Archive for October, 2015

Judge dismisses case against Antioch Police in shooting death of Antioch man in 2012

Wednesday, October 21st, 2015

By Captain Tammany Brooks, Antioch Police Support Services Division

Tragically, on June 28, 2012, Denny Gonzales lost his life in the City of Antioch in a confrontation with the City of Antioch police. Gonzales, a local barber, who was later found to have been emotionally distraught and significantly intoxicated, was shot and killed when he challenged Antioch Police Department (APD) officers with a firearm in front of his Antioch home. On that date, Gonzales had made numerous statements to the police that clearly indicated he was homicidal, including comments that he was going to kill a police officer and other threats. APD officers then located Gonzales at his home in Antioch and started the process of gathering police resources, cordoning off the area, surrounding Gonzales’ house and warning nearby residents, to protect officers and the public.

While the APD was putting the necessary resources into place, Gonzales came out onto his driveway voluntarily and unannounced, with a firearm in his right hand and with unknown intentions. When nearby APD officers ordered Gonzales to drop the firearm, Gonzales did not drop the firearm, instead making a movement with his right arm and pointing the firearm at officers while he attempted to move back towards the cover of his garage. As the lives of the nearby officers were in imminent danger at that point, deadly force was used, killing Gonzales. Video of the incident taken from a fixed wing CHP plane clearly demonstrated that Gonzales pointed his weapon towards officers in this incident.

In 2013, the wife of Gonzales and his young daughter filed a lawsuit against the City of Antioch for claimed civil rights violations and negligence.

Yesterday, after an extensively briefed and argued Motion for Summary Judgment filed by the City to challenge the sufficiency of the allegations against them, Judge Westmore of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, ruled in favor of the City of Antioch on all claims, dismissing this lawsuit. Judge Westmore found that “a reasonable officer at the scene would have reasonably believed that Mr. Gonzales posed a threat of serious physical harm to him or his fellow officers, justifying the use of deadly force.” Pgs. 29-30. Judge Westmore went on to state that “the undisputed evidence shows that the officers acted reasonably under the totality of the circumstances, and the City, therefore, faces no liability for the officers’ conduct.” Pg. 30. Judge Westmore’s extensive Order is attached.

Lead trial attorney for the City, Noah G. Blechman, Esq., from the McNamara Law Firm in Walnut Creek, praised the ruling by the Court.

“The parties laid out all the relevant evidence for the Court and Judge Westmore made the right decision in this unfortunate case,” he stated. “When an individual with homicidal intentions comes out in public with a firearm and challenges officers, federal and state law permits a police officer to deploy deadly force to protect themselves, as well as to protect the public, from imminent death or serious injury. The Court rightly found that the involved officers of the Antioch Police Department and the tactical supervisors involved acted reasonably and appropriately throughout this incident. Judge Westmore’s ruling is clear vindication for those involved officers who were face to face with a deadly situation and acted in accordance with their extensive training and in conformity with the law.”

The City of Antioch wishes to express their deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Denny Gonzales who have suffered from this unfortunate incident. The City of Antioch also wants to praise the actions of those involved officers and supervisors for their efforts which no doubt likely saved the lives the others on June 28, 2012.

Miscommunication, delays, confusion cause for Deer Valley football team, Pittsburg High band incident

Wednesday, October 21st, 2015

No evidence to support malicious misbehavior by players; Pittsburg parents want Deer Valley coaches fired, football program canceled; complaint states band violated Code of Ethics; Deer Valley side couldn’t hear National Anthem, at first

By Allen Payton

Last Friday night’s Deer Valley versus Pittsburg High School (PHS) football game has many people talking and debating. But the game is not the subject of discussion; it’s the pregame performance of the Pittsburg High band at the same time the Deer Valley football team was on the field, warming up. The incident has gone viral and has made Bay Area and even national news.

Several videos from that night, from the Pittsburg side of the field, were posted on Facebook and collectively gained over 100,000 views. They show footage of the band marching onto the field, while the football team continued to practice and warm up, following instructions from the coaches to do so, causing an intermingling of the two groups of students. Another video shows the team continuing to practice, while the band performed the National Anthem, while facing the Pittsburg side of the stadium, angering many who viewed it. But, with little details attached to the videos, the result was a large amount of speculation, assumptions and allegations.

