Autonomous vehicles take center stage at annual Contra Costa Redefining Mobility Summit

Glydways and BEEP automated vehicles were on display at the summit. Photo (left) and video screenshot by CCTA.

Transportation leaders gathered in San Ramon to share strategies to build public trust, redefine mobility & develop future workforce of transit

Glydways vehicles offer wheelchair access. Photo: CCTA

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024, the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA), GoMentum Station and Bay Area LEEDS joined forces to host the ninth annual Redefining Mobility Summit. Transportation officials from regional, state and federal agencies gathered with private industry innovators, local youth and workforce development experts in San Ramon’s Bishop Ranch business park to share vital information aimed to advance mobility. Autonomous vehicles took center stage as Glydways, BEEP and May Mobility unveiled transit options of the future in the Demonstration Exhibit Zone.

“This year’s panel topics: fostering public trust for new innovations like autonomous vehicles, connecting communities through technology, building the workforce of the future, and solving the challenges of our transportation systems are the very touchstones CCTA embraces every day to improve the quality of lives for those who live and work in Contra Costa County,” said CCTA Vice Chair and Antioch Mayor Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe.

The summit included a youth showcase where high school aged students shared their STEM projects and the midday Demonstration Exhibit Zone, which was powered by smart, clean generators supplied by Richmond-based Moxion. All the day’s activities connected the dots between innovation and future benefits not just for transportation but for the region.

“Innovation in transportation leads to improved productivity, enhanced trade, infrastructure development, increased regional commerce and job creation—all of which contribute to economic growth,” Contra Costa Supervisor Candace Andersen said.

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Glydways wheelchair access

Glydways & BEEP automated vehicles CCTA

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