Archive for the ‘City Council’ Category

Antioch Mayor proposes formal apology, historic recognition for city’s Chinatown being burned down in 1870’s

Wednesday, April 14th, 2021

Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe held a press conference with other local officials and community leaders denouncing anti-Asian hate and announcing proposals for recognizing the history of Chinese in Antioch, including the racist attacks against them in the late 1800’s.

Signs proclamation denouncing anti-Asian racism; also proposes youth mural project

By Allen Payton

During a press conference held Wednesday morning, April 14, 2021, Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe proposed a resolution formally apologizing for the burning down of the city’s Chinatown in 1876, a historic district in the area of the city’s downtown where it was located and funding a permanent display in the Antioch Historical Society Museum, and an historic mural project by Antioch youth. In addition, he signed the proclamation adopted by the city council during last night’s meeting denouncing anti-Asian racism. (See video of press conference)

Thorpe also mentioned an incident that occurred, yesterday an attack against two Asian women outside the County Market, the city’s largest Asian grocery store. According to Antioch Police Chief T Brooks, it was a strong arm robbery. More details will be released, today.

Community College Board Trustee Andy Li is presented with the proclamation by Mayor Thorpe during the press conference on Wednesday.


Unanimously approved by the Antioch City Council on April 13, 2021

WHEREAS, Antioch is home to diverse communities and has been for many generations;

WHEREAS, we are disturbed and alarmed by the severity and frequency of hate crimes and race-based harassment against Asians and the Asian Pacific Islander Communities associated with COVID-19;

WHEREAS, the Asian-American experience in the Bay Area is a complex and multi-faceted history; WHEREAS, the first major wave of Asians came to the Bay Area during the Gold Rush and many worked on the transcontinental railroad in the nineteenth century and were met with racial hostility and animosity;

WHEREAS, in 1876, Antioch’s Chinatown was burned down and it later became Waldie Plaza. People of Chinese heritage were banned from walking Antioch City streets after sunset;

WHEREAS, during the late-nineteenth century, anti-Chinese sentiment resulted in conflict and extremely restrictive regulations and norms concerning where Asian Americans could live and in which occupations they could work, which were often enforced with violence;

WHEREAS, today, there are nearly 1.7 million Asians in the Bay Area, constituting nearly 24 percent of the overall population. We pledge to not repeat the egregious acts of discrimination in past and present history;

WHEREAS, having Chinese ancestry – or any other ancestry – does not make a person more vulnerable to COVID-19. No race, nationality or ethnicity is responsible for COVID-19;

WHEREAS, ignorance is the lifeblood of conspiracies that hamper our ability to fight the pandemic and endanger the most vulnerable; and

WHEREAS, the City of Antioch recognizes the negative impact of institutional and structural racism, past and present.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, LAMAR A. THORPE, Mayor of the City of Antioch, do hereby proclaim that racism against Asians and Asian Americans shall not be tolerated in any form, AND we stand in support of individuals and communities targeted by association with COVID-19, AND we urge everyone to interrupt instances of racisms and

intolerance by speaking up in support of equity, justice, and inclusion.


The mayor then presented the signed proclamation to Andi Li, Area 4 Representative on the Contra Costa Community College District Board of Trustees. Li thanked the mayor and council for the proclamation and shared some additional history of Chinese residents in Antioch and the U.S. helping build the transcontinental railroad and the levees in the Delta.

“Thank you, Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe and the city council, for joining many other government entities and passing the resolution to condemn anti-Asian hate crimes. Thank you, Antioch residents for supporting the API community.  I am very honored to accept the resolution,” Li said. “In America, the overall hate crime rate decreased by 7% in 2020, but against Asian Americans, it increased by 160%.  It created hardship for many Asian families including my family. The resolution is very important for Asian Pacific Islanders, especially those living in Antioch.  It let us see the support from the community during this hardship. So, thank you very much.”

Thorpe’s Proposals

Dwayne Eubanks, president of the Antioch Historical Society spoke about a permanent display at the museum.

Thorpe proposed “funding some sort of permanent exhibit at the Antioch Historical Society Museum.”

Dwayne Eubanks, president of the society spoke of “a permanent program with exhibits to examine our past. May is Asian Pacific Islander Month and we will be having displays.”

According to Stan Davis, Treasurer of the Historical Society, as well as the city’s former Director of Public Works and City Engineer, who has lived here since 1964, no previous mayor or council has proposed an apology for the past anti-Chinese racism and burning down of Antioch’s Chinatown that he’s aware of.

