Antioch husband and wife arrested for sexual abuse and child endangerment

Johnny Montanez

Johnny Montanez

By Sergeant Morefield, Antioch Police Investigations Bureau

On Tuesday, June 9, 2013 at approximately 8:54 AM, the Antioch Police Department arrested Antioch residents Johnny and Carol Montanez during a traffic stop on Hwy 4 and Lone Tree Way in the city of Antioch. Johnny Montanez was arrested on multiple counts of sexual assault and Carol was arrested for child endangerment. The arrests came after an investigation into allegations of physical and sexual abuse by Johnny and Carol Montanez, both age 38, on multiple members of their own family.

Carol Montanez

Carol Montanez

The case was brought before the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office on Thursday, July 11, and both suspects have been charged for their crimes. Johnny Montanez is currently being held in Contra Costa County on $6,000,000 bail and Carol Montanez is being held on $250,000 bail. The case is still being investigated by the Antioch Police Department’s Investigations Bureau. No other information concerning this case will be released at this time.

Anyone with information regarding this case is encouraged to call Detective Lopez with the Antioch Police Department at (925)779-6937. You may also text a tip to 274637 (CRIMES) using key word ANTIOCH.


the attachments to this post:

Carol Montanez

Johnny Montanez

2 Comments to “Antioch husband and wife arrested for sexual abuse and child endangerment”

  1. Caroline Redbrook says:

    Accused pedophiles/ child molesters like the Montanaz couple, Sylvain Kustyan, Ariel Castro, Jerry Sandusky, etc. need to be stopped BEFORE they have years to prey on our young. The Montanaz couple, Castro and Sandusky are behind bars. Unfortunately, Kustyan, who has been formally charged with two counts each of 1st Degree Sodomy and Sexual Abuse of a ten-year-old little boy, fled to avoid imminent arrest. So, Kustyan, formerly of Tuscaloosa, Alabama and Hermin/Mazingarbe, France, is a fugitive from the law. Since the average pedophile has 300 different victims in their lifetime and since the recidivism rate among pedophiles is virtually 100% they must be stopped ASAP!

    • krissyhamilton says:

      To Caroline Redbrook:
      I agree wholeheartedly that pedophiles need to be stopped but who are you to act as Judge and Jury in any of these cases? We live in the United States the last time I checked and one of the benefits to living in these great United States is that we are supposed to be Innocent until PROVEN guilty!!!!!!! Just because people are arrested for a crime does NOT make them guilty for it. There are so many things to be considered. For instance, who is making the allegations? And why? How about maybe it’s to keep themselves out of trouble. Another thing you must take in to account is that the police can lie to make their case. What they say to the public and to the accused are very often lies because they try to get people to admit to things they did not actually do. Do you know how often this ploy really works? About 95% of the time. Do you know how many so called criminals have been falsely accused and convicted for something they did not do and then when DNA evidence becomes available they are released? The amounts are staggering. So you say that accused pedophiles like the Montanez couple need to be stopped, you are so out of line. How about “convicted pedophiles need to be stopped.” How would you like it if one of your family members accused you of doing something heinous so that he could get himself out of felonious trouble he just got himself into? Your whole life could be flipped upside down too and when the hailstorm hit you would not know what to do because EVERYONE is thinking you are guilty and your life as you knew it is over. So think about the things you say before you put pen to paper. Your response is ridiculously biased and unfounded because you do not actually know what happened and are talking out your ass. Next time you want to have an opinion, educate yourself or stay silent. We don’t need idiots like you sitting on our juries.

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