Archive for February, 2011

Better Safe Than Sorry When Dog Attacks

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011

Last month I shared a bone of contention about increasing numbers of unleashed dogs roaming about. I was surprised by the number of national pet publications that picked up the column. I was even more surprised by the numbers of people who took the effort of digging up my contact information to call or e-mail me their own canine confessions. Seems the story hit a collective nerve.

Frankly, it reminds me of the time my car was stolen from my driveway. As a Good Samaritan I went around several blocks of the neighborhood warning neighbors to be on guard. I was amazed to discover just how many others had had their vehicles likewise stolen. Seems, too, dog attacks are more commonplace than I would have imagined. Sadly, some folks even told me they now hesitate walking their own neighborhoods.

Here’s some newly garnered tips sent me. A number of dog-owners claimed that their pets had been saved from possible demise by leather or nylon collars that impeded a deadly neck hold. One fellow suggested carrying a lighter, which, guaranteed, will send any creature, four legged or two legged, running. For the tender amongst you, there is the ultrasound dazer which works at 15 feet and leaves no permanent harm. Disclaimer, though; even the ads disclose that they don’t work with all dogs, including deaf, docile, infirm and highly trained ones.

Note, I previously mentioned the idea of carrying an expandable billy-club. I heard, though, from a police officer that they are legal in 49 other states but are not sold in California. I also would like to clarify that pepper spray is limited to three ounces of individual possession, which might be a limited amount if you got attacked by a pack.

Incidentally, one person related the story of a pit bull springing from a group of drifters hanging out behind the gas station adjacent to Starbucks on A Street. The dog had seized his pet’s neck and was close to a kill before the owner was able to unload his can of mace pepper gel. The attacker went scurrying. It was grabbed by the vagrants who hastily jumped into a truck and sped off. Interestingly, this fellow had used pepper gel twice on humans; once with a mugger and once when he interrupted a teen who was attacking an Oakland librarian.

Feeling squeamish? I assure you, the discomfort of analyzing protection strategies is tame compared to seeing your beloved pet, or your own fond body, torn to shreds. An ounce of prevention, or in the case of spray three, is worth a pound of cure.

Walter Ruehlig

Student Art Exhibit

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011
February 2011

Arts & Cultural Foundation of Antioch

Arts & Cultural Header

Visit for more events and community photo albums.

art4schools logoArt4schools Exhibits continues at the Lynn House Gallery. The current exhibit continues through February 5th and features students from Carmen Dragon Elementary. The John Muir Elementary Exhibit is from February 16-26th. There is a free Artist Reception on Wednesday, February 16th, from 4-6 PM. There will be a total of six schools showcasing their works at the Lynn House Gallery through May 28th. The Arts4Schools Program is sponsored by the City of Antioch and in part by a Keller Canyon Mitigation Grant from Contra Costa County Supervisor Federal Glover.

LMC-February2011-ExhibitCalifornia Design & Illustration at Los Medanos Art Gallery
A Los Medanos College Exhibit featuring Lisa Congdon, Hugh D’Andrade, Mati Rose McDonough and Jason Munn. The exhibit dates are February 3rd – March 3rd, with a free artist reception on Wednesday, February 3rd, 5:30-7:30 PM.
The exhibit is free, but there is a parking fee.

AHS Miniature Scenes from the 19th & 20th Centuries

You are invited to view room boxes and doll houses which represents events remembered, or history revisited; all created by talented miniaturists from throughout Northern California.  Enjoy the world in miniature and the Antioch Historical Society and Sports Legends Museums. The museum is open Wednesdays and Saturdays, 1-4 PM. There is no admission fee.

Take Back Antioch Take Back Antioch, a community based Face Book Page for positive
change. In less than one month, over 1,600 concerned citizens have
joined the movement to make Antioch a great place to Live, Work &
Play. “Quality of Community” meeting on February 4th, at the Antioch
Police Station’s Community Room. Click here if you do not have a FB
account to their website.

Antioch Chamber of Commerce (CA)Antioch Chamber Inaugural Gala & Recognition Dinner
The event will be held on Friday, April 1st, at the Lone Tree Golf Course & Event Center. The evening includes the installation of the 2011 Antioch Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors as well as awarding Antioch Citizen, Business, and Youth of the Year (deadline March 4, 2011).

Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Program
The scholarship program is open to middle and senior high school students who reside in the Antioch Unified School District. Written, Visual and Performing Arts Scholarship information and applications are available on line and due on March 24th.

AC5 Call For ArtistsArt Passages Gallery, deadline February 4th
1st Saturday Neighborhood Cleanup, February 5th
Aaron Miles at the Sports Legends Museum, February 12th
AC5 Poetry Out Loud, Local Competition, February 13th
East County Military Families & Friends Events, ongoing
Tom Nokes Matching Grant Program, Support Antioch PD
Antioch Chamber Citizen, Business & Youth Nomination Forms, due March 4th

Additional Art4Schools Exhibit Dates for 2011
*  Lone Tree Elementary, March 9th-19th
Special Day Classes, April 6th-16th
*  AHS, DVHS, DLMHS, April 27th-May 7th
E.N.C.O.R.E. Home Schooling, May 18th-28th

Garamendi Voted Against Spending Reduction Bill

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

Non-Security Discretionary Spending Limit – Vote Passed (256-165, 13 Not Voting)

The House approved this resolution directing the chair of the Budget Committee to reduce non-security spending to 2008 levels for the remainder of the 2011 fiscal year. The Budget Committee sets spending levels but does not appropriate funds. The continuing resolution currently funding government operations expires on March 4, 2011.

Rep. John Garamendi voted NO

Presidential Campaign Fund Termination – Vote Passed (239-160, 35 Not Voting)

The House voted to end a program put in place in 1976 that provides taxpayer funds to presidential candidates and the major parties for their nominating conventions. The bill’s future in the Senate is unclear.

Rep. John Garamendi voted Not Voting
Recent Senate Votes
Secret Holds Elimination – Vote Agreed to (92-4, 4 Not Voting)

The Senate spent much of the week debating procedural rules. One of the rule changes the chamber passed was this one that ends the practice of “secret holds,” where a senator anonymously blocks legislation or a nomination. The rule change requires a senator to notify his or her party leader within 2 days of placing a hold.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein voted Not Voting
Sen. Barbara Boxer voted YES

Upcoming Votes
FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act – S.223

The Senate is scheduled to take up this bill reauthorizing the Federal Aviation Administration.