Many parents and others, who commented on Facebook, are angry and have made allegations of the football players being disrespectful and unpatriotic, and even abusive to band members During a public meeting in PHS’s theater Tuesday night, parents claimed that numerous band members were assaulted via being shoving, kicking and spitting by Deer Valley High School (DVHS) coaches and players alike.

No Conclusive Evidence of Malicious Behavior

However, after hours of analyzing videos, Pittsburg Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Janet Schultz and PHS Principal Todd Whitmire said there was no conclusive evidence of malicious physical behavior coming from Deer Valley. Band Director Jenny Martinez and PHS Athletic Director Marcus Blacksher were on the field during the incident, and said they did not witness any vicious assaults, but stated that non-aggressive bumping and shoving did occur. Martinez added that two of her wind instrument players had bloody lips as a result, but no one was seen for medical attention or hospitalized. Whitmire also said that, following the game, a band member talked to police about being assaulted, which was referred to as groping, according to one parent of a band member, in a comment on Facebook. Police questioned the girl and a Deer Valley coach, but did not move forward with the case due to being too much “he said, she said,” according to Whitmire.

Approximately one hundred people were in attendance at Tuesday evening’s meeting, and the wide majority of parents were in favor and adamant about getting Deer Valley head coach Robert Hubbard, who is also a special education teacher, and his staff fired. Many also wanted DVHS to cancel its football program indefinitely.

Complaint States Band Violated Rule for Interfering with Team’s Practice

In Deer Valley’s defense, Principal Kenneth Gardner said the team had the right to be on the field. According to California Interscholastic Federation Sports and General Handbook Section 305H, subsection F, entertainment performers are not allowed to enter the field until players and coaches have completely exited to the sideline. Section 305H Code of Ethics for Bands and Other Support Groups reads: “Bands, song girls, entertainment, etc., should never interfere with officials, practicing teams, or the playing of the game.”

Gardner also said the team was not given the proper amount of time to warm up, which is a minimum of 30 minutes.

Deer Valley started warming up on Pittsburg’s practice field, adjacent to the stadium until, according to Gardner, the team was asked by the band to move. The team went back to the locker room until an “unidentified Pittsburg staff member,” told the coach to “go practice on the field from the 30-yard-line to the end zone.” The players and coaches then transitioned to the main field. However, the team practiced from the 50-yard line.

“So that’s on us,” Gardner stated. “But the Pittsburg High band stretched all the way to the 15-yard line.”

The team proceeded to run its pregame routine inside the stadium for about five minutes before the band entered, according to Deer Valley’s assistant coach Lionel Barnes, who was the acting head coach at practice Monday. He was unable to comment on why Head Coach Robert Hubbard was absent and when or if he will return.

“When the band entered the field, they did so at a rapid click,” Gardner said. “They didn’t run. I don’t know if it was double time. But, it was pretty fast.”

“The Deer Valley coach (Hubbard) was protesting to anyone who would listen,” he added.

Pittsburg’s football team was not present during the band’s performance, as they were in their locker room. That led to more confusion for Deer Valley as to why the game was starting with its opponents outside the stadium.

Deer Valley Side Couldn’t Hear National Anthem, At First

Deer Valley’s ending sequence is to have the punter kick the ball toward the end zone, and then the team runs to him and they walk off the field, Gardner explained. That’s what they were doing while the Pittsburg band lined up in a semi-circle, facing the Pittsburg side and performed the National Anthem.

“I couldn’t hear the National Anthem because of the direction of the band and due to the cacophony of noise,” he stated. “I was standing on the sidelines around the 40- or 50-yard line and with all the booing from the Pittsburg stands, I didn’t recognize the National Anthem, at first.”

“As soon as I did, I turned and stood at attention,” Gardner continued. “The players had their helmets on. They couldn’t hear it, either.”

“We investigated it by speaking to our parents, players and coaching staff on Monday,” he said. “None of them realized the National Anthem was being played. Pittsburg’s team was in the locker room when the band entered the field. I can’t say it was premature, but it was in violation of the rules.”

