Archive for the ‘Government’ Category

East Contra Costa Fire District annexation to Con Fire approved

Friday, March 11th, 2022

Will provide improved fire and emergency response throughout county, particularly in East County

When complete, CCCFPD will absorb the firefighting staff, support staff, facilities, equipment of ECCFPD

By Steve Aubert, Fire Marshal and PIO, East Contra Costa Fire Protection District

MARTINEZ, CALIF., March 11, 2022 — On March 9, 2022, the Contra Costa County Local Area Formation Commission (LAFCo) unanimously approved the annexation of East Contra Costa Fire Protection District (ECCFPD) to the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District (CCCFPD) and the dissolution of ECCFPD. The LAFCo action is the final step in the long-planned, collaborative effort to consolidate fire services in eastern Contra Costa County.

Benefits of annexation for residents are expected to enhance and expand fire and emergency medical services to East Contra Costa County while improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of fire protection services in the region.

“The annexation of East Contra Costa Fire into Contra Costa County Fire, together with the allocation of Measure X funds, will double the number of stations serving East County residents, with additional stations opening as soon as this summer,” said Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors District 3 Supervisor Diane Burgis. “This has rightly been characterized as a historic achievement, resolving service deficits that have plagued East County for decades. When I had the opportunity to attend the graduation ceremony of 27 Con Fire recruits last week, I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the brave firefighters that serve us every day, the many community leaders who worked long hours to achieve this outcome, and the residents who entrusted us with the resources to improve services.”

“Today is a day for celebration,” said Brian J. Oftedal, President of the ECCFPD Board of Directors. “The cooperation and collaboration of so many individuals has made this annexation a reality. Residents in East Contra Costa will now receive the services they deserve. Response times will improve, fire apparatus will arrive with a paramedic on board, and slowly but surely, improved ISO rating will help residents and businesses save money on annual fire insurance bills. For everyone that has been a part of improving public safety in our county, thank you.”

Finally bringing this decades-long concept of annexation to reality for our two fire districts will improve fire, rescue, and emergency medical service delivery and improve safety for our firefighters throughout the many communities we serve in the eastern portions of our county,” said Lewis Broschard, Fire Chief, Contra Costa County Fire Protection District. “As we move ahead to implementing the changes that will see the benefits of annexation become reality, I am grateful to our board of directors, labor organizations, and our fire district staff for their support.”

“On behalf of the ECCFPD, we are pleased that this monumental day has come in joining our two agencies to improve emergency services throughout East County,” said East Contra Costa Fire Protection District Fire Chief Brian Helmick. “Thank you to Supervisor Burgis and to all those who have supported us to reach this historical day.”

With LAFCo’s actions, CCCFPD will complete the operational and administrative consolidation of the two entities. When complete, CCCFPD will absorb the firefighting staff, support staff, facilities, and equipment of the ECCFPD, and the newly merged organization will provide improved fire and emergency services to the more than 128,000 residents of eastern Contra Costa County.

While both fire districts already work very closely on mutual aid assignments across current borders, each maintains separate operations, training, and administrative functions, annexation will allow for achieving economies of scale by bringing the separate operational entities under one administrative structure.

Annexation is also expected to reduce current burdens on the agencies’ busiest stations by increasing resources within the current footprint of East Contra Costa Fire District in East County.

About Contra Costa County Fire Protection District (Con Fire) — A recognized fire service Leader – Con Fire provides fire and emergency medical services to some 625,000 residents in 14 cities and unincorporated areas across our 304 square-mile jurisdiction. And, through our unique ambulance Alliance, we provide EMS and ambulance transport services to much of the remainder of Contra Costa County, California. With few exceptions, county emergency ambulance transport services are provided by Con Fire through its unique sub-contractor Alliance model across the District and beyond to include some 520 square miles of the County. In 2021, the District responded to more than 141,000 incidents of all types, including some 55,000 fire and EMS emergencies, and dispatched nearly 100,000 ambulances, providing expert medical care on more than 75,000 ambulance transports.The District, with 26 fire stations and more than 400 employees, is dedicated to preserving life, property, and the environment.

