spirit of the original 2003 General Plan is still evident,” he told the council. “Two very significant principles are that the Sand Creek Area is different – an opportunity for the city to do something remarkable. The natural element. Second is the number, 4,000. That’s a hard number in the 2003 General Plan.”

That figure is down from the 8,900 homes proposed for the area in the late 1990’s and is after the loss of the planned, and voter-approved 640 units that would have been built in the Roddy Ranch project. That land was sold to the East Bay Regional Parks District in 2014.

“Already we’ve approved 1,200 units,” Ebb stated. “We would have run out of units before we ran out of developable land. There are 2,800 units left to allocate. Those are rounded numbers. The policy had been first come, first served and would have allowed one (land owner) to get more units than their share. We needed a system to allocate the remaining units so everyone new  how many units they could build.”

They came up with the following calculation: Density x Acreage = Unit Count.

Referring to the projects already approved in the Sand Creek Focus Area, Ebbs said, “Both of those projects have higher densities than we expect to see elsewhere. No more than 50% of the area can be residential in the mixed unit project at Sand Creek and Deer Valley Roads. On the hills we have a reduced density…to keep development off the hills as much as possible.” 

“We came up with 3,970 units,” he said. “We were able to come up with this honestly, we didn’t reverse engineer.”

Ebbs then explained the Development Transfer Process which allows one project to transfer their units to another project, if their property is deemed too difficult and it allows them to get their investment back.

He also spoke of the opportunity for senior housing communities in the plan.

“We’re very clear about senior housing,” Ebbs shared. “There’s a density bonus if your project as 30% senior housing you get a 20% density bonus that may be approved. By state law we have a maximum and then allow 20% more. So, if we have more senior housing, we will have more than 4,000 units.”

Ebbs then spoke about the character of the neighborhoods, with high-end housing, executive housing, hillside housing.

“The larger the lot the higher the quality the home, the higher the value of the home,” he said. The reality is the two projects already approved out there, they were the farthest thing from there. The market is going to push us to smaller lots. But we wanted to make sure we don’t have too many small lots.”

Currently the plan following hearings and input by the Antioch Planning Commission has “a minimum lot size of 4,000, and 5,000 and 8,000, depending on the project.”

“But we want a diversity of lots so we have an average lot size of 7,000,” Ebbs explained. “That gives us diversity, so we can have starter homes and we can have the larger, executive homes. Senior housing doesn’t typically have larger lots. So, we’re going to exempt them from that average lot size.”

He also touched on the impacts to the city, which has been a concern of some residents.

“New development will be cost neutral to the city,” Ebbs said. “Private streets and utilities are encouraged.”

He then explained the policy and plans for open space.

“We’ve already designated 36% of the area as open space,” Ebbs stated. “We want to see a comprehensive trail system out there. We do have a specified buffer around Sand Creek of 250 feet wide with the creek in the middle. We only want to see benches and trails. We don’t want to see other junk. We want to see one-sided streets next to the creek.”

He also spoke of how the trails will connect to the nearby Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve, and “a possible huge regional park and sports complex.”

Ebbs then explained the proposed policies on hillsides and hilltop development.

“The current General Plan talks about preserving hillsides and hilltops,” he said. “But then it tells you how to grade hilltops and hillsides. So, there’s some confusion, there. What we need is predictability.”

“The top 25% of the hill you get the hilltop and they’re not available for development,” Ebbs stated. “Hillsides are available for development. Using land form grading…so it retains a natural appearance. We also want to see oak trees.”

“No visible structures atop ridgelines or hilltops,” he added.

Ebbs stated that the plan “is not a guarantee of development rights. This is for orderly development out there. Project-specific analysis is required” and that “minor changes will be allowed.”

He then spoke of the proposed housing on the Zeka Ranch, formerly Higgins Ranch property.

“There are unit counts assigned to property west of Empire Mine Road, of 179 units,” Ebbs said. “But those will be a challenge. There are a lot of biologic and geologic issues.”