The mayor also proposed the city “designate a Chinatown Historic District with appropriate signage and story which timelines what happened, here for residents to enjoy and others to come to our community to enjoy.”

Former Antioch Mayor Pro Tem Joy Motts, who is president of the Rivertown Preservation Society, then spoke saying, “today we take the first step in recognizing a difficult part of our city’s history.” Following are her prepared remarks:

“On behalf of the Rivertown Preservation Society I am proud to be here today as we gather to ensure that the past and present story of Antioch is one that acknowledges our complex history and generations of diverse populations that built our community. Some may say that what happened in the past has no effect on who we are today. We believe this to be incorrect and that to the contrary, to not acknowledge the wrongs or intolerances of yesterday, can only make more plausible that they may happen again.  When we speak of atrocities such as 9/11 or Nazi concentration camps, for those that experienced these times, they will tell you to never forget.  To not remember, to not discuss, to not teach about acts that caused great pain, and human despair, we are most likely doomed to repeat.  Whether it effects a nation or a small community, memorializing difficult times and times of great celebration should be and frankly must be part of our story.

So, today the City of Antioch takes a first step in remembering a very tough part of our history, of our Chinese residents who were so instrumental in building our Antioch community and communities of the bay area and state of California. And what makes this acknowledgment and proclamation important and of even more significance is the intolerable hate that has most recently befallen our Asian communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Here, in Antioch, we will fight against racism and intolerance against people of all ethnicities and fight for equity, justice and inclusion and by doing so we will never forget.”

“Our Parks and Recreation Commission will play a role as well,” Thorpe said. Marie Arce, chair of the commission then spoke briefly of “acknowledging our wrongdoings”.

To “engage our youth” Thorpe then proposed “a downtown mural project that recognizes our Chinese American residents’ contributions to the community.”

Antioch School Board Vice President, Dr. Clyde Lewis spoke next, saying “in order for us to understand ourselves, where we want to be, we have to look at where we’ve been.” He wants to have an “encouraging conversation in moving our community forward.” Lewis spoke of his own family, his wife and children, who are of the AAPI community.

Thorpe then introduced District 1 Councilwoman Tamisha Torres-Walker, and mentioned Lewis and Eubanks, saying, “as African Americans, we know the pain of not having your government acknowledge” and offering “no apologies, no reparations…for historical wrongs.”

District 1 Antioch Councilwoman Tamisha Torres-Walker shared her thoughts during the press conference.

His fourth proposal was for “advancing a resolution that officially apologizes for the terrorizing of our Chinese residents.” That will require formal council approval and Thorpe said he will place it on a future council agenda.

Torres-Walker spoke next saying, “I stand here, today as a Black Latina in solidarity with the API community against all racial hate and harm. What side of history are we on in Antioch, in the Bay Area and across our country? We stand here before you to recognize a moment in time. We are not born hateful. Hate is learned. Antioch has chosen to rise from the ashes of a horrible past into a more inclusive future. To move forward in the future where we are not defined by our past. We have got to do differently in the City of Antioch for communities of color and poor communities.”

She then recited the Pledge of Allegiance, saying “when we say ‘I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America…I cringe, because today we still do not have liberty, which is freedom…for people in dark bodies who face harm.”

“I’m happy to stand here, today in a dark body as a Black Latina to say ‘we see you’,” Torres-Walker added.

UPDATE: She later posted the following “Full modified statement from yesterday’s Mayor’s press conference” on her council Facebook page on Thursday, April 15:

“When you buy your first home, you don’t say I sure am going to fill it with hate. When you move to a community, you don’t say to yourself, I sure can’t wait to bring as much hate and harm to this community as possible. I stand here today as a black Latina in solidarity with the API community against all racial hate and harm,” said Torres-Walker. “I do not stand here today to apologize for whiteness. That is not my role. It is not my role as a person who has to show up every day in a dark body to apologize for white fragility, anti-blackness, transphobia, xenophobe, racism, classism, othering fear, white supremacy, patriarchy, and capitalism. That is not my role.”

Torres-Walker asked what side of history they were on today was the question where she highlighted people have been denied the privilege to walk freely on the streets and were forced underground.

“We are not born hateful. Hate is learned and passed down through generations and because Antioch has chosen to rise through the ashes of a horrible past into a more inclusive future we stand here before you all today united against racial hate,” said Torres-Walker. “We say that opportunity lives here in Antioch. Opportunity can only live here in Antioch when we all as Antioch residents fight just as hard for belonging as we have to get beyond our past and to move forward to a future where we are not defined by our past and we acknowledge our past so that everybody can belong.”

