Antioch Police Crime Prevention Commissioner offers benefits of Measure W sales tax increase

Dear Editor:

Antioch has a rendezvous with destiny. Our best days can be ahead. Look around town, people are landscaping their yards and starting new businesses, a true sign the community is improving.

I love Antioch.  I’m staying and seeing that we make this a better place for our children and grandchildren.

I support Measure “W”, the one cent sales tax measure on the November 6th ballot.

Measure W provides funds to address Antioch’s most pressing needs; 1) Safety and security – Police services are improving; we need that to continue; 2) Fighting blight- illegal dumping is rampant in Antioch. It hurts our civic pride and our economy. We need funds to clean it up and we need to encourage more suitable behavior; lastly, 3) Youth diversion – Antioch has a high percentage of youth and teens, Antioch need funds to create positive after school and summer activities to help our youths become fine contributing citizenry.

Please vote for Measure W on November 6th.

Dwayne Eubanks 

Antioch Police Department Crime Prevention Commissioner (Writing as a private citizen, not in behalf of the Crime Prevention Commission)

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