Joint Investigation: Series of Delays, Miscommunication

Antioch and Pittsburg Unified School Districts began a joint investigation Saturday morning, and issued a joint press release Monday night stating the situation was caused confusion due to miscommunication.

The JV game ran 30 minutes over; medical emergency staff were on the field attending to a Deer Valley player injured late in that game; band members were honored before the game for Senior Night; there was also a surprise tribute to Pittsburg football coach Victor Galli, who broke a 72-year school record for career wins the week prior. All these things created a tight and confusing pregame schedule and a delay in the start of the varsity game.

Gardner confirmed the tight schedule, but added that never once did the Pittsburg staff provide him nor Hubbard with a game plan, which should have included a list of when the sequence of events should happen, that night.

“They knew I was there and had been since 5:00 p.m.,” he said. “Pittsburg administration and staff failed to communicate with a visiting team except to say the game might start late, and denied us the ability to warm up.”

However, one of the officials offered Coach Hubbard an additional 15 minutes so they could finish warming up, which he declined, saying “No, let’s get it started,” according to Gardner.

“Looking at the situation, why aggravate it more?” he asked.

“To be fair, there’s a new Pittsburg AD (Athletic Director) and a new Deer Valley varsity coach and staff,” Gardner continued. “But the AD should have known better.”

Speaking of the Deer Valley football players, Gardner said “There might have been contact when the band entered the field. It’s regrettable. I apologize for that failure. But, at no time did they intend to harm anyone or disrespect the playing of our National Anthem. Had they done that I would have held them responsible, being a retired military officer, myself.”

“It is an unfortunate situation for both parties,” Galli said. “I hope no one loses their job over this.”

Schulze Issues Additional Statement, Gardner Files Complaint

Following the joint press release, Schultz issued an additional statement early Tuesday morning defending Pittsburg’s band, and blaming Deer Valley’s coaches. In response, Gardner filed a complaint that afternoon to the Bay Valley Athletic League for violation of the Code of Ethics by the band.

Asked why he was filing the complaint, Gardner responded, “to defend my students.”

“Dr. Schulze basically absolved her school and I find that reprehensible. And that is why I am filing a formal complaint…”

There is no one solely responsible for leading the award winning band of approximately 230 performers onto the field. It is a collaborative effort among Martinez, Blacksher and other PHS employees, according to Blacksher, who was hired as the athletic director in July. He said he did not know of CIF rule 305H, adding this has been a learning experience for him, and he will exercise a different way of communication between the band and the opposing team for a greater outcome.

Pre-Game Penalty Unrelated to Band Incident

“Immediately before the game, the Deer Valley team gathered at mid-field with the coach and were being taunted by the Pittsburg side with boo’s,” Gardner explained. “One or more of the Deer Valley players responded to the taunts, right next to the officials who immediately thre a flag and penalized the team 15 yards for taunting. It had nothing to do with what happened with the band, earlier.”

“You can speak with the head official to confirm that, if you’d like,” he added.

Spitting Allegations

Accusations have been made that Deer Valley players and a coach spit on one or more of the Pittsburg band members. In response, Gardner stated that “Pittsburg has investigated some and we are investigating and we will hold those responsible, accountable.”

Not Band’s First Conflict

Pittsburg has a prestigious marching show band program. It competes and performs both nationally and internationally, having marched in the 2009 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and 2014 New Year’s Day Parade in London, and performs annually at Oakland Raider games.

But, Friday night’s incident wasn’t the first time the band has had a conflict with an opposing team. Martinez said a similar incident happened against Granite Bay High School five years ago.

“The Granite Bay game was pretty serious. [We had] a lot of injured musicians,” said Martinez, who was emotionally choked up and concerned for the safety of her students. “I just hope we can resolve this and go back to having a friendly rivalry.”

Perspective of DVHS Vidoegrapher, Player’s Parent

“From my standpoint we were on the field, same as usual, at the 50-yard line doing our routine,” said Dave Keleti, who is the videographer for and whose son plays on the Deer Valley varsity team. “When we came together, the band was coming out. I thought they were going to stop at the 50-yard line. But then they overpassed us.”

“I ran to one of the parents walking with the band and asked her ‘what are you doing? We’re warming up.’ She turned and said ‘Don’t you know, it’s our time. We always do this,’ and then she walked away.”