About East Contra Costa Fire Protection District — The East Contra Costa Fire Protection District (ECCFPD) is a rural-funded fire district that currently operates three fire stations and has a three-station deficit. The District protects a population of more than 128,000 across its 249 square-mile service area. ECCFPD provides firefighting personnel, emergency medical services (basic life support), and fire prevention to the residents and businesses of the cities of Brentwood and Oakley, and unincorporated communities of Discovery Bay, Bethel Island, Knightsen, Byron, Marsh Creek, and Morgan Territory. Learn more at or on social media via Facebook (East Contra Costa Fire Protection District), Instagram(@east_contra_costa_fire), Twitter (@ECCFPD ) or our YouTube channel (East Contra Costa Fire Protection District).

House on AUSD property on Deer Valley Road in Sand Creek area to be torn down

Friday, February 25th, 2022

Aerial view of the property at 6600 Deer Valley Road owned by the Antioch school district. Source: AUSD

Used for storage, vandalized, Board declared it “obsolete”

By Allen D. Payton

Screenshot of Facebook post of the “rant” about the house being demolished.

The house owned by the Antioch Unified School District, located at 6600 Deer Valley Road south of Dozier-Libbey Medical High School and southeast of the Antioch Kaiser Medical Center, will be torn down after years of sitting vacant and being “terribly vandalized” according to AUSD Superintendent Stephanie Anello. The board voted to demolish it.

In a recent comment on Facebook, Cambria Dejesus wrote, “Rant… Demo to be done on the school property on Deer Valley Rd.  A beautiful home built in the late 80’s or early 90’s, remodeled for use for the school board, which they no longer use, voted to be destroyed due to vandalism.  It has permanent seating in the yard for at least 100 people, gazebos, and it’s an absolute shame that it set to demo.  I lease property from AUSD and offered to lease it so it can remain to possibly introduce FFA or some agriculture program to the curriculum but was told the board already voted to demo. There is minimal damage to the home from vandalism but something that would stop if occupied.   I think it’s a crying shame it’s going to be destroyed.   Shouldn’t the money be spent on the students, some use planned for the property that will give Antioch’s students a place to get away from it all and perhaps save a few from taking the wrong path.  Country heals.  Rant over.”

Questions were sent to AUSD Superintendent Stephanie Anello asking, “is this true? If so, has the district been using the home? If so, how? If it’s not being used why hasn’t the district been renting it out to someone to create a revenue stream? What are the plans for the property and how many acres does it include?”

According to Anello, “The Board declared the home on the property as ‘obsolete’ at a Board Meeting, as the home has not been used or occupied in decades and has been terribly vandalized over the years. I am not aware of any money being used in the past to renovate the property as stated” in the comment. “To clarify, it has been used for storage, just not used for staff or students.”

“Right now, it is being leased for grazing and we have no immediate alternative plans,” she added. “Our plans will, of course, change depending on the development of the area.”

The property consists of 20.98 acres.

Interim city manager tried to evict Congressman from Antioch Community Center office, break lease ending next January

Monday, February 21st, 2022

Middle paragraph of McNerney’s response letter to City of Antioch’s eviction notice dated Jan. 13, 2022.

Will now negotiate with Congressman’s office, U.S. House of Representatives’ legal counsel during closed door meeting Tuesday night

Also gave boot to local non-profit; to use it for Community Resources Department; Councilwoman Ogorchock not happy, expected to locate it inside Rivertown Resource Center instead

McNerney helped Mayor Thorpe with recall fundraising roast next day

By Allen D. Payton

In the first two weeks in his new position, Antioch’s Interim City Manager Con Johnson through Parks and Recreation Director Brad Helfenberger, attempted to evict Congressman Jerry McNerney from the office space he leases inside the Antioch Community Center at Prewett Family Park on Lone Tree Way almost 11 months earlier than the lease ends next January. In a Jan. 10, 2022, letter to McNerney, Helfenberger wrote, “Pursuant to Section 10 of the District Office Lease Attachment, the City of Antioch hereby terminates the District Office Lease Agreement effective February 15, 2022. You are required to vacate the premises…by 5pm on February 15th, 2022.” Helfenberger letter to McNerney 01-10-22  McNerney-Antioch Lease

In a Jan. 13 response the congressman, who is retiring at the end of this year and will no longer need the space, and whose district, CD-9, will no longer include portions of Antioch, wrote a letter to Mayor Lamar Thorpe – who McNerney helped with his recall campaign fundraising roast, the following day – Johnson and Helfenberger and copied each of the other four council members. McNerney wrote, “This letter is to inform you that I will not close this office on February 15, 2022. Our current lease does not expire until January 2, 2023, at which time we will vacate the premises. Section 10 of the District Office Lease Attachment, which you cited in your letter, does not establish the right of either party to end the lease before the expiration date.” McNerney response letter 01-13-22

Section 10 of the McNerney-City of Antioch lease.

