“Amazing” local, sixth grade girl survives brain tumor, lives full life

Alison Lazzerini plays soccer, these days, in spite of possibly not being able to walk due to a brain tumor she had seven years ago.

Alison Lazzerini plays competitive soccer, these days, in spite of possibly not being able to walk due to a brain tumor she had seven years ago.

By Allen Payton

Alison Lazzerini is more than a survivor. Now, only 11 years old and a sixth grader, she’s in her eighth year since the discovery and removal of a brain tumor the size of a baseball in the back of her head.

The youngest of three children of Maria Lazzerini, a supervisor at Antioch’s Deer Valley Safeway, Alison was just four years old, in 2008, when the slow-growing tumor, which she was probably born with, was discovered.

She had what is known as a Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytoma.

They discovered it on Friday and they sent her in for surgery on Monday,” her mother Maria shared. “It was resting on her brain stem.”

Alison also likes playing volleyball.

Alison also likes playing volleyball.

Fortunately, she didn’t have to undergo any chemotherapy or radiation for the benign tumor. But, it could come back. So, Alison gets an MRI once each year, and so far, they’ve all been clear.

There was a possibility Alison wouldn’t be able to walk, talk, ride a bike or play any sports,” Maria said. “But, today, she’s playing competitive soccer and she’s been on the honor roll since she’s been in school.”

We thank God for Alison’s strength and health,” she added.

Alison’s school principal had only glowing remarks about her.

Amazing achievement,” Didi Del Chiaro said in describing her student. “Social, academic, athletic and wholistically. The things she’s been able to accomplish are amazing, when I think of where she started. It’s like being able to witness a miracle. Someone able to overcome so much.”

Alison is “the kind of kid who gives 100%. She’s a dedicated student and a flat out soccer player,” Del Chiaro continued.

They play a game in which Alison has to tell her something she’s learned, that day, whether it be a new word or a physical accomplishment.

She never stops striving to improve in all aspects of her being,” Del Chiaro stated. “She’s very humble and will be embarrassed about what I’ve said. But she deserves that kind of acknowledgment.”

To celebrate Alison’s seven years being tumor free, the Lazzerinis are hosting a fundraiser at Skipolini’s in Antioch, on March 3, from 5 p.m to 8 p.m. to benefit Camp Attitude, for special needs children and their families.

To participate, simply download the flyer, here: Alisonsurviverflyer1, print it out and bring it with you to Skipolini’s that day and a portion of your bill will be donated. Be sure to wear grey to support Brain Tumor Awareness.

the attachments to this post:

Alison Lazzerini volleyball

Alison Lazzerini soccer


One Comment to ““Amazing” local, sixth grade girl survives brain tumor, lives full life”

  1. suresh kumar.b says:

    My daughter 8years old she is affected by brain stem astrocytoma . Please give me a sugection for doctor or hospital

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