“I’m the guy in the dark shorts in the video,” he explained. “The players are going between the band members and the band members were going between the players.”

“I just came back from Afghanistan, in 2014,” Keleti shared. “I didn’t even hear the National Anthem when the band first started playing. The players were all jumping up and down. But, when I did, I started yelling at the players, ‘hey, it’s the National Anthem.’”

So, you can see on the video, the players were all walking away and getting on the sideline and they were all facing the flag, at the end.”

Good, Well-Played Game; Adults Failed

“It was a good, well-played game. Even Galli said that,” Gardner said. “There were no personal fouls against Deer Valley and they lost by a little. There was no cursing on the sidelines because Coach Hubbard doesn’t allow it of players or staff.”

“Pittsburg got a 30-yard penalty for a personal foul which was twice as long as the 15-yard team foul (against Deer Valley),” he added.

“Coach Hubbard has done a fantastic job with the team,” Gardner continued. “They are respectful, gracious, honorable and they should not be painted in any other way. The adults failed. During the game, our kids played a very clean game.”

Desire to Move Past This

Martinez, Schultz, Whitmire, Blacksher and Barnes all agreed they want to move past this controversy, let bygones be bygones, and get back to focusing on the task at hand, which is educating children.

Barnes said Deer Valley was treated unfairly by local publication East County Today, and it never attempted to get their side of the story. He, along with PHS employees, feel the comments on ECT’s Facebook page were classless and uncalled for.

“I just wish for the truth to get out before people start judging,” Barnes said. “He (Mike Burkholder of ECT) said we weren’t patriotic. I served my country for 25 years. I did four tours over in Iraq. Then to have somebody say, that during the National Anthem, that I’m not patriotic. Ask him, ‘Did he serve his country? Did he watch his buddies die? Did he get a scar?’ That’s what really got to me.”

In response, Burkholder stated, “I said it was disrespectful, not unpatriotic. I sent an email to all the coaches on Tuesday, but none of them have responded. Gardner said he couldn’t make the coaches respond. Now, I’m defending the coaches and Gardner on Facebook, today, based on some who are saying they are not patriotic.” Later, he added via a comment on Facebook, “That is not true, most of the coaching staff served in the armed forces.”

Additional information will be provided once the outcome of the league’s response to Principal Gardner’s formal complaint is provided.

Luke Johnson contributed to this report.

Orchard Park School asks Antioch School Board for a gym; Board begins search for new Trustee, Superintendent

Tuesday, October 20th, 2015

By Nick Goodrich

On Wednesday night, October 14th, the Antioch Unified School District Board of Education met to discuss the process of filling a vacant spot on the board, and began gearing up for the search for a new superintendent. The Board currently has one vacancy following the resignation of Board Member Barbara Cowan, who announced her resignation in September.

The Board will begin the selection process by issuing a notice of vacancy, informing residents and potential candidates of the opening; the next step, shortly after the notice, will be to begin accepting paper applications from qualified applicants. In addition, the Board will hold a special meeting on November 24th to search for candidates to replace Superintendent Donald Gill, who also announced his resignation last month. The Board took the first steps to filling the position on Wednesday by approving a resolution to authorize outside credentials, which effectively set the process in motion and will be built upon during the meeting in November.

The focus of the Board meeting then turned to Orchard Park Middle School in Oakley, which is calling for the construction of a gymnasium after a student was injured and hospitalized with a broken arm during a physical education class on the school’s grass field. Students and staff from Orchard Park spoke out against the shoddy condition of the turf, which has caused injuries to students in the past, and asked the Board to approve a new gymnasium adjacent to the middle school.

A gym would enable students to continue physical education classes even on rainy days, when the turf becomes soaked and unusable; typically, any rain on the turf forces students to pass time watching movies in classrooms during their physical education classes. In addressing Orchard Park’s request, the Board recognized that the field has been a problem for several years, and promised to agendize the issue in future meetings.

The movement of portables to the field was discussed as an option to temporarily address the problem, which would cost nearly $150,000 according to an early estimate; the Board plans to take more permanent action in the coming months.