She thanked the Mayor for standing up today, but they needed to do better and differently for communities of color and poor communities.

“When we say I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America… I cringe,” stated Torres-Walker. “Today, we still do not have liberty which is freedom. We still do not have justice which is slow to come for communities of color and people in dark bodies who face harm.”

Thorpe then said he will be working with the historical society to develop the price tag for the permanent display at the museum and for establishing the historic Chinatown district.

Asked why this is being proposed now, Thorpe responded, “The impetus for this, now is we are all learning about this. As terms of this history of Antioch I learned about it when our former Mayor Don Freitas took me on a tour and told me about the tunnels. Eventually we would have gotten here because our council is very cognizant of culture and equity.”

Asked if there will be an effort to find the descendants of the owners of the land in Antioch’s Chinatown which includes Waldie Plaza and the two parking lots on each side of it that is now owned by the city, to compensate them, Thorpe responded that he will ask Eubanks to include that in the Historical Society’s research.

The funding will come from the General Fund, the mayor said, and the formal apology will be on the council agenda in early May. “I can apologize right here, right now but I think it’s more appropriate that the governing body do it…not just me,” Thorpe added.

Antioch Council moves forward hazard pay for large grocery store workers proposal

Tuesday, April 13th, 2021

Three members support effort; city staff will return with ordinance for adoption; could increase costs to families; city would “very likely” face a lawsuit

By Allen Payton

During consideration of a proposed ordinance to require large grocery stores offer hazard pay of $3 to $5 more per hour, the Antioch City Council heard from both sides of the issue during their meeting on Tuesday night, April 13. Urgency Ord Lg Grocery Stores Temp Hazard Pay ACC041321

Ryan Guiling, an organizer of UFCW Local 5, spoke in favor of the hazard pay ordinance. “Our workers have been working tirelessly during this pandemic…to keep us fed. Early in the pandemic many of the stores were giving hazard pay as appreciation pay. But in June all stores ended it across the country. In the interim, grocery stores have been recording record profits.”

A California Retailers Association representative spoke next saying “we respectively request you vote no. This ordinance doesn’t take into consideration COVID-19 cases are rapidly decreasing. That we haven’t done our part is not reality. The grocery business operates on razor-thin margins.”

He spoke of increased costs over the past year “due to higher PPE costs and hazard pay to employees. Premium pay will add $400 in annual costs to families. Decisions should not be made at the local level, but in Sacramento or Washington.”

Barbanica asked to hear from the city’s Economic Development Director Kwame Reed on the matter.

“My thoughts are purely, we should do additional research…before we form an opinion on this,” Reed responded.  “I was hired to bring in jobs and companies. This could be seen as working against those efforts. It would be good to come back with some facts on this item.”

“As of right now, if we look at our database for current business licenses…we have just over 30 businesses that identify themselves as food businesses. That includes a 7-11’s, a donut shop,” he continued. “Stores that would qualify would be the Food Maxx, Lucky’s, Raley’s, SaveMart.”

“I very much appreciate the grocery workers who have been there for us,” said District 2 Councilman Mike Barbanica who shared he had been a grocery store worker in the past. “I don’t think a city should get into determining what a private industry should do. Our attorney has said we’re headed for a lawsuit.”

“There are two grocery stores named that paid their workers appreciation pay. SaveMart has done it and hasn’t had going out of business sales,” Mayor Pro Tem Monica Wilson said. “Can you tell us the gross sales of grocery stores in our city?”

“I cannot tell you that, tonight. I would have to come back with that,” Reed said.

“I want to echo what members of the public said,” Wilson continued. “In the beginning we were calling these people heroes. They were showing up every day of the pandemic. They had to deal with people who didn’t want to wear a mask. These people who made sure our families were fed need to be acknowledged.”

District 1 Councilwoman Tamisha Torres-Walker, who proposed the idea, said, “the most dangerous place to be, right now is grocery stores. I don’t have to be there every day…run in grab something without getting sick or coughed on by someone who doesn’t want to wear a mask. It says for a specific period of time. So, I do have questions. Appreciation pay was offered for a period of time. I don’t like giving people raises and then taking it away. Because it’s time bound…and it’s to help our most valued workers, right now, other than public safety workers. Capital over people is not important. We do have to put our people, first.”