Overall he was satisfied with the latest plan update, concluding

We have worked it into a much more usable document that the development community

Council Members Have Questions, Offer Input

Following Ebbs presentation, the council members weighed in with their questions and thoughts.

Mayor Wright asked about the opportunity for more input before the plan was taken through the required California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process. “This is direction, today, you will be coming back to us before going to CEQA?”

Ebbs responded, “My intention is to initiate the CEQA process, and then take this to the Planning Commission for a formal hearing.”

Wright then stated, “I didn’t see this as immediately going to CEQA after we’re done. I would like to see this come back to us in two to four weeks before going to CEQA.”

Mayor Pro Tem Lamar Thorpe agreed with Wright

“I share the same thoughts and perspective that the mayor has,” he said. “There’s a community forum I’d like to participate in. I’ve got a lot of emails and phone calls from folks expressing their concerns.” Thorpe was referring to a meeting about the Sand Creek Focus Area, sponsored by Save Mt. Diablo and planned for tonight, Thursday night, Feb. 23.

Councilman Tony Tiscareno asked if there “were there any discrepancies between the developers” and the proposed plan update.

“I have one application in for preliminary review. There’s one area of discrepancy,” Ebbs responded. “We’ve talked about senior housing. Sometimes there’s typical detached and attached. Then there’s assisted living. It’s not quite housing. I see it as more of a commercial use.

I wouldn’t see assisted living out here take away from unit count. Convalescent homes are more what we should call them. They’re more like a hospital. We don’t preclude those…but we also don’t speak to them.”

Tiscareno then asked about open space.

“The old plan called for a golf course,” Ebbs explained. “It didn’t give an acreage for that. We don’t have a golf course in this but we’re at 36% open space. These are undeveloped parks, undeveloped open space.”

“It also calls for a trail system and an open space management plan, that will be fire safe,” he continued. “Not just a water tower and weeds.”

Public Comments

Then members of the public as well as landowners and development representatives offered their input to the council.

Planning Commissioner Martha Parsons asked for changes to policies affecting the Olive Grove senior housing project, specifically the 125-foot set back from Sand Creek.

Former Antioch City Manager Mike Ramsey, who is a consultant for the Olive Grove senior housing project, spoke next.

“We also would appreciate this administrative draft not sent forward tonight, but to allow us to meet with staff that have come to our attention,” he said. “The first area of the land use designations that concerns us…senior housing has long been encouraged. It’s not a small percentage it’s 100% and we’re trying to do it in such a way as to make them affordable.”

“We see assisted living as a very good addition,” Ramsey continued. “So we’d like to see that added without taking units away.”

He then spoke about his concerns with the requirement for the 125-foot set back from the creek.

“Some of the areas we’re planning to develop will encroach,” he stated and then suggested “an averaging…that would be sensitive to the terrain…without losing unit count which is so important for financing.”

Dr. Alan Iannacone, the son-in-law of the landowners of the proposed Olive Grove project, spoke in favor of the senior housing.

“We’ve already seen the successful Trilogy and Somerset in Brentwood,” he shared. “It has a mimimum impact on schools and Highway 4 and the proximity to medical care.”

Lucia Albers, the landowner of the Olive Grove, then spoke about the impact on the project of the changes in the General Plan.

“If implemented it would make it economically impossible to build,” she stated. “We hired the same engineers and architects that worked on Trilogy. I had a dream to do something similar in Sand Creek.”

She also spoke about the 125 foot set back.

“The road connecting the project to Sand Creek Road has been designated for this project since the 1990’s,” Albers explained. “The hilltop policy should be retained. The change eliminates rows of housing in the Olive Grove project.”

Her husband Monte Albers spoke briefly, also in favor of the Olive Grove senior housing project.

Planning Commission Chairman Kerry Motts spoke next, saying “I felt like some of the comments from the staff report have been lacking. A lot of work has gone into this. From the beginning I’ve felt we should have approached this with a more formal manner. Because we put the cart a little bit in front of the horse so we’ve had to work a little backwards.”