Man, woman sought by Antioch Police for Tuesday morning shooting of male victim

Tuesday, October 20th, 2015

By Acting Sergeant John Fortner #3264, Antioch Police Field Services Bureau

On Tuesday, October 20, 2015, at 9:51 AM, Antioch Police Officers responded to the 3700 block of Lone Tree Way on the report of a shooting. Several callers reported hearing approximately two gunshots. After the gunshots were heard a black sedan was seen leaving the immediate area at a high rate of speed. The sedan was said to be occupied by a black female adult and a light skinned black or Hispanic male.

Shortly thereafter, a 37-year-old male victim with a non-life threatening gunshot wound arrived at a local area hospital. The victim was listed in critical but stable condition and is expected to survive. No other victims were located at the scene or admitted into any other hospitals. No further suspect information is available.

This incident is currently under investigation.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Antioch Police Department non-emergency line at (925)778-2441. You may also text-a-tip to 274637 (CRIMES) using the key word ANTIOCH.

Deer Valley Principal files complaint with league over rule violation by Pittsburg High band in response to Superintendent’s additional statement

Tuesday, October 20th, 2015

By Allen Payton

In response to an early morning additional statement by Pittsburg Unified School District Superintendent Janet Shulze blaming the Deer Valley High School (DVHS) football team for causing the incident with the Pittsburg High band, prior to last Friday night’s game, earlier today, DVHS Principal Ken Gardner filed a complaint against Pittsburg High School with the Bay Valley Athletic League (BVAL) over rule violations.

Dr. Schulze basically absolved her school and I find that reprehensible,” he stated during an interview with Herald staff, this morning.“And that is why I am filing a formal complaint…over violation of rule 305H, subsection f.”

Section “305H Code of Ethics for Bands and Other Support Groups,” subsection “f” states “Bands, song girls, entertainment, etc., should never interfere with the officials, the practicing teams, or the playing of the game.”

In addition, Gardner mentioned the rule which gives each team 30 minutes of warm-up prior to the game, which he states Deer Valley was not provided.

Pittsburg administrators and staff failed to communicate with a visiting team, except to say the game might start late and denied us the ability to warm up,” Gardner added.

UPDATE: Following is the complete text of the complaint letter regarding the incident, a copy of which can be viewed by clicking here: DVHS – BVAL Complaint 10.16.15

October 20, 2015

Bud Beemer


Bay Valley Athletic League

1050 Neroly Road

Oakley, CA 94561

Commissioner Beemer,

On Friday, October 16, 2015 Deer Valley High School and Pittsburg High School were scheduled for a varsity football game at 7:00 PM. We received one communication prior to the football game from Connie Spinnato, Vice Principal of Pittsburg High School, stating that the game may be late due to the senior celebration of the senior band members and the celebration for Vic Galli for his accomplishments.

We did not receive the customary game plan with a schedule showing the sequence of events, practice areas for warm-ups and field restrictions if any.

Prior to the game our varsity football team was on the practice field behind the visiting side bleachers beginning their warm-ups, when they were directed to leave the area because the band needed the field. Coach Hubbard asked where they could warm up and did not receive a definitive answer, so he took the team back to the locker room. He was then contacted by an unknown member of the Pittsburg Staff in the locker room advising him that he could warm up the team on the stadium football field. He proceeded to the field where Steve Ahonen, Pittsburg USD Administrator, told him that he could warm up the team from the Southern thirty (30) yard line to the goal post for the team. Coach Hubbard took the team to the area for the warm up. During the time for the warm up, prior to the game, with no communication with Coach Hubbard, any member of our extensive coaching staff or I did a single member of the Pittsburg staff approach us and request that we clear the field for the Pittsburg Marching Band. We saw the Pittsburg Marching Band form up in the North End Zone however we did not expect them to enter while we were on the field. The Pittsburg Band, under the direction of Ms. Jennifer Martinez, once formed immediately came onto the field while the Deer Valley High School varsity football team was engaged in warm-ups, in violation of Sports and General Handbook Section 305H (f)—Bands, song girls, entertainment, etc., should never interfere with officials, practicing teams, or the playing of the game.