“What is the potential impact to jobs…how many jobs are we talking about between these large, corporate grocery stores? Are all these workers Antioch residents…who could add to our local economy?” she asked.

“We would likely have to call each of those stores, because they’re not obligated to tell us how many employees they have or if they live in Antioch,” Reed responded. “That’s the type of research we’re going to have to do.”

“Are Walmart and Costco not considered grocery stores?” Ogorchock asked.

“No. You will see that club stores like Costco would be excluded,” City Attorney Thomas Smith responded.

“You would have to determine if you want them included,” Reed explained.

“They ultimately decided not to include them in Concord,” Smith added.

“I know that Cal Cities took a look at this and chose not to pursue it,” Ogorchock said. “This is a slippery slope for us to get into and I don’t think this is something we should get into.”

“Other cities have done it for shorter,” Reed added.

“It may stop other stores from coming in. But it could stop other shops, when we as a council are getting into their business,” Ogorchock pointed out.

“Those are additional complications and additional lawsuits,” Smith stated.

“There are a lot of people who think we shouldn’t be doing a lot,” Torres-Walker said. “We shouldn’t be doing anything with rent protections during the pandemic, as well. But we moved forward, even though it wasn’t your business to do. Then the county followed up and added more protections. Just because it isn’t something you haven’t done in the past doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it, now. We need to continue to look at protections for renters and workers during this pandemic. When this comes back, I hope the council has the heart to move this forward.”

Thorpe then said, “it looks like there are two folks who support it and two folks who don’t.”

“We did things during COVID-19 that were temporary because of things we were facing,” he continued. “We did take the step on convictions and we heard the concerns, there. There will always be concerns. This could create all these horrible things. But we don’t know that.”

“I haven’t been to my office in over a year,” Thorpe continued. “But every time I went to the grocery store I saw workers working their butts off. From my perspective we move forward with the ordinance…include Target, Walmart and Costco. From my perspective, if we look at the revenue these places are bringing in, they were doing fine during the pandemic. I find it insulting when people call it ‘premium pay’. This is hazard pay because people either decided, or didn’t have the choice, to keep working.”

“We won’t single out stores, but we will include language that will capture those stores,” Smith said.

“We can add Lowe’s and I favor the $5 pay,” Thorpe said.

“Lowe’s?” asked Smith.

“I’ve seen ordinances that have a grocery component in there,” Reed said.

“Oh, OK,” Thorpe responded.

Smith and Reed then got into a bit of a tug-of-war over who would include what language in a proposed ordinance.

“I’m the attorney,” Smith said.

“You look at from a legal standpoint and I’ll look at it from an economic development standpoint,” Reed responded.

“I’m the mayor,” Thorpe said, ending the discussion between the two city department heads.

City staff will return with an ordinance at a future council meeting for adoption.

Antioch Council approves formation of police reform “committee of whole” council on split vote

Tuesday, April 13th, 2021

Postpones formalizing police notification of council and public of major incidents

By Allen Payton

During the Antioch Council meeting Tuesday night, April 13, the members approved on a 3-2 vote to form a committee of the whole council to handle police complaints. It’s intended to be a temporary measure until a citizens committee is formed to handle the task. In addition, the council formalized the protocol process for the Antioch Police Department to notify the city council

“We have this authority, now,” District 2 Councilman Mike Barbanica said. “What would be the difference? We’re sort of reporting back to ourselves. Why a secondary committee?”

“We’re just carving it out…so we’re transparent to the public,” Thorpe said.

“Our oversight powers are going to be very limited,” District 3 Councilwoman Lori Ogorchock said, directing her comments to the city attorney.

“You will be limited to an advisory capacity,” City Attorney Thomas Smith responded.

“If that’s the need, then you just call a special meeting,” Ogorchock said to Thorpe.

“We’re going to be more deliberate and transparent about what we’re doing,” Thorpe said.

“Can’t you just put that on the agenda?” Ogorchock asked.

“This is a new body of work we’re doing, here,” Thorpe responded. “We discussed this during the police reform agenda and this is the direction the council wanted to go in.”

“Chief Brooks gives us use of force stats,” Ogorchock pointed out.

“Point of clarification, excuse me if I’m misinterpreting this, setting this up of the five of us is just temporary for passing this off to a citizens committee,” Mayor Pro Tem Monica Wilson said.

“It was always meant to be temporary,” Thorpe said.

“An independent review body,” Wilson pointed out.

“That is probably the most important part of this,” Thorpe responded.

