Archive for the ‘Arts & Entertainment’ Category

Antioch High to host annual Delta Band Review, Saturday, Sept. 24

Wednesday, September 14th, 2016


18th Annual Blues Festival in downtown Antioch, Saturday, September 17

Monday, September 12th, 2016


Antioch High grad returns home to direct his next movie, includes locals as extras

Thursday, September 1st, 2016
Director Anthony C. Ferrante (in Ramones shirt) watches the shooting on a monitor with some of his crew outside the El Campanil Theatre in downtown Antioch, Monday night, August 22, 2016.

Director Anthony C. Ferrante (right, in Ramones shirt) watches the shooting on a monitor with some of his crew outside the El Campanil Theatre in downtown Antioch, Monday night, August 22, 2016.

Shooting in one of the rooms in the basement of El Campanil Theatre.

Shooting in one of the rooms in the basement of El Campanil Theatre.

By Allen Payton

While attending Antioch High School, Anthony C. Ferrante took a film course at Los Medanos College. The movie director, who gained fame with his four Sharknado films, has been back in Antioch, over the past two weeks, filming a TV thriller entitled Forgotten Evil.

“My very first film I shot at the El Campanil Theatre but the lights went out,” Ferrante said in an interview this week. “I shot a whole other horror film in the basement and at the Riverview Lodge.”

“I filmed a lot of different things in Antioch,” he added.

Besides his course at LMC, Ferrante earned his liberal arts degree in film studies from San Francisco State. He also used to be the entertainment critic for Antioch’s former Ledger-Dispatch newspaper, for years.

He shared how the idea of returning to his hometown came about.

“I actually had been trying to find something I could do in Antioch for awhile,” Ferranted stated. “We shot for a day in San Francisco for Sharknado 4. Then after I said ‘Let’s drive back through Antioch on our way back to L.A.’”

“I forgot how cool downtown was,” he offered.

That was earlier this year. Then he was asked to direct his latest film.

“When this project happened, they asked me where I wanted to shoot. I said ‘why don’t we look at Antioch,’” Ferrante said. “I got to revisit the place I did my first short films.”

“I wrote the script four weeks ago, and I kept thinking about Antioch and it was perfect,” he continued.

So, he and his crew arrived a few weeks ago and began recruiting family, friends and other local residents to be extras in the film

Shooting outside El Campanil Theatre.

Shooting outside El Campanil Theatre.

“We shot a few days at the high school. We changed the script to fit where we were shooting,” Ferrante explained. “We decided to call Antioch, Antioch in the script. But we’re also shooting in a coastal city.”

They also shot at the site of his first film, El Campanil  Theatre.

“One of our producers back in L.A. said they were stunned at how good the theater looked,” he stated. “It’s such a beautiful downtown. Film companies are always looking for places that are easy to do it without a lot of hassle.”

Ferrante said he is “hoping by setting the movie in downtown that other movies will be made here.”

“It still has a small town feel and attitude,” he added.

Ferrante offered his appreciation and thoughts about Antioch.

“Everything you’re trying to do to revitalize it, like the concerts,” he offered. “It looks like you’re looking at a town out of time. It’s just gorgeous.”

He wanted people to know “how supportive and how positive that everyone has been.”

“It’s been really cool,” Ferrante stated. “A lot of friends have been coming out and hanging out. Every time we’ve turned around there’s been generosity.”

He was grateful for the support of the Antioch Police, the Chief, the Antioch High School, the principal, Louie Rocha.

Family and friends of the crew, as well as other local residents served as extras for the audience scene inside the El Campanil Theatre.

Family and friends of the crew, as well as other local residents served as extras for the audience scene inside the El Campanil Theatre.

“We also used Martin Gonsalves’ law offices,” he explained. “Rick Carraher of the El Campanil has been amazing. City hall has been great getting us the permits and allowing us to shoot here. Lynn [Kutsal, owner] of Nature’s Bounty has been catering for us and making great food. The carrot cake with cream cheese on top has been the best thing ever. The enchilada chicken salad everyone just loved.”

“This all kind of worked out,” Ferrante continued. “We used the locals for extras. We’ve been low maintenance for the most part.”

On Monday, August 22nd they filmed inside and outside of the El Campanil Theatre, including in the basement in one of the “creepy rooms” in the front of the building, as described by a member of the film crew. That was also when they needed the most extras, to play members of the audience inside the auditorium. About 100 residents were there. A few were asked to remain for the shooting of the outside scenes. The extras were paid $10 per hour for their participation.

