10th Annual Local Artist Collection in Antioch November and December

By Vicki Dendy

By Vicki Dendy

The Arts & Cultural Foundation of Antioch is proud to present The 10th Annual Local Artist Collection, featuring 35+ local artists at the Lynn House Gallery from November 22nd – December 13th. The exhibit is a diverse, non-themed mixed media exhibit of artworks featuring paintings, photographs and more. In its 10th year, the show is a local favorite and provides the community an opportunity to view and purchase local art during the holiday season.

The Contra Costa Open Studio event will be held Saturday & Sunday, November 22nd & 23rd (same day as the Local Artist Exhibit opening and artist reception). ACFA will be promoting their event and they will be promoting ours. It will be a great artistic weekend for participating artists and artist supporters. Our hours for the weekend will be 11-5 PM both Saturday and Sunday. This is a great opportunity for those artists who do not have a studio to be part of the annual tour.

ACFA will still celebrate the opening of the Local Artist Collection exhibit with our standard artist reception from 2-4 PM on Saturday, November 22nd. This is the chance for artists to bring their friends and family and meet other participating artists.Participating artists are: Amy Schmidt, Angela Denise Allen Simms, Betty Espindola, Beverly Knight, Beverly Turner, Carol Jurczak, Dan Kennedy, Easy Gonzalez, Gloria Cannon, Joel Summerhill, Julia Starr, Kay Kirby, Michele Eakin, Paul Schorr, Shirley DiMercurio, Richard Meyer, Sandy Gangwer, Anna Chunn, Ron Kronewitter, Sherry Cullison, Milian Correa, Richard Edwin Meyer, Jessica Boriack, Arturo Garcia, Clyde Cox, D.D. Chabot, Mary Negrete, Prudence Capelle, Elizabeth Westfall, Michele Brady, Adele Boyer, Karen Nelson Kelly and Paul Yang.

The Lynn House Gallery is located at 809 West First, in downtown Antioch. For more information, visit http://art4antioch.org/Local-Artist-Collection.asp, or contact Diane Gibson-Gray at the Arts & Cultural Foundationat (925) 325-9897 or e-mail Diane@art4antioch.org

The Lynn House Gallery is located at 809 W. 1st Street in Antioch (across from the Amtrak Train Station) and is open Wednesdays and Saturdays during exhibits from 1-4 PM.

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10th Annual Local Artists Collection

One Comment to “10th Annual Local Artist Collection in Antioch November and December”

  1. Deborah says:

    I am an estate buyer in Naples, FL.
    Just acquired a 40 year old estate with a large painting by Gloria Cannon.
    I wonder if you might be able to put me in touch with her to authenticate it, or is it possible to send you a photo?

    Your help is appreciated.

    Deborah Ryan

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