Wilson then made the motion to create a Standing Committee on Police Reform of the Whole City Council. Tamisha Torres-Walker seconded the motion.

The council voted 3-2 to approve the motion with Barbanica and Ogorchock voting no.

Police Notification of Council, Public Protocol Postponed

The council then took up the formalization of the protocol for the police department to notify the council members of major incidents that occur in the city.

Members of the public spoke, including some members of Angelo Quinto’s family, asking that the council also include timely notification of the public, and within 24 hours following an incident “through a variety of media,” as well as family members and others impacted, of all communications including press conferences.

“I want to say that I’m in support of an official protocol process…but I also want to acknowledge that in the last 60 days that I’ve received more texts and emails from the police chief and staff and want to thank the police chief for that,” District 1 Councilwoman Tamisha Torres-Walker said. “I also support the notification of the public…and victims…who are looking for communication from our police department. So, I agree there should be victim notification, as well.”

“This is something police chiefs, even former Police Chief  Allan Cantando, do,” District 3 Councilwoman Lori Ogorchock said. “So, I’m not sure why we’re doing this because they are doing it.”

“We’re doing it because they did it wrong,” Thorpe said. “There’s no excuses for not getting information. There’s also frustration from council members that information doesn’t get to us in a timely matter. Some bloggers get information before we do who post on social media. That’s unacceptable. We shouldn’t get information from third parties in our community…when people gather information and use it to attack elected officials, when we do not know.”

“There’s also the concern of informing the public,” he continued. “But I want this to be tight. I will be offering amendments to this.”

Thorpe then offered additional language he wanted included in the resolution.

“One thing we may want to consider, once we have everyone’s feedback, is to bring this back as a consent calendar item,” City Attorney Thomas Smith suggested.

“That’s fine. We can do that,” Thorpe responded. We can add the component of public transparency.”

Smith suggested that the council consider two separate resolutions, and to get the feedback now and bring both back for adoption, later. The mayor concurred and no vote was taken.

Antioch Council receives report on latest efforts to bring ferry service to city’s waterfront

Tuesday, April 13th, 2021

By Allen Payton

A type of ferry boat operated by WETA that could eventually stop in Antioch. Photo: WETA

During their meeting on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 the Antioch City Council received a report from a representative of the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) on the latest information on bringing ferry service to the city’s waterfront.

Peter Engel, the Director of Programs for CCTA provided the presentation. Antioch Ferry Service presentation 041321

A financial feasibility study of Contra Costa County Ferry Service from 2015 through 2023 was completed in 2014. It sought to Create collaborative effort engaging Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA), the cities, other interested entities and CCTA. Evaluate financial feasibility of expanding WETA’s ferry services to Contra Costa County.

Near-term expansion routes identified in the WETA Implementation and Operations Plan (IOP) and Short Range Transit Plan only includes a stop in Richmond. Additional expansion routes identified in WETA’s IOP include Hercules, Martinez and Antioch. The interlined routes include Antioch to Martinez, Martinez to Hercules and Antioch to Martinez to Hercules.

Engel spoke of a pilot program for ferry service in Antioch.

However, “there’s currently not a funding source for a pilot program,” he said.

Mayor Pro Tem Monica Wilson said, “my first term on council we were talking about ferry service and ridership. Back then we were talking about the traditional ferry. Former Mayor Wright talked about the water taxi. Hopefully, we’ll get more information and more studies on that. I like how the routes you discussed from Antioch to Martinez, Hercules and Richmond.”

“I know this was an issue with the WETA Board…if there is a Contra Costa representative on the WETA Board, it would be good to have at least a Contra Costa, hopefully an Antioch representative on that board,” she continued. “I just wanted to know if that’s changed since then.”

“The structure on the board hasn’t changed. Sacramento basically selects the members,” Engle responded. “Three by the governor, one by the Assembly Speaker and one by the Senate Rules Committee. The only one who represents Contra Costa who is Jim Wunderman, the CEO of the Bay Area Council and a resident of Contra Costa. That would be something that would have to be taken up through the legislature. It’s something that WETA staff would support.”

“If we do this very right it could be very good for us,” Wilson continued. “I know the Larkspur Ferry has been hurting.”

“Larkspur is operated by Golden Gate Ferry…strictly to the City operation. It’s been hurt by the pandemic,” Engle responded.

“I sit on the CCTA, so I’ve had conversations about this with (City Manager) Ron Bernal,” Mayor Lamar Thorpe said. “If there’s the possibility of a pilot program, we’d need to put some money behind it. Ron would need to show up to say we’re committed to doing something.”