McNerney’s Office Had to Get U.S. House of Representatives’ Legal Counsel Involved

In a follow up email to Johnson and Helfenberger dated Jan. 11, 2022, McNerney’s Chief of Staff Nicole Damasco wrote, “I have discussed this matter with the House of Representative’s Associate Administrative Counsel, Cecilia Daly. In her opinion, since the original 2013 lease, which has been extended without changes, does not include an early termination clause, section 10 does not apply. Cecelia, Chiakis, and I would like to schedule a conference call with you and the City’s legal representative tomorrow to discuss this in more detail.” McNerney-Antioch lease & eviction emails 01-22

That refers to Chiakis (Xiong) Ornelas, McNerney’s Senior Field Representative who works in his Stockton office.

Then in another email from Damasco on Jan. 13, she wrote, “We have spoken with the House Administrative Counsel’s office who assure us that section 10 of the District Office Lease Attachment does not confer an early termination clause for either party, and that we are legally entitled to stay in our space until January 2, 2023.

Additionally, we have been informed that it will not be possible to relocate our office by February 15, 2022, even if we chose to move. This is because House rules require that the General Services Administration (GSA) arrange to move House-owned furniture and equipment, and we are unable to coordinate with the GSA in the time allotted. Even though we are legally entitled to stay in the space until the current lease expires, Rep. McNerney is amenable to working together to find a solution that will ensure the best services for the residents of Antioch.”

Local Business and Organization Also Shown the Door

Emerald Consulting, owned by Keith and Iris Archuleta, who run the Youth Intervention Network, also had their lease terminated by the City for the office space they have been in the community center since May 2015. Keith is also the executive director of the Antioch Community Foundation, but that organization was not leasing the space.

“We allowed the community foundation to use the space for meetings,” Iris Archuleta told the Herald, last month. “We’re on a month-to-month, so we’re not going to dispute it. We just told them we’ll move out by the end of the month.”

“From what they say is, they’re going to put the person who they hired to run the youth programs,” she continued. “We received a letter and a phone call from the recreation department. We took our stuff out and removed our information from the door.”

Space to be Used for New Community Resources Department

The city plans to use the space for the Community Resources Department, created by the city council, last year, which will include a yet to be hired Community Resources and Public Safety Director, Antioch Youth Services Network Manager, Tasha Johnson, and the city’s Unhoused Resident Coordinator, Jazmin Ridley. The public safety portion of the new department will not oversee police services, but community crisis intervention response, violence intervention and prevention, animal services and code enforcement. The department will also include environmental resources and the city’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.

The council will discuss forming an ad hoc committee to develop the details about the department during their Tuesday, Feb. 22 meeting under regular agenda item 10.

Councilwoman Ogorchock “Blown Away” by Johnson’s Efforts

In a Jan. 19 email, District 3 Councilwoman Lori Ogorchock, in whose district the Antioch Community Center is located, questioned Johnson over his effort to evict the congressman. She also asked him why the city wouldn’t use the Rivertown Resource Center on W. 10th Street, the old police station, that houses other non-profit organizations. Ogorchock email 01-19-22

Ogorchock wrote, “I am very surprised by this email. When did we start to look at the Community Center as a location for this new dept.? Why would we think that it would be ok to give a 30 day notice to a Federal elected official who has been there for quite sometime? Has the Congressman been there since we opened the Community Center?

Congressman McNerney sees our constituents there on a regular basis, and some of those individuals are our veterans.

How much research have you completed into those who lease portions of that building? Since you have only been CM for a short period of time, 15 days (?), I would assume you’ve not had ample time to properly vet the effects of these actions, one example of this would be the city attorney not being a party to the emails being forwarded. When did you come up with the notion to use the Community Center for this dept.?

