Archive for March, 2020

Contra Costa Health Services prohibits mass gatherings of 100+ people through end of March

Saturday, March 14th, 2020

Violation of or failure to comply is a misdemeanor punishable by fine or imprisonment in the county jail, or both. 25 cases of coronavirus currently in the county. 

By Allen Payton

Contra Costa Health Services (CCHS) has announced a mandatory order prohibiting public and private mass gatherings of 100 or more people. A new order from CCHS Health Officer, Dr. Chris Farnitano, posted at states, “Under the authority of Sections 101040 and 120175 of the California Health and Safety code, the Health Officer of the County of Contra Costa (“Health Officer”) orders effective as of 12:01 am on Sunday, March 15, 2020, and continuing through Tuesday, March 31, 2020, mass gatherings…defined as an event or convening that brings together 100 or more individuals at the same time in a single room or single confined or enclosed space, including but not limited to an auditorium, theater, stadium, arena, event center, meeting hall, conference center, cafeteria, or any confined indoor space of confined outdoor space.”

“Violation of or failure to comply with this is Order is a misdemeanor punishable by fine or imprisonment in the County jail, or both. (California Health & Saf. Code, § 120295.),” the announcement also states. (See the complete order, here – HO-COVID19-01-Prohibiting-Mass-Gatherings-of-100-or-more)

Furthermore, in a Facebook Live video with Contra Costa Health Director Ana Roth (which can be viewed on YouTube), Dr. Ori Tsveieli, Contra Costa Deputy and Acting Health Officer said, “We are strongly urging what are called social distancing strategies. No gatherings of people, because the virus can spread when people gather together. So, we want to limit gatherings of people. Our strong urging is to cancel or postpone gatherings of 50 or more people coming together. People who are especially vulnerable, who are the elderly or people with chronic medical conditions, really try to stay away from gatherings of people, even as small as 10 people together can elevate your risks.”

“If you are sick do not go to work or school,” he also stated. “Work from home if you can.”

“This is a key time,” Dr. Tsveieli continued. “We are trying to flatten the curve. Which means slow the spread down so that our healthcare infrastructure in our community can handle it.”

According to Contra Costa Health Services, as of Friday, March 13, 2020 at 9:30 a.m., in Contra Costa County there are 25 cases of residents with coronavirus/COVID-19 with zero deaths.

A press conference scheduled for 1:00 p.m. today. Speakers will include Contra Costa Board of Supervisors Chair Candace Andersen and Contra Costa health officials. The health officer’s goal is to firmly establish the critical need to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by eliminating crowds.

For the latest update from Contra Costa Health Services, visit

Expect more information to be added to this report. Please check back later.

Antioch Mayor announces cancellations of city events and activities due to the coronavirus

Friday, March 13th, 2020

Mayor Sean Wright

March 13, 2020

Dear Antioch Community:

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread throughout the world, there is much local jurisdictions can, and are doing to keep communities as safe as possible from the spread of the virus. Antioch is no exception to this reality, as our city, in conjunction with the Contra Costa County Health Department, has taken, and will continue to take, proactive steps to keep you and your family safe.

As of today, here are some of the steps that we have taken to protect our city:

  • Cancelled April 2nd Board of Appeals meeting.
  • Cancelled April 7th Economic Development meeting.
  • Postponed Food Truck Thursday for a later date.
  • Limiting the amount of people that can attend the March 24th City Council meeting to 40.
  • All City programs and facility uses by other entities in community centers, parks, athletic fields, or in public places are cancelled.
  • Antioch Senior Center has cancelled programs and activities except the daily nutrition meal program.  The County meal provider is serving meals that can be taken home and are boxed.
  • Additional sanitation services throughout all of our facilities that include but are not limited to disinfecting all lateral surfaces, doorknobs with additional hand sanitizer station coming to our facilities.

Although not an exhaustive list, it does provide you with insight into just how seriously we are taking the situation.

These are anxious times, not only for our community, but for the rest of the world. As stressed as you may feel, know that you are not powerless in the situation. By adhering to the health guidelines provided by the Contra Costa County Health Department, you will play a critical role in preventing the spread of the virus. As small as hand washing or staying home may feel, these are major contributions you can make that will help protect you and those you come into contact with on a daily basis.

As your mayor, your health and safety are my top priority. Know that our city government is working very hard to minimize the impact of the virus in our community.

Stay safe,

Sean Wright


Fellowship Church of Antioch will only hold online services this Sunday due to coronavirus

Friday, March 13th, 2020

By Allen Payton

On the Fellowship Church Facebook page Thursday night, the following message was posted: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update:

Due to the recent state mandate recommendation, we will be holding only services only this weekend.

Join us on YouTube and Facebook this Sunday at 10:00AM to worship with us!

We believe that the Church, not fear, can shine the brightest in times like these!

In addition, Pastor Shaun Nepstad shared a video with the following message:

“We’re taking the necessary precautions, during this time and we’re asking God, ‘God, what are you trying to say to us?’ Just like in every season when the world is looking for hope and healing, the Church can rise up and be that for them. Listen everyone, God is still on the Throne and he will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is staid on Jesus.

