Payton Perspective: It’s time the Antioch School Board televises its meetings, decision Wednesday

Payton Perspective logo 2015By Allen Payton

The Antioch School Board will have another opportunity to approve the televising of their meetings, at their meeting Wednesday night, March 9th.

New Antioch School Board Trustee Fernando Navarro proposed the item be placed on the Board’s agenda.

“We had it as an open discussion a few meetings ago,” he said. “We were asked if anyone wanted to discuss it and I said ‘yes’. The consensus of the Board was we have touched on this many times and it’s a waste of money. But, I wanted a formal agenda item to discuss it and to let the community have a say in it.”

“We spend crazy amount of money without even blinking and this is actually one of our prime responsibilities is parent access to decisions the school board is making,” Navarro said. “This is something we should be spending money on.”

“We have students in audio-video clubs in the district. Maybe we could give them class credit for it,” Navarro suggested.

“This isn’t the 1970’s. We’re in the 21st Century,” he added.

I agree. It’s long past time the school board does what the Antioch City Council does and that is to both televise their meetings live, on local Comcast Cable Channel 24 and live stream it on their website.

They need to spend the money and make it happen for greater transparency and communication with both parents and taxpayers who live in the district.

If you want to let the school board members know of your thoughts on this matter, attend the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and fill out a speaker card to speak on the item. Meetings are held at the School Services Building, 510 G Street. You can also email them at the following email addresses:

Board President Diane Gibson-Gray –

Board Vice President Walter Ruehlig –

Trustee Claire Smith –

Trustee Debra Vinson –

Trustee Fernando Navarro –

One Comment to “Payton Perspective: It’s time the Antioch School Board televises its meetings, decision Wednesday”

  1. Nancy Fernandez says:

    I agree with you Allen. I have wanted the meetings televised for more years than I can remember. It is something we MUST do.

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