We just approved on the consent agenda on Tuesday the expense of hiring an independent evaluation of the Resource building on 10th St., (old police building). Why would we spend money to do that when it was your intent to use the Community Center? We authorized up to $50k to have the evaluation completed, that would be a waste of taxpayers’ funds. That would not be financially sound move on our part.

Should we not have had the city attorney look at the lease prior to having the Director of Recreation reach out to the Congressman’s office? Why was it his responsibility and not yours or the city attorney’s.

To be totally honest with you I am blown away by this move, not sure that I am happy about it either. We need to maintain an amicable relationship with the Congressman, to make sure he is in our community so that he is accessible to our community.”

City Council to Negotiate New Lease Tuesday

Now, the city council will meet during closed session, beginning at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022, to negotiate the lease of three of the rooms in the community center, according to the meeting agenda.

The closed session agenda Item 2 reads as follows: “CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATONS pursuant to California Government Code section 54956.8: Property: Antioch Community Center Rooms 125, 126, and 127 (consisting of 474 square feet of office space) located at 4703 Lone Tree Way, Antioch CA 94531; Agency Negotiation: Cornelius Johnson, City Manager, and Thomas Lloyd Smith, City Attorney; Negotiating Parties: Jerry McNerney, United States Congressman; Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment.”

Contra Costa County Assessor’s Office issues important warning to taxpayers

Thursday, February 10th, 2022

Contra Costa, 9 other Bay Area and Santa Cruz county health officers to lift most indoor mask mandates for vaccinated Feb. 16

Wednesday, February 9th, 2022

Matching state’s order one day prior; order comes one day after Contra Costa Supervisors appoint new county health officer; statcontinues to require masking in K-12 school settings

In alignment with the State, the Bay Area counties of Contra Costa, Alameda, Marin, Monterey, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Solano, Sonoma, the City of Berkeley, and Santa Cruz County will lift universal mask requirements for vaccinated individuals in most indoor public settings beginning Wednesday, February 16. The change comes one day after Contra Costa Supervisors appointed Dr. Orli Tzvieli as the county’s new health officer. (See related article)

The change aligns with the California Department of Public Health’s (CDPH) decision to let expire the statewide indoor mask requirement, which was instated on December 15 during the latest COVID-19 surge, in spite of scientific evidence masks don’t work in preventing the spread of the virus. That’s because the size of the COVID molecule is much smaller than the gaps in the fabric of most if not all masks being used. In addition, a 2021 study (that has not yet been peer-reviewed), conducted using data from the CDC covering multiple seasons, reports that “mask mandates and use are not associated with lower SARS-CoV-2 spread among US states.” That study also shows “case growth was not significantly different between mandate and non-mandate states at low or high transmission rates, and surges were equivocal.”

Yet, unvaccinated individuals over age 2 will continue to be required to wear masks in all indoor public settings. Businesses, venue operators and hosts may determine their own paths forward to protect staff and patrons and may choose to require all patrons to wear masks.

Plus, indoor masking is still required by the State for everyone, regardless of vaccination status, in public transportation; health care settings; congregate settings like correctional facilities and homeless shelters; long term care facilities; and in K-12 schools and childcare settings.

Bay Area health officers, in alignment with CDPH, continue to strongly recommend masks be used as an effective tool to prevent the spread of the virus especially when case rates are high, or when additional personal protection is needed. Continuing to mask in indoor public settings, especially crowded or poorly ventilated spaces, remains the safest choice for an individual and protects those who are medically vulnerable or are not able to get vaccinated, like our youngest children. As evidence continues to show, vaccinations and boosters remain the best defense against the virus.

The highly contagious Omicron variant brought on a new stage of the pandemic with a high number of new infections, but significantly fewer cases of life-threatening illnesses, especially for those who are vaccinated and boosted. While relaxing indoor masking requirements is part of a population-level shift toward a “new normal” of living with the disease, the Health Officers recognize that essential workers and communities of color continue to be highly impacted by COVID-19 and will need additional support to limit widening health disparities. Changes to health orders and recommendations may be updated as Health Officers follow the science and the data to evaluate whether additional protective measures may be needed as the virus evolves and if future surges occur.