The resulting confusion of being surrounded by a very large and unyielding marching band, caused our players to mill around and not respond to the shouted commands of their coaches. The coaches tried to address the issue with members of the Pittsburg High School staff who were on the field who told them to leave the field. The players attempted to continue their warm-ups despite the band’s presence and it appeared that they did not recognize the playing of the national anthem and did not respect the flag or our country. In speaking with coaches and players none of them realized that the national anthem was playing. I was on the 50 yard line and as a military veteran and retiree, I did not recognize the playing of the national anthem until at least one third through the song, at which time I turned to the flag and stood at the position of attention until the completion of the song.

A video was posted of the incident which out of context makes Deer Valley High School and its players appear to be unpatriotic, uncaring and disrespectful to both the national anthem and the Pittsburg High School Marching Band. They are neither, if adults had acted appropriately and if the rules had been followed we would not have been in the situation to begin with.

The ensuing social media criticism, the media commentary and the court of public opinion has painted our students in an extremely negative light which they neither deserve nor should be subjected.

I am also very concerned about the safety of students who have not had adequate time to warm-up, which we were denied.

Respectfully submitted,

Kenneth Gardner


President of the Bay Area Valley Athletic League

Please look for the complete article being investigated by Herald staff, to be published by tomorrow (Wednesday).

Pittsburg Superintendent emails additional statement, early Tuesday morning, defends Pittsburg band, blames Deer Valley football coaches

Tuesday, October 20th, 2015

By Allen Payton

Attached to an email received Tuesday morning at 1:03 AM, with the subject line “RE: Joint Press Release from Antioch and Pittsburg Unified School Districts,” from the email address of Pittsburg Superintendent Janet Schulze, but not on district letterhead nor signed by her, was an “Additional statement from PUSD Superintendent” defending the Pittsburg High School band and blaming the Deer Valley High School varsity football team coaches, for the incident before last Friday night’s game.

The AdditionalStatementfromPUSDSuperintendent reads as follows:

I support everything in the joint statement and our collaboration with Antioch as we continue the investigation. I do want to offer my additional individual assessment and clarification. I want to be clear that the PHS Band had no part in the miscommunications. They did a terrific performance, as usual! I commend the Band for their professionalism and talent.

It is my opinion that the DVHS coaches used poor judgment in running drills that went near and into the Band’s formation while the Band was playing. This created a situation that was potentially dangerous.

Janet Schulze

However, according to the rules for North Coast Section (NCS) football games, in section “305H Code of Ethics for Bands and Other Support Groups,” subsection “f.” it states “Bands, song girls, entertainment, etc., should never interfere with the officials, the practicing teams, or the playing of the game.” That’s the argument being made by those defending the football team’s actions.

A phone call to and emails were sent to Schulze asking if she was the author of the statement, and if so was she was pressured by her Board members, if she thought it undermined the joint press release with Antioch Superintendent Dr. Don Gill, and if she’s aware of the NCS rules, and why she sent it out without her signature, not on district letterhead and at that time of the morning.

12:52 PM UPDATE: In a phone call from Schulze’s Executive Assistant Barbara Jones, she confirmed that the statement was from Schulze.

In an email from Dr. Schulze, at 1:13 p.m., she stated “It was not at all meant to undermine the joint statement that the two districts worked on. I stated that as the first sentence in order to hopefully make that clear. I also informed Dr. Gill of the two items I would be sharing. I was not pressured by any Board members.”

10:36 PM UPDATE: In a further response to the questions, Schulze stated via email, Tuesday afternoon:

“Pittsburg High School’s Marching Band has a long history of performing pre-game at home games. Both home and visiting audiences have enjoyed the performances for years. It was also our Senior Night. It is not uncommon for the visiting team to be warming up during a Band performance. The Band Director had every expectation to believe the visiting team was aware before bringing out the Band. This is not a student athlete issue, nor is it a Band member issue. It is an adult miscommunication and judgment issue. We are in working in partnership with Antioch to learn from this and move forward together. We have always worked well and collaboratively with Antioch and do not want this one instance to characterize the students or communities.”

No response was provided as to why her additional statement was sent in the manner and at the time it was.





Antioch, Pittsburg Superintendents say band members, players confused, no intent to disrespect National Anthem, before Friday night football game, investigation continues

Monday, October 19th, 2015

Following is the verbatim press release from the superintendents of both the Antioch and Pittsburg Unified School Districts.