“That’s fair enough,” Bernal responded. “Is the council still interested in moving forward and getting information on this?”

“The council is committed to moving forward. We are certainly 100% committed,” Thorpe replied.

“I’m concerned in a post-COVID world we don’t know what the commute will look like before we are committed,” District 2 Councilman Mike Barbanica said. “Where are we going to be with commuters? We don’t know.”

“That is some of the conversations that we’ve been having,” Thorpe responded. “The money tied up in the courts, right now will be coming,”

“I’ve heard of this since I first moved here, and I’ve been very excited about this,” said District 1 Councilwoman Tamisha Torres-Walker who represents the part of Antioch where the ferry stop would be located. “I get the concerns Councilman Barbanica is lifting up, as well. But I also think as we learn to live with the virus…and go back to as normal as possible…that we have a ferry in Antioch and I’m excited about that potential.”

That was enough direction for both Bernal and Engle to move forward on bringing ferry service to Antioch.

The next steps include looking at service opportunities with routing to Pittsburg, Martinez, Hercules and Richmond; partner with other terminal cities; prepare Request for Information/Interest from private providers; and identifying funding. Potential funding could be from the Regional Measure 3 bridge toll revenue and COVID Relief funds.


Antioch council approves forming new Rivertown Dining District and draft logo design

Tuesday, April 13th, 2021

Draft design of Rivertown Dining District supported by Antioch City Council. They requested changes to the type font and color.

By Allen Payton

During their meeting on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 the Antioch City Council approved a new, Rivertown Dining District for Antioch’s historic downtown, promoting the current and future restaurants located there. They also had the option of either Downtown Dining District or Waterfront Dining District, or could have come up with their own, different name. Dining District Branding & Marketing Campaign presentation

The geographic area is within the existing Rivertown Business District, but a smaller area described as 5th Street to the River and E Street to the Marina.

Both District 2 and 3 Council Members Mike Barbanica and Lori Ogorchock said they preferred the design that included the paddle wheel with a fork, knife and spoon and the name Rivertown Dining District. But they wanted to Mayor Pro Tem Monica Wilson also liked the paddle wheel and naming it the Rivertown Dining District.

“I’m trying to get into it. Some people seem to be excited. Rivertown Dining District makes sense…it seems to be an existing brand of some sort,” said District 1 Councilwoman Tamisha Torres-Walker, who represents the part of the city where the new dining district is located. She supported the paddle wheel design, as well.

According to Sean McCauley, who owns several buildings in Rivertown and has brought several restaurants to the downtown, “they’ve reached out to several” restaurant owners for input.

“It’s been a long time on this project with our ad hoc committee,” he added.

The council also approved an ad campaign with Evviva Brands, the company the council hired in 2018 to rebrand the city with a new logo. According to the staff report, the ad campaign will include:

  • Dining District Microsite: Develop a district microsite including the district story, restaurant features, openings and hours, promotional videos, etc.
  • Streaming Radio Ads: During the initial Opportunity Lives Here campaign the best performing ads were streaming ads. We will develop ads targeting potential diners within a short drive of Antioch.
  • Light Pole Banners: Develop six unique light pole banners with a unique call to action and using the new mark, the Antioch master mark, and dining district footage.
  • District Dining Map: Develop a city map highlighting Antioch dining establishments with a focus on dining district restaurants.
  • Dining Card Design: Develop district dining card suitable for a restaurant stamp on the other side. Details of card copy content to be determined in collaboration with Antioch.
  • Branded Take-Out Containers: Develop art for branded take-out boxes showcasing the district.
  • Suite of Promotional Ads (digital and print): Develop a suite of digital ads in the various sizes

The motion to approve the name of the new district and the contract with Evviva Brands passed on a 5-0 vote.

David Kippen of Evviva Brands said they will bring back another round of logo designs with reversing the colors, looking at the lighter, salmon color for the text and different typefaces for “more refinement before we’re done.”


Antioch council approves citywide “wayfinding” signage program

Tuesday, April 13th, 2021

By Allen Payton

During their meeting on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 the Antioch City Council approved a new, citywide “wayfinding” signage program was approved, to give direction to parts of the city, including parks, trails, the marina and Rivertown. A total of $200,000 was budgeted for the project and an additional $150,000 was set aside for signage in Rivertown. But the total cost will be determined by the council during the budget process. All the signs would have graffiti preventing film. Antioch Citywide Sign Program presentation

The council settled on Scheme Two out of three options provided by the company hired to design, build and place the signs. The design will use the city’s new logo and color scheme approved a few years ago.