People should continue to choose layered prevention strategies, such as wearing well-fitted masks (N95 or double layer cloth over surgical are best); staying home and testing when symptomatic; testing before gatherings; and improving indoor ventilation in situations where these strategies can add protection for themselves and others. Staying “up to date” on vaccinations, meaning primary series and boosters when eligible, remains the most important way to prevent severe illness, hospitalization, and death.

After reaching a high on January 9 of 2,835 new cases per day, Contra Costa’s case rates have rapidly declined to a 7-day average of 958 on February 1 and continue to drop. Meanwhile, hospitalizations, a lagging indicator of disease, have begun to drop and never exceeded local capacity during this latest surge because of the county’s overall high rates of vaccinations (80%) and boosters (49% of those eligible). Contra Costa’s universal mask mandate has been in place since August 2 when cases began climbing from the Delta variant.

A combination of preventative strategies, along with the community’s cooperation helped get the Bay Area through this last surge together as a stronger community.

“We are able to take this next major step of removing the universal indoor mask requirement because we have laid a strong foundation in good public health protections…and know we can reduce severe illness, hospitalizations and deaths,” said Dr. Ori Tzvieli, health officer for Contra Costa County.

By aligning with the state masking rules, the participating Bay Area counties will not need to meet previously established criteria for lifting local masking orders, which were devised at a different point in the pandemic.

CDPH continues to require masking in K-12 school settings but has indicated adjustments to the state’s policies will be shared in the coming weeks. In the meantime, there is work to be done in closing the remaining gaps in vaccinations and boosters among children with a particular focus on equity gaps within the most highly impacted communities.

For early education programs, such as preschool and childcare settings, CDPH continues to require masking for children older than age two. Vaccinations for children under 5 are currently undergoing federal review. Workplaces will continue to follow the COVID-19 prevention standards set by CalOSHA.

Some people may understandably feel anxious about these changes to masking requirements in the county. People can continue to choose to wear face coverings around others whether it’s mandated or not and should respect people’s choices around their health. Community members who are vaccinated and choose not to mask should respect the choices of those who continue to mask. Officials ask residents and visitors to be kind and respectful as people evaluate their risks and make choices to protect themselves and those around them.


Allen D. Payton contributed to this report.


Contra Costa Supervisors appoint new county health officer

Wednesday, February 9th, 2022

Dr. Ori Tzvieli during a Jan. 22, 2021 online press conference. Source: Screenshot of CCHealth Services YouTube video

Farnitano retiring next month; Tzvieli will also hold title and role of county’s Director of Public Health

The Contra Costa Board of Supervisors today appointed Dr. Ori Tzvieli as the county’s new Health Officer.

Dr. Tzvieli has helped to lead the county’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic for the past two years as a deputy health officer.

He fills a vacancy left by Dr. Chris Farnitano, who has stepped down from the role in preparation for retirement after more than 30 years caring for Contra Costa County residents.

“Dr. Farnitano will be missed. We are glad Dr. Tzvieli is ready to step into a role that is so crucial for the health and safety of our county residents during the pandemic,” said Board of Supervisors Chair Karen Mitchoff. “Over the past two years, both of them have contributed to one of the finest local responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in California.”

Each county in California appoints a health officer who has broad authority under state Health & Safety Code and are responsible for protecting the health of residents within their jurisdictions.

“Dr. Tzvieli has helped to lead our county’s emergency response since the beginning. We are fortunate to have someone with his experience and community knowledge ready to step up,” Contra Costa Health Director Anna Roth said. “I am very confident that he will help to continue our strong efforts to combat the spread of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.”

Dr. Tzvieli joined Contra Costa Health (CCH) as a family medicine resident at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center (CCRMC) in 2000, launching a career in the county’s healthcare delivery system that has led to several leadership roles, including Medical Staff President, Ambulatory Care Medical Director, Public Health Medical Director and now Director of Public Health, serving under Director Roth.

During his time with CCH, Dr. Tzvieli has championed collaborative efforts to address opioid addiction and cared for some of the county’s most vulnerable residents as medical director of the Health Care for the Homeless program.