He then suggested forming an ad hoc committee of two council members and other working group members.

“I would urge council to look at whatever it could, a formal or informal process,” Motts continued. “This is essentially the build out of Antioch. The main thing is we get input from the public.”

Former Antioch Mayoral candidate Gil Murillo, who has been an outspoken critic of The Ranch project, the largest one in the Sand Creek shared his thoughts, mentioning the community meeting.

“I want to be quick because I’m in the dog house to be honest,” he began. “In the last session we only got 30 respondents. So, I’m glad to see Save Mt. Diablo is doing another…event. Fixing things in the city should be first. The City of Concord with a city similar in size to Antioch has 150 sworn officers. Antioch needs living wage jobs.”

“I was told Antioch is no Bishop Ranch,” Murillo continued. “I want to remind people Bishop Ranch started with one company and that was 20 years ago and look at where they are today. This land is slated as business park. Tech and business services. We need a police substation in the south area.”

Joe Davenport said “you have a great opportunity to shape the future of Antioch. There is a palpable sense that they’ve been disenfranchised and folks are generally angry. So, there’s a lot of unresolved public comment. The massive scale of the Bay Area’s largest development. This could create as many as 40,000 car trips per day. A loss of the hills.”

“Invest in at least one more community forum, a workshop in southeast Antioch,” he requested.

Resident Sherry Starks spoke about her desire for better schools in Antioch before more housing.

“I was here 14 years ago and I opposed the development,” she stated. “I don’t see where the school property is. I have the original 2003 General Plan and I did read through it. We haven’t disappeared, the people who opposed it. My daughter attended school in a trailer, you call them portables. You know what, there’s more trailers. The infrastructure doesn’t exist. It doesn’t work. It hasn’t worked for Antioch. It’s just a system of borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. How many trailers.”

“Antioch is the armpit of the Bay Area,” Starks added, then asked, “You have all these trailers but what are you going to do to fix the problem?”

Aaron Ross-Swain of Richland Communities was the final speaker, sharing about his company’s project and their support for the latest plan update.

“We are a large property owner in the area, we are the applicant on the Ranch project,” he shared. “A look back in time, this area one point in time Antioch voters voted on the Urban Limit Line to bring this into the city. This envisioned jobs, homes. Very little has been done. Two housing projects have been approved. Kaiser has been constructed.”

“I think it’s a good land use,” Ross-Swain continued. “It really dovetails what we want to do on our property. It implements predictability. The high points and the merits of this plan revolve around the land use designation, executive and senior housing. It implements minimum lot sizes which preserves the integrity of this planning area and it preserves the natural open space for this planning area.”

Council Input To Staff

The council members then took up the matter for final input to staff.

Council Member Lori Ogorchock wanted workshops before making a final decision.

“In reading this I have to say it’s kind of confusing,” she said. “I’d like to see workshops to take the old plan and the new plan. It goes back to May of 1996 the Lone Tree Specific Plan. It talked about 6,800 jobs and 288 acres devoted to commercial development. We did this for the Downtown Specific Plan.”

“Senior housing is less calls for service, fewer cars on the roads. Less impact on the schools,” Ogorchock continued.

“Some of the homes will go to Brentwood some will go to Antioch. Most of these will go to Antioch schools,” Ebbs explained.

“Does Gordon Gravelle’s land count toward the open space?” Ogorchock asked, referring to land his company Suncrest Homes owned near Somersville Road and James Donlon Blvd., which he had planned for 50 homes, but recently donated to the parks district.

Ebbs responded, “It’s not in this focus area.”

Thorpe asked about how many meetings have been held on the plan, then said “we really haven’t had the opportunity to engage the community outside of Planning Commission meetings.”

He then asked about unit count.

“Let’s say we decide to move forward and go through CEQA. Let’s just say hypothetically it did impact unit count,” Thorpe said.

Ebbs responded, “the Olive Grove project isn’t on the agenda, tonight. This will change expectations.”

But, Thorpe pressed the issue wanting to know what happens “to those remaining units.”