October 19, 2015

6:00 PM

As you are probably aware, an incident occurred prior to the Deer Valley/Pittsburg High Football game over the weekend that has received a lot of media (and social media) attention. We felt it was important for you to hear from both districts regarding the incident and what we plan to do as a result.

First of all, please know that, as educational and community leaders, school and student safety is our highest priority. This commitment stretches beyond classroom walls and applies to sporting events, extra-curricular activities and community activities that involve our students and staff members. Thus, when we learned of an incident that may compromise the safety of students, we take it very seriously. Our districts and schools have always embraced a collaborative and positive working relationship, whether it is in the classroom, in the meeting room, or on the football field.

The incident involving football players and band members was regrettable and should not have occurred. We met today with school principals, athletic directors and other personnel to discuss the incident, collect more information and begin a joint investigation. At this point, we believe a series of miscommunications occurred that resulted in both the Pittsburg High band and Deer Valley High football team being on the field at the same time. This created confusion on the part of the Pittsburg band members and Deer Valley football players.

We believe there was no intent on either side to disrespect the observance of our country’s National Anthem. Both AUSD and PUSD have coaching and support staff who served proudly in the armed forces and who deeply value our flag and country.

The investigation will continue to determine where communication may have broken down and to address the various allegations brought forth as a result of Friday’s game. If we determine any of the allegations to be true, we will take swift and appropriate action.

We will never condone poor sportsmanship at any of our events or activities. We are saddened by the negative messages being portrayed about our students in social media. Both teams showed great sportsmanship during and after the game and no other incidents occurred. We encourage our communities to please not jump to conclusions and understand that we are working cooperatively together, and will continue to work together to promote safe and positive experiences for our students.


Donald Gill, Superintendent                             Janet Shulze, Superintendent

Antioch Unified School District                        Pittsburg Unified School District

To view a copy of the joint press release by the two districts, click here: AUSD PUSD Joint Press Release 10-19-15

Editor’s Note: Herald staff is currently investigating what occurred and will provide a more complete story on the incident, within the next few days.

Contra Costa County Zero Tolerance Initiative awarded $1.6 million in federal grants

Monday, October 19th, 2015

Purple Thursday

Contra Costa County’s coordinated approach to addressing the devastating impacts of domestic violence, family violence, elder abuse, and human trafficking has been given a financial boost and vote of confidence with the announcement today of two significant federal grants.

United States Attorney General, Loretta Lynch announced $44 million in grant funding for programs across the country that combat human trafficking and support survivors.

Contra Costa County, considered to be among the leaders nationwide in its efforts to end domestic violence and human trafficking, was awarded a $727,364 three year grant so it can build upon its efforts of identifying victims and providing services for children and adults trapped in labor and sex trafficking. Zero Tolerance Chair, Devorah Levine says, “This grant is an endorsement of our accomplishments. It’s our responsibility to understand how modern day slavery exists in our community and how to best help victims.”

Also announced today, another $26 million dollars for programs nationwide dealing with domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. Contra Costa County received a $900,000, three year grant for its programs working with victims and perpetrators. Says Levine, “We are making progress, and an opportunity like this grant, helps catapult our efforts to reach more people.” The money will be used to advocate for victims, offer assistance with restraining orders and law enforcement training. Hiring a full time probation officer to monitor 35-40 high risk domestic violence probationers is among the strategies planned to deescalate violence.

For more information about Contra Costa County Zero Tolerance Initiative, contact Devorah Levine, Chair Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking Initiative 925-313-1524.

Zero Tolerance for Domestic Violence”, an initiative of the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors, is a public/private partnership designed to reduce domestic violence, family violence, elder abuse and human trafficking in Contra Costa County. Authorized by the California Legislature as the first Zero Tolerance for Domestic Violence County in the State, the initiative is aligning policies, practices and protocols, coordinating services, and creating a climate where violence and abuse are not tolerated.

Zero Tolerance functions on the principle that no one entity can do it alone; placing emphasis on public systems and private providers working, advocating and taking concerted action together.

Twitter: @ContraCostaEHSD Facebook: Contra Costa Employment and Human-Services