Dr. Farnitano will formally retire in March after a celebrated career at CCH. He became Contra Costa County Health Officer in July 2018, after previously serving as Ambulatory Care Medical Director at CCRMC and Family Medicine Department Chair, among other roles.

Allen D. Payton contributed to this report.

California indoor mask mandate to end for the vaccinated Feb. 15

Monday, February 7th, 2022
A post on the California Governor’s Facebook page on Monday, Feb. 7 reads, “On February 15, California’s statewide indoor mask requirement will expire. Unvaccinated people must still wear masks in indoor public settings. Cases have decreased 65% since the Omicron peak.”

Contra Costa reaches 80% vaccinated, lifts mandates for restaurants, gyms, theaters

Monday, February 7th, 2022

Photo source: CDC

Retiring Health Officer, staff never showed percentage of COVID cases that originated at those businesses, but still issued order in September

Average daily number of new cases have likely peaked, countywide hospitalizations due to COVID-19 have also in decline

With 80% of all county residents now fully vaccinated, Contra Costa Health Services (CCHS) on Friday, Feb. 4, 2022, lifted its health order requiring certain businesses, including restaurants, gyms, bars and theaters, to verify the vaccination status or recent negative test results of customers. So, there is no longer a need to show your papers at those businesses. (For details see the Rescinding Order)

Although neither former county Health Officer Dr. Chris Farnitano nor county health staff could ever provide documentation showing the percentage of COVID cases in the county from patrons of restaurants, bars, gyms or theaters, he issued an order as of Sept.  22, 2021 requiring those businesses to verify that indoor customers were fully vaccinated, or had tested negative for COVID-19 within the previous three days. His order also included a requirement for workers in indoor areas of those businesses to show proof of full vaccination or test weekly. (See related article)

Farnitano is retiring from his position, next month and Contra Costa County Director of Public Health Dr. Ori Tzvieli is now serving as acting county health officer, as part of the transition.

Testing data show COVID-19 transmission, fueled by the highly contagious omicron variant, remains high in Contra Costa, but that the average daily number of new cases have likely peaked, and countywide hospitalizations due to COVID-19 have also begun to decline.

“We believe now is the right time to loosen a requirement that made a lot of sense last summer, when a different variant of COVID-19 was dominant and there was less community immunity,” said Dr. Ori Tzvieli, acting Contra Costa County Health Officer. “But by no means are we back to normal. There are still many more cases of COVID-19 in our community now than there were in mid-December, so we need to continue to take precautions when we go out.”

The best protection against COVID-19 infections, and serious illness from infections, is to be fully vaccinated and up to date with a booster dose whenever eligible.

“We deeply appreciate everyone who has chosen to vaccinate. You have made yourselves, your loved ones, and the entire community safer,” Contra Costa Health Director Anna Roth said. “If you are eligible and you have not gotten your booster, it is really important that you get one. People who get boosted are significantly safer from serious COVID-19.”

County data show that the daily COVID-19 case rate for Contra Costa residents who received booster doses is more than three times lower than that of unvaccinated people, and about nine times more effective at preventing hospitalization due to the virus.

On Thursday, Contra Costa reached a new milestone, with 80% of all county residents now fully vaccinated. So far, 48.4% of eligible residents have received booster doses.

The verification order, which took effect last September, applied to businesses where people remove face coverings to eat or drink indoors, such as restaurants, bars and entertainment venues, and to gyms and other indoor fitness facilities, including yoga and dance studios, where patrons breathe more heavily due to exercise.

The order required these businesses to verify that indoor customers were fully vaccinated, or had tested negative for COVID-19 within the past three days. It also included a requirement for workers in indoor areas of these businesses to show proof of full vaccination or test weekly.

Though the county requirement may be lifted, private businesses may choose to implement their own verification requirements to better protect customers and staff, and CCHS encourages them to consider doing so as a safest practice during the pandemic.

Other state and countywide health orders remain in effect, including workplace vaccine verification requirements for healthcare workers, first responders and congregate care workers, and a requirement for most people to wear face coverings in most indoor public spaces.

Current state health orders still require proof of vaccination or a recent, negative test result in certain situations, including when visiting hospitals or long-term care facilities, or attending indoor “mega events” of 500 or more people.

Visit for updates regarding Contra Costa County health orders and the county’s emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Allen Payton contributed to this report.