Antioch council to consider requiring large grocery stores give workers hazard pay of $3-$5 per hour more Tuesday night

Monday, April 12th, 2021

Will also consider forming a “Police Reform Standing Committee of the Whole City Council” to handle complaints against police officers.

Also expected to hire San Francisco firm to handle branding of new downtown dining district without giving local companies the opportunity

By Allen Payton

During their meeting tomorrow night, Tuesday, April 13, 2021, the Antioch City Council will consider an urgency ordinance that will require large grocery stores pay their employees an additional $3.00 to $5.00 per hour for “hazard pay” during the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s in spite of the fact Councilwoman Tamisha Torres-Walker, who proposed the ordinance, is wanting to attract a grocery store into District 1 which she represents, north of Highway 4, where the now closed Lucky’s store was located on E. 18th Street. It’s also in spite of the fact that Governor Newsom has announced the state expects to completely reopen just two months from now on June 15.  (See entire agenda, here)

In addition, the council will consider formalizing the process for notifications by the Antioch Police Department of significant events that occur in the city. The council will also consider forming a “Police Reform Standing Committee of the Whole City Council to handle complaints against police officers and “review Antioch Police Department (APO) policies, including those that pertain to use of force.”

Also on the agenda is a $40,000 contract for branding the city’s proposed new waterfront dining district, with Evviva Brands, the same San Francisco-based company that was hired to rebrand the city with a new logo and advertising, for which the city spent over $400,000. The contract was not sent out to bid to give local advertising and branding agencies the opportunity to do the work.

Hazard Pay for Grocery Store Workers

Modeled after Concord’s ordinance, the proposed Antioch urgency ordinance for grocery stores with over 300 employees to pay their workers “hazard pay” for 120 days or until Contra Costa County enters the lowest risk level – Yellow Tier under State Health orders whichever is later. According to the city staff report, the purpose of the ordinance is “to compensate grocery retail workers for the clear and present dangers of doing their jobs as essential workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.” Urgency Ord Lg Grocery Stores Temp Hazard Pay ACC041321

The ordinance was proposed by Torres-Walker during a previous council meeting. She was asked if she would also be proposing the same for garbage collectors, restaurant employees, hospital employees, dentist office employees and anyone else required to work in essential businesses that interact with the public during this time of COVID-19. Torres-Walker was also asked if the ordinance will hurt her efforts to bring another grocery store to her district, but she did not respond before publication time. (Please check back later for any updates to this report.)

The staff report also points out if the council adopts such an ordinance that “it is highly likely” the city will be sued by the California Grocers Association and “that the City will incur significant legal costs in defense of the ordinance, and potential exposure to attorney’s fees if the litigation is successful.”

The council meeting will begin with a study session for Fiscal Years 2021-23 budget development at 5:30 p.m. followed by the regular council meeting at 7:00 p.m. It can be viewed via Comcast channel 24, AT&T U-verse channel 99, or live stream on the city’s website at

If you wish to provide a written public comment, you may do so any of the following ways by 3:30 p.m. the day of the Council Meeting: (1) Fill out an online speaker card, located at, or (2) Email the City Clerk’s Department a

To provide oral public comments during the meeting, click the following link to register in advance to access the meeting via Zoom Webinar: You may also provide an oral public comment by dialing (925) 776-3057. To ensure that the City Council receives your comments, you must submit your comments in writing by 3:30 p.m. the day of the City Council Meeting.

Antioch mayor offers annual State of the City address virtually

Thursday, April 8th, 2021

Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe offered his State of the City 2021 address on Wed., April 7. Video screenshot

Plans to introduce legislative package for youth in May for “aiding school system in improving overall academic achievement and safety”

By Allen Payton

Without any prior announcement, Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe posted a video of his 2021 State of the City address on his mayor’s Facebook page on Wednesday, April 7. He then also emailed it on Thursday afternoon from his campaign email address. The Herald learned of it in a message to this reporter’s personal email account. Filmed inside the refurbished Council Chambers, no one was in attendance, including other council members nor members of the media.

Asked why there was no presentation by City Manager Ron Bernal or Chief of Police Tammany Brooks, and no slide shows as in past years, Thorpe did not respond.

Following are his prepared remarks:

“As our city and the world begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel from the largest pandemic in our lifetime, we cannot deny that the world has changed dramatically.