“No one has a unit count, today,” Ebbs responded.

“If we did (approved) this?” Thorpe asked.

“We would have a unit count,” Ebbs stated. “Units could be transferred from one project to another.”

Council Member Monica Wilson then asked about elements of the plan and public services.

“The red areas you have designated as commercial. People have asked about fire, about public works facility. Have we identified locations” for them?

Ebbs responded, “That’s a really good point. We have identified a fire station because the developer has included it in their plans. We haven’t identified a specific spot for a future public works facility because that is someone’s property.”

Tiscareno then asked about all of the council members attending the community forum on Feb 23.

City Attorney Michael Vigilia responded, “I would advise against all of you attending so you would avoid the possibility of a Brown Act violation. I would strongly encourage you to not participate in the discussion.”

Mayor Wright then wrapped up the discussion, stating, “As far as I’m concerned it’s 90, 95% done. But you want council direction.”

“Probably more like four weeks,” Ebbs said in providing a time frame for staff to return with a final plan for a council vote.

Thorpe then said “I would like to know more about the challenges with development around Zeka Ranch.”

“If you have questions about specific projects that should be agendized specifically,” Vigilia stated.

Thorpe responded, “help me with understanding the environmental considerations and why we’re still considering possible development and what are the legal ramifications around that.”

Wilson asked for information on different types of senior housing.

Wright asked about “the hilltop 25% issue.”

“Overall, is there some flexibility on that?” he asked.

“Nothing in the General Plan should be in concrete,” Ebbs responded. “This is the 10,000-foot level. All the conflicts we run into they’re all minor, so we don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater.”

The council then went on to other matters on the night’s agenda.

Op-Ed: County’s Urban Limit Line threatened

Thursday, January 26th, 2017

Contra Costa’s Urban Limit Line was established in 1990 and strengthened in 2004.  Its purpose was to prevent urban sprawl into virgin agricultural land and preserve for the county’s citizens open space for their enjoyment.

A developer is now petitioning the county’s supervisors to approve a so called 30-acre development that breaks the ULL and will build 125 homes in rural Tassajara Valley. In 2006, Contra Costa voters approved Measure L that further strengthened the ULL by requiring an election and a majority vote of the county’s voters to approve any development outside the ULL.  An exception was granted to allow the supervisors to approve developments not exceeding 30 acres and if one of seven named exceptions could be cited.

It is very important that this development be stopped.  The developer is offering the county a check for $4 million and to dedicate another 500 acres for non-urban use.  While enticing, this offer should be rejected by our supervisors.  If the county accepts this “deal”, it will establish a precedent for other developers to “break the line”.  The blueprint of a $4 million check and land donation will have been established.

Measure L required five year reviews by the county’s Department of Conservation and Development to determine if the ULL needed to be adjusted for reasons that included population growth and the availability of land for development within the ULL.  This department concluded in their December 20, 2016 report to the supervisors that there was sufficient developable land within the ULL through the year 2036, i.e., no need to build outside the ULL.

Our supervisors, Federal Glover of District 5 and Diane Burgis of District 3 have good environmental records.  Indeed, supervisor Glover has consistently supported the ULL.  In a May 2016 interview by another news source, Glover stated: “I have always contended that the Urban Limit Line was necessary so that our region would not grow more than what our infrastructure could handle.  Traffic, police services and schools are the main services that suffer when growth happens too fast.” The recently elected District 3 supervisor, Diane Burgis, has strong environmental credentials having established them in her position as executive director of Friends of Marsh Creek Watershed.

The proposed development, “Tassajara Parks”, will be coming soon before the Board of Supervisors for a vote.  While this development is not in the eastern portion of our county, the precedent that this development would set will make all lands outside the ULL susceptible to development.  Write or E-mail your supervisor and make your voices heard.  Tell them not to compromise, reject this development project and protect the ULL.  Our supervisors will listen to us, the voters.  E-mail Supervisors Glover and Burgis at and   More information is available at

Gretchen Logue

Richard Fischer

Tassajara Valley Preservation Association