Archive for December, 2023

Antioch enjoys annual Holiday Delites Celebration

Monday, December 4th, 2023

See videos of the Celebration here and here.

All photos and videos by Allen D. Payton

Monica’s Riverview offers new hours, will focus on being the Best Brunch in the Bay

Saturday, December 2nd, 2023
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Contra Costa Probation Department awarded grant for high-risk DUI offenders

Saturday, December 2nd, 2023

From state Office of Traffic Safety

A $412,000 grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) for Intensive Supervision Program for High-Risk DUI Offenders will go toward check-ins with probationers to make sure they are following court-ordered terms of their probation and prevent probationers from re-offending.

“This grant will allow us to tackle the complex issues surrounding repeat DUI offenders, providing vital resources and guidance to break the cycle of alcohol-related offenses,” said Chief Probation Officer Esa Ehmen-Krause. “With this funding, we can create safer roads and a healthier community by reducing the incidence of DUI offenses.”

“The intensive supervision programs are critical to reducing the devastating consequences of DUI offenses,” OTS Director Barbara Rooney said. “Prevention is an effective, proactive tool to address the often tragic consequences of impaired driving.”

The grant will fund Probation Department personnel to monitor drivers on Probation for felony DUI or multiple misdemeanor DUI convictions, including conducting unannounced Fourth Amendment waiver home searches, field visits, random alcohol and drug testing and ensuring those on probation are attending court-ordered DUI education and treatment programs. The probation grant will also pay for warrant operations targeting probation violations and/or DUI suspects who do not appear in court, officer training in Standard Field Sobriety Testing (SFST), distribution of DUI “Be On the Lookout” (BOLO) alerts, collaborating with courts and prosecutors to establish probation orders and participation with local law enforcement on anti-DUI efforts. While alcohol remains the worst offender for DUI crashes, Contra Costa County Probation supports OTS in its statement, “DUI just doesn’t mean booze.”

Prescription medications and marijuana can be impairing by themselves, but also in combination with alcohol, and can result in a DUI arrest.

The grant program runs through September 2024. Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Thorpe honors five residents with Key to the City during Unity and Healing Service

Saturday, December 2nd, 2023
Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe speaks during his Unity and Healing Service on Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023. Video screenshot.

By Allen D. Payton

During Mayor Lamar Thorpe’s Unity and Healing Service held Thursday night, Nov. 30, five Antioch residents were awarded the Key to the City, Antioch’s highest honor.

Thorpe honored them “as symbols of unity in Antioch for others to emulate as we navigate a challenging period in our history.”

Held at the Antioch Community Center in Prewett Family Park, remarks were offered by the Rev. Kwang-il Kim of the Antioch United Methodist Church, Rabbi Peretz Goldshmid of Chabad of the Delta, and Instisar Malhi of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and the mayor.

About the event and honorees Thorpe shared, “It’s not a secret that it’s been a tough year for Antioch and sadly it’s not over. However, as we navigate through the challenges, I’m guided by the belief that if we’re open-minded, moments from this past year will make our community better and stronger in the long run. I know this because every day, quiet voices in our city work to unite people around the idea of healing members of our community who are hurting. Right now, our city is hurting and as such it’s important that we stand in unity to begin the healing of our city.”

He listed and described the recipients and their contributions to Antioch as follows:

Ricka Davis-Sheard

Ricka is the founder of SHARE Community an organization that brings showers and toilets on wheels to our neighbors without houses. Her efforts promote unity in our community and help heal individuals who are often denied dignity and compassion. 

Flori Paniagua

Flori is the founder of Team Jesus Outreach Ministries an organization that brings groceries to struggling families. Her organization is now the largest food distribution center in East Contra Costa County.

Gerald “JR” Wilson Jr.

JR is the founder of Delta Veterans Group (DVG), an organization that supports military veterans. His efforts promote unity in our community and help heal veterans who are in need through events like Stand Down on the Delta. 

Cassandra Quinto Collins 

Cassandra is the mother of Angelo Quinto, who died in police custody in 2020 and is the founder of the Angelo Quinto Foundation. The foundation works to reform police policies throughout California. Her advocacy efforts have led to changes in local and state policy including the banning of the use of the term “excited delirium” by medical examiners and law enforcement personnel. 

William and Mary Chapman

Mary is the co-founder and executive director of An Elderly Wish Foundation, an organization that enriches the final days of an elderly person who is terminally ill by making a life-long wish come true. Bill has been by Mary’s side helping realize these requests as a long-time board member of the organization. 

See more by viewing the event video.