Keep Antioch Beautiful Day April 20 kicks of Earth Day to Arbor Day April 22-26

By Antioch Recreation Department & Celebrate Antioch Foundation

Locations: Antioch Water Park & Waldie Plaza

Time: 9:00am-1:00pm

From Earth Day to Arbor Day, let’s work together to build a stronger, cleaner, more beautiful Antioch! Join us for our kick-off event happening Saturday, April 20th to begin our service to the community. Choose to serve downtown near Waldie Plaza or at the Antioch Water Park before heading to the Antioch Community Center for a volunteer lunch. End the week with us on Arbor Day helping to reach our goal of planting over 100 trees throughout the city!

Volunteers helping to clean up our downtown area will check-in at 9am at the Nick Rodriquez Community Center at 213 F Street in historic, downtown Rivertown Others who want to plant flowers will meet check-in at 9:00am at the Antioch Water Park in Prewett Family Park at 4701 Lone Tree Way.

An Appreciation Lunch will be held for volunteers from 12pm-1pm at the water park.

Please bring work gloves. Bags and grabbers will be provided.

What is Earth Day?

First held globally on April 22, 1970, Earth Day promotes worldwide demonstrations of support for environmental protection. Attention is drawn to the achievements made by the environmental protection movement and awareness is brought to methods of protecting the Earth’s natural resources.  Celebrated by billions around the world, Keep Antioch Beautiful is just one of the ways our community celebrates Earth Day.

What is Arbor Day?

First celebrated in the U.S. in 1872, Arbor Day encourages public attention to the importance of trees in our ecosystem. Planting, relocating, and even climbing trees are encouraged along with learning more about the myriad of ways trees function in our environment and help us all to exist.

This year’s community services:

Planting Flowers | Antioch Water Park | #10874

  • 9:00am Check in
  • 9:30-11:30 Planting Projects
  • 12:00pm Volunteer Lunch

Trash Cleanup | Waldie Plaza | #10875

  • 9:00am Check in
  • 9:30-11:30 Trash Clean Up
  • 12:00pm Volunteer Lunch

Planting over 60 trees | Hansen Park | #10876

  • Arbor Day – April 26, 2024

Ways to Get Involved:

  1. Register for planting at the Antioch Water Park
  2. Register for trash pickup in and around Waldie Plaza
  3. Register to plant trees throughout the city on Arbor Day
  4. Join in on our #KeepAntiochBeautiful campaign:

From Earth Day to Arbor Day (April 22nd – April 26th) show us how YOU and your family #KeepAntiochBeautiful. Post a picture of you, your family, friends, or coworkers performing an act of beautification for the city with the hashtag #KeepAntiochBeautiful AND tag the Antioch Recreation Department (@antiochrec_ca) to be entered into our raffle. On Arbor Day, three lucky entries will be chosen to each win a prize dedicated to them and their efforts toward the beautification of our lovely city!

For more information visit Keep Antioch Beautiful – City of Antioch, CA.

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Keep Antioch Beautiful Guide Ad (8.5 x 11.25 in)

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