Equally, as a result of COVID-19, we cannot ignore the fact that over half a million Americans have lost their lives, including Antioch residents. And, we cannot also forget the countless more who have been impacted by the pain and suffering of having contracted COVID 19 and the pain and suffering of having to close a business or lose a job.

2020 was a difficult year, and 2021 is proving to be just as difficult but I come to you with a message of hope.

When I ran for mayor in the midst of the pandemic, I did so because I have never stopped believing in our city, and what we can accomplish when we work together.

Throughout this pandemic, our city has worked hard to provide you with some level of comfort.

From putting a hold on evictions to providing small business grants and establishing vaccination sites, our city has been focused on a better tomorrow.

As critical as our COVID response has been, as a new mayor, I also know the importance of keeping focus and ensuring that every aspect of our city government is working to best serve you.

A few months ago, in my first address to our community, I told you, there is nothing, absolutely nothing anyone can tell me that Antioch and its people cannot do. I meant every word it.

Within my first 90 days as mayor, along with the support of the City Council, we have passed the first phase of the largest police reform package in the City’s history.

For the first time, and frankly, decades overdue, our city’s police officers will be equipped with body-worn cameras. Every police vehicle will be outfitted with dash cameras.  This will ensure increased public transparency and accountability.

In that same spirit, I have a message for police officers from other agencies who have violated the public’s trust, don’t even bother to apply to the Antioch Police Department. We’re currently improving our hiring practices to weed individuals who have no business being police officers.  Antioch will not be a stop for officers with troubled pasts.

We all value the work of our police officers. We value it so much that the public has placed much responsibility on our police to solve all of our problems. That’s not right and it’s not fair to our men and women working to protect our community. From homeless to mental health, the public has started to redefine law enforcement as social work.

We’re working to undo this unfair burden placed on our police department so that they can better focus on preventing and fighting crime.

Thank my colleagues for moving forward with a proposal to build a citywide mental health crisis response team to ensure our city is responding to your needs in an appropriate manner.

Dispatching our police officers to chase unhoused residents from corner to corner is gross mismanagement of our city’s limited resources. If you are at home watching this message, you understand the privilege of having a place to call home.

For that reason, I want to ensure that our unhoused neighbors have the same experience.

That is the dignity of having a place to call home.

I’m committed to ensuring we stabilize the chronically homeless and move them towards permanent housing. There are many reasons why this is the right thing to do but no other reason comes close to the fact that we’re talking about human beings who only deserve to be treated as human beings.

There are some who will be upset with me and my colleagues. That’s fine. I will personally sleep well at night knowing we’re fighting to treat people with humanity.

While eliminating these responsibilities from our police department is critical for public safety, we can’t naively believe that the police department can prevent crime all on its own. They can’t. They need you, they need me, they need the entire community to be engaged in developing community violence solutions strategies particularly around gun violence.

We have seen our fair share and enough is enough. We have to get to the root of this problem.

That being said, another group that has gone chiefly ignored by the city is children under the age of 18, which happens to make up a third of Antioch’s population.

Youth development is a top priority for me and my council colleagues. I’m currently working on developing a legislative package for May related to youth that will be directly tied to aiding our school system in improving overall academic achievement and safety.

As a city, we must recognize that Antioch, like our children, is growing up.

We have gone from a small town just off of the Delta to now being the largest growing city in Contra Costa.

This growth is bringing new opportunities.

New ideas.

And very much like how the Delta meets the San Francisco Bay, the Antioch that was and the Antioch of now is occurring.

I recognize that, to some in our community, this change can be a bit overwhelming.

But allow me the opportunity to extend my hand to you and say: ‘I chose Antioch for the same reason you chose it. Because this is the city where I bought my home and am raising my daughter.’

If we all lead with the understanding that Antioch called us because it was our land of opportunity, and a place where we can raise our children, I am certain that many of the walls that exist will evaporate under the shared experience of wanting a place to call home.

There is more that unites us than divides us.

Regardless of who is in the White House, let us remember that we all have to live together.

The national debate does not determine how our parks are funded.

It does not determine how we keep our streets clean or support our small businesses.

What determines that, is what we do when we work together.

Imagine how much more we can accomplish when we come together as a community and focus on what unites us.

As we continue working towards a new normal, I recognize that the road ahead will still have hurdles that our city must overcome in order to truly make our city the best version of itself that it can be.

But I step on that path with the full faith and optimism that every single one of us wants what is best for our city.

In closing, thank you for providing me with the honor of being your mayor.”