They also shot some of the footage at the Antioch Police Facility and the marina, this week.

Today and Friday will be their last days of filming, in Antioch.

“Then we’re done and start working on editing,” Ferrante said.

Extras wave for the selfie photo being taken by the stars of the movie inside the El Campanil Theatre.

Extras wave for the selfie photo being taken by the stars of the movie inside the El Campanil Theatre.

The main actors of Forgotten Evil include Masiela Lusha, who was also in Sharknado 4, but gained her fame as the daughter of George Lopez in the comedian’s TV series.

Ferrante shared more about his movie making.

“I started the [Forgotten Evil] script in mid-June,” he explained. “The company came to me with a bunch of thrillers. I picked out the one I was most interested in and gave it some treatment.”

Sharknado 4 we started in February and delivered it to the network in July,” Ferranted shared. “It was a very short time period for making a movie.”

Asked about when we can see Antioch in his new movie, he replied “I have to have it finished by the end of the year. It probably will air early next year.”

The movie will be sold, once it’s finished. Ferrante isn’t sure yet to which company that will be nor on which channel it will air. But, he hopes to let Antioch residents see it, first.

“Hopefully we’ll be able to do some kind of screening or something,” Ferrante added. “Possibly at the El Campanil Theatre. That’s where we’d love to have it.”

Ferrante is married. They have one daughter and live in Los Angeles. One of his sisters still lives in Antioch and the other lives in Napa.

So, expect to see him back in town, not only for the screening, but hopefully more movie making in the future.

The film crew converted the lobby of the El Campanil Theatre into their local office.

The film crew converted the lobby of the El Campanil Theatre into their local office.


Extras needed for new movie by Sharknado director filming in Antioch, this week

Monday, August 22nd, 2016

By Allen Payton

If you’ve ever wanted to be in a movie, this may be your chance. Antioch’s own Anthony Ferrante, the director of the Sharknado films, is back in town with his crew filming a new movie entitled Forgotten Evil. And they need extras, starting tonight, Monday, August 22nd.

More about Ferrante and the movie, later. But, for now, according to Kris Wynne, Line Producer for the movie, following is the schedule for extras needed for the film:

 (Please don’t wear black, white or stripes and NO logos)

MONDAY 8/22 – El Campanil Theatre – 6PM-10PM

TUESDAY 8/23 – Riverview Lodge 6PM

WEDNESDAY 8/24 – Southern Cafe 8PM

THURSDAY 8/25 – Los Medanos College (Time to be announced)

FRIDAY 8/26 – Antioch Convalescent Home (3PM)

If interested, please email

Save The Yard supporters file papers for second try at initiative

Sunday, August 21st, 2016

By Allen Payton

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again, as the old saying goes. The proponents of what has become known as the Save The Yard effort, to create a park and event center on the former Antioch Lumber Company site in downtown, are following that advice.

According to Antioch City Manager’s Weekly Report, dated August 19th: On Monday, August 15th Joy Motts, the representative for the proponent, Jim Lanter, submitted a revised request for a “Title and Summary” for a revised Initiative Ordinance based on inconsistencies found by the City Attorney on Friday, August 12th. The proponent had been given the opportunity by the City Attorney and City Clerk/Elections Official to leave the initiative Ordinance as submitted on August 12th or to resubmit with corrections and that the City Clerk/Elections Official would waive a new Filing Fee. It was immediately sent to the City Attorney who has up to 15 days to prepare a “Title and Summary” and present it to the City Clerk/Elections Official for delivery to the proponent.

According to Motts, the proponents have 180 days to gather signatures from at least 10% of the registered voters in Antioch during the latest election. That figure is 46,677 as of June 25, 2016. If so, the initiative will be placed on the November, 2017 ballot. However, if they gather signatures of at last 15% of the registered voters, a special election can be called, which would occur sometime, next spring.

Tickets available for Hot Summer Night Fundraiser in Antioch, August 26

Wednesday, August 17th, 2016

Hot Summer Night event

Enjoy the circus in Antioch through Monday, July 18

Saturday, July 16th, 2016

Circus flyer 1

Circus flyer 2

Daphne play by The Drama Factory begins tonight in Antioch

Friday, July 15th, 2016

Daphne play