“Now, the virus is serious and we’re not acting out of fear. We’re acting out of love and wisdom. California has just placed a ban on gatherings over 250 people. So, in compliance with our government, our lead team has made the decision that we will be cancelling services for this weekend and we will be cancelling the launch of our Brentwood location.”

“Here’s the good news everybody. We’re going to be streaming our service at 10:00 am Sunday morning on Facebook Live and on YouTube.”

For more information visit

Antioch schools, including Rocketship Delta Prep to close for the remainder of the month beginning Monday, March 16

Friday, March 13th, 2020

By Allen Payton

As of Friday, March 13, 2020, the schools in the Antioch Unified School District will close for the remainder of the month beginning Monday, March 16.

In a Facebook post Friday morning she wrote:


Good Morning,

After careful consideration, the Antioch Unified School District will close all schools beginning Monday March 16th. School will resume following Spring Break on March 30th. However, we ask that families have a contingency plan for the week of March 30th should it be necessary to keep schools closed. At this time, we do not know if the missed days will need to be made up at a later date, but will keep our families informed once we confirm that.

Schools will remain open today. However, parents/guardians who feel more comfortable not sending their child to school and/or picking up their child can do so and the absence will be excused.

During the March 16th through March 27th closure of schools, students who receive free and reduced lunch can get meals Monday through Friday at any of the following locations and at the following times (please note the meals will be ‘grab and go’):

Belshaw Elementary: 8:00-8:30 am, 12:00-12:30 pm

Fremont Elementary: 8:00-8:30 am, 12:00-12:30 pm

Lone Tree Elementary: 11:30-12:30 pm

Marsh Elementary: 8:00-8:30 am, 12:00-12:30 pm

Muir Elementary: 8:00-8:30 am, 12:00-12:30 pm

Park Middle School: 8:00-8:30 am, 12:15-1:00 pm

Turner Elementary: 11:30 am -12:30 pm

We will provide an update to all families no later than Saturday, March 28th. At this time, please contact your child’s school should you have further questions. Thank you for your continued support.


Stephanie Anello

Both Anello and Board President Diane Gibson-Gray were informed by this reporter Friday morning, before the decision was made, that the former director of the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, Dr. Scott Gottlieb recommended not closing schools.

“…closing schools has its own impact on social lives and an impact on public health that could be adverse and could potentially even worsen the epidemic,” he was quoted as saying by Congressman Dan Crenshaw (TX-2) in a post on Twitter. “…So broad preemptive school closures, I personally wouldn’t recommend.”

“That’s probably why all schools have not closed,” responded Gibson-Gray at 10:07 a.m. “Stephanie is working closely with the CDE (California Department of Education) before we make any decisions.” However, a short time later, Gibson-Gray sent a text with the message, “See my update on Facebook,” which was a post of Anello’s announcement

When reached for comment, later Gibson-Gray wrote, Stephanie is the one whos been in contact with the CDC, so you should talk to her.

When asked who made the decision, you or the board and why,” Anello said, “I made the decision.

When asked why, in light of the information shared with her this morning from the former director of the FDA, and what are the parents or guardians of the students who work are supposed to do with the children, Anello responded, In light of the pace of the pandemic and as we continue to receive information regarding the spread of the virus, we do not want to risk having any children or staff members exposed to the health risks. We regret that this may have a negative impact on some of our families who may have child care issues, but we are doing what we believe is in the best interest of all students and staff at this time.

She also shared Board Policy 3516.5 Emergency Schedules which gives the superintendent the authority to close the schools: “In order to provide for the safety of students and staff, the Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent or designee to close a school site, change the regular school day schedule, or take any necessary action when hazardous environmental or weather conditions or other emergencies warrant.”

Following the decision by AUSD, leadership for Rocketship Delta Prep charter school in Antioch also decided to close their school, along with the rest of their schools nationwide, according to Marie Issa Gil, Rocketship Bay Area Regional Director. Rocketeer Families – In alignment with our local districts, school will be closed as of Monday, 3/16, was the announcement to parents, Friday morning.

Italian tenor concert at El Campanil Theatre postponed until October 18

Friday, March 13th, 2020

The performance by Italian tenor Pasquale Esposito scheduled for Saturday, March 21 has been postponed until October 18 due to coronavirus COVID-19 restrictions. (See related article)

For more details visit

Pittsburg teen identified in shooting of Deer Valley High student, charged with murder, sought by police, U.S. Marshals

Friday, March 13th, 2020

Suspect Daiveon Allison. Photo from APD.

By Sergeant James Stenger #3604, Antioch Police Violent Crimes Unit (Investigations Bureau)

On Friday, Jan. 31, 2020 following a basketball game at Deer Valley High School against Antioch High School, 16-year-old Jonathan Parker, a DVHS student, was shot in the school’s parking lot. 15-year-old Pittsburg Resident, Daiveon Allison was identified as the shooter in this incident. On February 7, 2020 this case was presented to the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office. Allison was charged in juvenile court with murder and having a firearm on school grounds. A warrant was issued for Allison’s arrest. (See related article)

It is believed Allison fled the area after this murder and is currently being sought by the Antioch Police Department and the U.S. Marshals Service. Allison should be considered armed and dangerous and should not be approached by the public. If anyone knows Allison’s whereabouts, or if he is seen please call 911 immediately. It is believed Allison may be receiving assistance in avoiding apprehension. Anyone associated with harboring Allison may be arrested for being an accessory to murder after the fact. This information is being released per Welfare and Institution Code 827.6.

On February 1, 2020, 16-Year-Old Jonathan Parker succumbed to his injuries and died at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek.

Original News Release

On January 31, 2020 at about 8:44 PM, Antioch Police Department patrol officers were dispatched to the north parking lot of Deer Valley High School for shots being fired in the parking lot. A16-year-old male was located in the parking lot suffering from three gunshot wounds. The male was transported by ground to a local hospital and is currently in critical condition. It was determined the victim is a current student at Deer Valley High School.

At the time of the shooting there was a basketball game between Deer Valley and Antioch High Schools just letting out from the Deer Valley High School gym. A large group of juveniles started fighting in the parking lot when the shots were fired.

The Antioch Police Department Investigations Bureau responded and took over this investigation. This investigation is in its infancy and a suspect has not been identified.

No further information will be released regarding this case at this time. Any further updates will come from the Antioch Police Department Investigations Bureau.

Anyone with information is asked to call Detective Smith at (925) 779-6876, or the Antioch Police Department non-emergency line at (925) 778-2441. You may also text-a-tip to 274637 (CRIMES) using the key word ANTIOCH.

String Art Workshop at Lone Tree Golf & Event Center Friday, March 20

Thursday, March 12th, 2020

Golden Hills Community Church cancels all activities at both campuses through March 31 due to coronavirus concerns

Thursday, March 12th, 2020

Golden Hills Community Church leaders have decided to cancel all activities at both their main campus in Brentwood, as well as their campus in Antioch through the end of March due to concerns over the coronavirus (COVID-19). They sent out an email to members on Tuesday and then again, today, with greater restrictions. Following is today’s email:

March 12, 2020

Hello Church,

Tuesday evening, we sent out an all-church email regarding the developing situation with the Coronavirus and our church’s response. At that time the suggestions from state and local authorities were taken into account and we were planning accordingly. As you no doubt have heard, those suggested restrictions on public gathering have changed. Today the State of California has asked that there be no assemblies over 250 in number and has suggested that smaller gatherings only be held if appropriate precautions can be put in place.

In light of this request, we as a church will be making the following changes for the remainder of the month of March. Given the rapidly changing nature of this concern, we are certain that further updates will be necessary, and we will keep the church informed through email, website, and social media.

  1. Worship services will be available online only for the next three weeks. You can go to the website at the same time you would normally attend church.
  2. All other gatherings at the church facility will be canceled for the remainder of March as well. This includes but is not limited to meetings of Kid’s Ministry, Student Ministries, Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies, choir, etc.
  3. Small groups are asked to individually decide if they will gather or postpone. Those meeting should use normal precautions.
  4. As always, we encourage each individual to use wisdom in deciding what they will be involved in. Knowing personal and extended family risk is important and is encouraged.

Below is a recap of the letter from Pastor Phil and the Elders. It is worth a second look.

Pastor Phil Hill, Executive Pastor On behalf of Pastor Phil Ward & the Church Leadership

“Hello Church,

As you well know, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a developing situation. It continues to be a concern in the minds of many. We have been monitoring the progress of the virus and will continue to do so in the days ahead. The uncertainty of this outbreak has caused anxiety about our workplaces, schools, and dayto-day activities. Please join us in praying for those who are affected by this illness, and for all those affected by the fear this virus is causing. Yet we remain confident of God’s steadfast presence and careful attention to all that is happening.

We want to care for our congregation in all respects, including the physical well-being of our community. But we also want to be shaped by what we know to be true about God’s concern for our daily needs and how our lives are ultimately in His hands. We can trust that God, who cares even for sparrows, also cares about us—but more so (Mt. 10:29-30)! So Jesus reassures us that “even the hairs of [our] heads are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” God is sovereign; He is in control. Let us not succumb to fear, but let us entrust ourselves to our faithful Creator.

Here are the recommendations from the CCHS for how best to reduce your risk of becoming infected:

  • Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a disposable tissue or the crook of an elbow
  • Stay home from school or work when you are sick
  • Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
  • Use a barrier, such as a paper towel or tissue, to touch commonly touched surfaces, such as bathroom door handles and elevator buttons
  • Bump elbows or bow instead of shaking hands
  • Regularly clean frequently touched surfaces
  • Get vaccinated against the flu if you haven’t already

Many people are much concerned about this virus. God may grant us the opportunity to talk with neighbors, family, and friends about our thoughts concerning this outbreak. Our prayer is that we will make use of every opportunity to speak about the unbreakable hope of the gospel, for we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken. Our hope is in God, who upholds the universe by the word of His power. Let us live wisely, love boldly, and pray confidently—for God’s glory and our joy!

Pastor Phil & the Elders

To watch the Sunday services visit